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Posted: 18 Mar 2020 04:39 AM PDT

Latest World News, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs

Fighting In Syria Enters Its Tenth Year

Posted: 18 Mar 2020 02:00 AM PDT

DW: War in Syria enters tenth year

Fighting has entered its tenth year as Russian and Turkish troops began joint patrols of the northwestern Idlib province as part of a fragile ceasefire. Over 100,000 civilians have been killed since the conflict began.

As the world comes to terms with the realities of the coronavirus pandemic, the ongoing war in Syria entered its tenth year to little fanfare on Sunday.

According to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights war monitor, the decade-long conflict has displaced 11 million people, killed more than 384,000, including 116,000 civilians, and created an international humanitarian crisis with no end in sight.

Sunday marked the 10-year anniversary of the conflict when demonstrators engaged in an unprecedented anti-government protest.

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Update: Brutal war in Syria enters 10th year as Assad regime consolidates power (France 24)

WNU Editor: According to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights war monitor, almost 400,000 people have been killed in this war.

Afghanistan Is Still Among The Countries With A Relatively Low Rate Of Coronavirus Cases

Posted: 18 Mar 2020 01:00 AM PDT

Civil society activists wearing face masks prepare for a campaign to raise awareness of the new coronavirus in Kabul, Afghanistan. AP Photo

Al Jazeera: War-ravaged Afghanistan battles a new threat: coronavirus

As COVID-19 cases are reported in Afghanistan concerns are raised if country's healthcare system can handle an outbreak.

Kabul, Afghanistan - With 22 verified cases so far, Afghanistan is still among the countries with a relatively low rate of coronavirus cases. However, the outbreak of the illness comes at a particularly trying time for the country.

The recent rise in positive cases - six new cases across three provinces in a 48-hour span - has taken some attention from a continuing election dispute that saw the top two finishers each hold an inauguration ceremony last week.

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WNU Editor: Even the Taliban are voicing concerns .... Taliban sound alarm over coronavirus in Afghanistan (The National). In the meantime, the war continues .... Taliban militants, Afghan forces suffer heavy casualties in Ghor clash (Khaama Press).

Ex-German Army Laptop Filled With Secrets Sold On eBay For $100

Posted: 18 Mar 2020 12:00 AM PDT

Classified documents on an old Bundeswehr laptop about the Ozelot air defense system. Der Spiegel

Sputnik: Ex-German Army Laptop Sold on eBay Told Buyer How to Destroy Ozelot Air Defense System

An old laptop once used by the German Army was recently sold on eBay, but the sellers forgot to remove its hard drive first. The buyers, fortunately a team of security researchers, found easy access to documents instructing them how to destroy the army's Ozelot air defense system.

When pawning your old computers, remember to remove or wipe the hard drives first! Germany's Bundeswehr nearly told a random internet buyer how to take down one of its anti-aircraft vehicles; fortunately, the folks who scooped it up were a pair of German security researchers.

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Update #1: German Military Laptop Sold on eBay Included Classified Missile Information (The New York Times)
Update #2: Laptop with classified files sold on eBay in German army blunder (The Telegraph)

WNU Editor: Groan. Another major security leak.

Tweets For Today

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 11:00 PM PDT

Video For Today

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 10:30 PM PDT

Mesmerizing Slow Motion Footage Of An F-22 Raptor Manoeuvring

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 10:35 PM PDT

Warzone/The Drive: This Slow Motion Footage Of An F-22 Raptor Maneuvering Is Mesmerizing

The clip shows all the work being done by the Raptor's huge control surfaces and thrust vectoring nozzles to make the maneuvers happen.

After 15 years of operations, the F-22 remains the biggest dog on the air-to-air combat block. One of the many tricks up the Raptor's sleeve is super-maneuverability, which is a result of its high thrust-to-weight ratio, massive control surfaces, fly-by-wire flight control system, and it's two-dimensional thrust vectoring capability. These features combined allow the F-22 to perform incredibly throughout its huge envelope—from flying upwards of 60,000 feet in thin air to rocking and rolling and doing incredible backflips down in the far thicker air. An amazingly well-shot video of an F-22 Demonstration Team jet in action showcases the latter like never before.

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WNU Editor: Impressive!

Picture Of The Day

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 09:30 PM PDT

Medical workers in protective suits transfer a coronavirus patient from the intensive care unit of the Gemelli Hospital to the Columbus Covid Hospital, which has been assigned as one of the new coronavirus treatment hospitals in Rome, Italy, March 16, 2020. Gemelli Policlinico/Handout via REUTERS

WNU Editor: The above picture is from this photo-gallery .... Italy's hospitals struggle through coronavirus outbreak (Reuters).

Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic In Italy -- News Updates March 17

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 08:39 PM PDT

Daily Mail: Italy's doctors warn of 'catastrophic' situation as coronavirus death toll rises 345 to 2,503 and infections reach 31,506

* Patients who should be in intensive care but are instead slumped in busy wards
* Hospitals which typically provide excellent care were caught flat-footed by virus
* Papa Giovanni hospital in Bergamo is creaking at the seams with case overload

Doctors on the front line of Italy's coronavirus outbreak have described 'catastrophic' scenes in hospitals which are creaking with the sheer volume of cases.

They tell of critically ill patients who should be in intensive care but are instead slumped in busy wards because of a woeful lack of equipment and staff.

Worryingly, the doctors who have spoken out are from state-of-the-art hospitals which typically provide excellent care but were caught flat-footed by the virus which is stretching their capacity to breaking point.

Italy's outbreak - the worst outside of China - spiralled further today as infections hit 31,506 and the death toll jumped 345 to 2,503.

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Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic In Italy -- News Updates March 17

Italy struggles to make room for onslaught of virus patients -- ABC News/AP
Italy rushes new doctors into service as coronavirus deaths rise above 2,500 -- Reuters
Italy's death toll from coronavirus tops 2,500 -- The Hill
Italy coronavirus death toll soars past 2,500 after week in full lockdown -- RT
Italy Records More Than 3,500 COVID-19 Cases, 368 Deaths Over Past 24 Hours -- Sputnik
Italy reports one-third of deaths in global coronavirus pandemic -- FOX News
Coronavirus pandemic piles pressure on Italy's health system -- Al Jazeera
Italy will renationalize the struggling Alitalia airline after the coronavirus pandemic brought the carrier to its knees -- Business Insider
'This is like a war': view from Italy's coronavirus frontline -- The Guardian
Coronavirus: What life under quarantine is really like around Italy -- The Local
Why the Coronavirus Hit Italy So Hard -- Wired
Italy will be Europe's canary in the coalmine for the post-Covid economy -- Marchel Alexandrovich, The Guardian

Morgan Stanley And Goldman Sachs Declare A Global Recession Is Already Underway

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 07:39 PM PDT

Daily Mail: Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin 'warns unemployment in the US could hit 20 PERCENT' for the first time since 1935: Coronavirus plunges economy into recession with a fifth of workers already losing wages and fears millions will be laid off in days

* Steven Mnuchin reportedly said on Tuesday that unemployment may reach 20%
* The Treasury secretary made the comment during a meeting with US senators
* Mnuchin reportedly said he believes economic fallout from the coronavirus is potentially worse than the 2008 financial crisis
* Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs said a global recession is already underway
* A recession is defined as two or more consecutive quarters of negative growth
* New poll finds 18% of US adults have lost jobs or had hours cut due to crisis
* Trump for the first time acknowledged that the US 'maybe' faces recession
* Marriott hotel chain is beginning furloughs for tens of thousands of workers

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has reportedly warned that the US could see an unemployment rate of 20 per cent as the coronavirus plunges the economy into a recession.

On Tuesday, it was revealed that a global recession has already begun due to the spread of COVID-19 as major companies begin laying off employees worldwide and a fifth of US workers say that they have already lost wages due to the crisis.

Mnuchin reportedly made his remarks about the economy during a meeting with senators on Tuesday.

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WNU Editor: I concur with their analysis. Trillions have been lost in the stock markets. Literally every business in Asia, Europe, and the U.S./Canada is impacted. And as for unemployment rates. I cannot help but sense that this 20% rate that US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is talking about is actually a low-ball number. And then there is the nightmare scenario where the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic continues to spread in regions like Latin America, Africa, and the warzones of the Middle East. In that case the disease will always be with us until a safe vaccine has been developed to counter this deadly disease, a frightening prospect since a safe vaccine is projected to be only available by the middle of next year. If that becomes the case, this will not be a recession, it will be a depression that will take a long time for the global economy to bounce back.

Update: I have a lot of friends who own their own business in Montreal. When I think about their current situation, I cannot help but feel that half will be forced to close their doors permanently within three to four months.

More News On Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs Declaring A Global Recession Is Already Underway

Morgan Stanley says a global recession in 2020 is now the firm's 'base case' -- CNBC
US entering coronavirus recession: S&P Global -- The Hill
Coronavirus has plunged the world into a recession, according to S&P -- CNN
Morgan Stanley officially says a global recession is now its base case as the coronavirus outbreak escalates -- Business Insider

U.S. Pulling Out Of Three Key Military Bases In Iraq

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:43 PM PDT

BBC: Iraq military bases: US pulling out of three key sites

The US army is pulling out of al-Qaim and two other key military bases in Iraq in the coming weeks.

The decision to leave three of its eight bases in Iraq is a sign the US is looking to dramatically reduce its footprint in the country.

It comes amid heightened tensions with the Iraqi government and Iran.

A ceremony will take place this week at al-Qaim, where the US will formally hand over equipment to the Iraqi army to help it ensure security in the area.

It will end any US presence along the Iraqi side of the border with Syria.

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More News On The U.S. Pulling Out Of Three Key Military Bases In Iraq

US hands over base to Iraqi forces in area known to be a hotbed for Iran-backed militia -- Military Times
US troops in Iraq are leaving 3 smaller bases as ISIS threat wanes and tensions with Iran grow -- Task & Purpose
US re-positioning some troops from smaller bases in Iraq following deadly rocket attack -- Military Times
Reports: US to reposition troops in Iraq -- Al-Monitor
Troops from US-led coalition begin leaving Iraq bases, officials say -- RT

Another Rocket Attack On Baghdad's Green Zone, The Fourth Attack On U.S. Forces In Iraq In Days

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:19 PM PDT

US soldiers walk near a rocket launcher missile at Basmaya military base in Baghdad. (photo credit: REUTERS/MOHAMMED AMEEN)

Al Jazeera: Rockets strike Baghdad's Green Zone, fourth attack in days

Projectiles fell 2km from the US embassy and there were no immediate reports of casualties, military official says.

At least three rockets struck Baghdad's fortified Green Zone near the United States Embassy late Tuesday, the fourth such attack in the span of a week.

It came a day after an attack on a training base south of the capital, where US-led coalition troops and NATO trainers were present, Iraqi security officials said.

At least three rockets struck the Green Zone, the seat of Iraq's government and home to several foreign embassies, two Iraqi security officials said.

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WNU Editor: The U.S. is blaming this Iranian-backed militia .... Kataeb Hezbollah, the shadowy Iranian-backed militia behind attacks on US troops in Iraq (FOX News).

More News On Rocket Attacks Against Coalition Bases In Iraq

Iraqi officials say rockets strike Baghdad's Green Zone -- AP
Rockets strike Iraqi base hosting foreign forces for 3rd time in a week -- Jerusalem Post
Multiple rockets hit Green Zone in Baghdad, US coalition denies attack on Camp Taji -- RT
Iraq Rocked by New Violence as Tensions Escalate Among Soldiers, Militias and Militants -- Newsweek
Pompeo warns US will act in self-defense in Iraq after attacks on troops -- The Hill

Should China Be Blamed For The Expected Global Recession/Depression In 2020?

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:21 PM PDT

SCMP: Coronavirus: will Donald Trump blame China for expected global recession in 2020?

* Donald Trump tweet on Monday noted that Washington will support those US industries hit by the 'Chinese virus' outbreak
* Analysts suggest that while China engaged in early cover up of virus, US initial response failure may render blame game ineffective

On Monday, US President Donald Trump posted a tweet suggesting that China was responsible for the global economic damage that will be caused by the coronavirus pandemic, because the virus was first detected there.
The tweet may come to be viewed as the first shot in a blame game between the world's two largest economies, as they look to fault the other for an incoming global recession
that analysts now see as inevitable this year.

That the economy is set to nosedive in a US election year provides greater motivation for Trump to find a scapegoat, as he looks to shore up his domestic support.

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WNU Editor: China currently has "two big fears/concerns" among the many that they are going through right now. Being blamed for the deaths of hundreds of thousands if not millions from the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, and the horrible economic costs that it will inflict on the world. Image and face have always been important to China. This pandemic disaster is a nightmare scenario for how the Beijing government wants the world to see China. Does China deserve this blame. Not really. Pandemics have been, are, and always will be acts of nature. Circumstances bring them about, and we as humans try our best to confront these pandemics as best as we can. We usually fail, but most of us survive, and we forget about them when they have passed until the next one appears and repeat the entire process again.

President Trump And Beijing In A War Of Words Over The 'Chinese Virus'

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 04:30 PM PDT

Daily Mail: 'It DID come from China!' Donald Trump lashes out at Beijing for telling him not to call coronavirus 'Chinese virus' and says it's them who are smearing the U.S. military as the 'source' of pandemic

* Donald Trump said Tuesday that he thinks calling coronavirus the 'Chinese virus' is appropriate because the disease originated in Wuhan, China
* Trump said that 'rather than having an argument,' about where it originated, he would 'have to call it where it came from'
* 'It did come from China. So I think it's a very accurate term,' he said
* Chinese officials are floating the conspiracy that those in the U.S. Army brought coronavirus to China during the Military World Games in Wuhan in October 2019
* When asked about the stigma around calling it the 'Chinese virus,' Trump said the real 'stigma is 'saying that our military gave it to them'
* Trump referred to the coronavirus as 'the Chinese Virus' on Monday
* Beijing condemned Washington of linking the coronavirus with China on Tuesday
* After the comments from China, Trump doubled down, tweeting the term again Tuesday morning
* China and the U.S. have blamed each other as the alleged origin of the disease
* Escalating tensions have seen the Chinese ambassador to the U.S. summoned to the State Department and Mike Pompeo angrily call his Beijing counterpart

Donald Trump said Tuesday that he doesn't think it's inappropriate to call coronavirus the 'Chinese virus' because that's where the disease originated.

The president said during a press briefing Tuesday afternoon that he only started referring to the virus in that way after Beijing blamed the U.S. military for brining coronavirus to China.

'Well China was putting out information, which was false, that our military gave this to them. That was false,' Trump asserted in remarks to the press. 'And rather than having an argument, I said I have to call it where it came from. It did come from China.'

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WNU Editor: What did the Chinese government expect after accusing the US Army for being responsible for the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic, and condemning President Trump's tweets on the "Chinese virus". That he would be quiet. Of course not. President Trump always "double-down". And as for the "Chinese virus". I the beginning this was called the "Wuhan virus", a term that this blogger used until the WHO changed it to Covid-19.

More News On President Trump And Beijing Waging A War Of Words Over The 'Chinese Virus'

Trump angers Beijing with 'Chinese virus' tweet (BBC)
US, China trade barbs over coronavirus pandemic (Al Jazeera)
Trump tweets about coronavirus using term 'Chinese Virus' (NBC)
Trump defends use of phrase 'China virus,' despite demands from China to stop (FOX News)

China Expels U.S. Journalists From Wall Street Journal, New York Times And Washington Post

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 04:03 PM PDT

CNBC: China expels journalists from New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post

* China said Tuesday that it will expel American journalists working in the country for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post whose press credentials are due to expire in 2020.
* The country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that U.S. reporters for those publications must return their press cards within 10 days.
* The move continues a tit-for-tat battle between Washington and Beijing that began in February after the Journal ran an opinion article with the headline, "China Is the Real Sick Man of Asia."

China said Tuesday that it will expel American journalists working in the country for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post whose press credentials are due to expire in 2020.

The country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that U.S. reporters for those publications must return their press cards within 10 days.

"They will not be allowed to continue working as journalists in the People's Republic of China, including its Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions," the statement said.

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WNU Editor: The current Chinese narrative is that the U.S. is to blame for the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic .... China Accuses The U.S. For Starting The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic (March 12, 2020). Beijing does not want reporters in their country offering a different narrative. The Chinese government is also responding to recent U.S. moves to limit the activity of Chinese state reporters in the U.S. after China revoked the press credentials of three Beijing-based Wall Street Journal news reporters over an opinion piece which referred to the most populous country in the world as "the real sick man of Asia" in a headline.

More News On China Expelling Journalists From The NYT, WSJ, and The Washington Post

China expels American journalists from 3 US newspapers: The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post -- SCMP
China moves to expel journalists from 3 U.S. outlets -- Politico
China announces retaliatory measures on US media outlets -- CNN
China expels US journalists from NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post -- The Hill
Trump administration hits back after China kicks out US journalists amid coronavirus pandemic -- FOX News

Comparing The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic To History's Deadliest Pandemics

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 03:33 PM PDT

(Click on Image to Enlarge)

Daily Mail: How coronavirus compares to history's deadliest pandemics: Visual timeline pits COVID-19 against Black Death, smallpox and AIDS - as experts warn current crisis could rival Spanish flu 'in its lethality and scale'

* Shows bubonic plague, also known as Black Death, killed 200million people and most lethal of all pandemics
* 1918 Spanish flu outbreak claimed lives of almost 50million people in just one year after racing around globe
* By comparison, COVID-19 killed more than 7,000 people and infected 182,000 since outbreak in December
* Scientists say the 'scale' and 'lethality' of the virus is on the scale of Spanish flu and warn of lack of vaccine

The true scale of the coronavirus outbreak currently sweeping the world has been laid bare in a visual timeline comparing it to history's most deadly pandemics.

It shows the bubonic plague, also known as the Black Death, was the most lethal of all diseases, killing roughly 200million people in the 14th century.

Smallpox, the second deadliest pandemic in history, claimed the lives of 56million people over more than 400 years before it was finally eradicated in 1980.

By comparison, COVID-19 has so far killed 7,000 people and infected more than 180,000 since December. But it is still in its early stages.

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WNU Editor: The Black Death's 200 million deaths occurring when the global population was just a fraction of what it is today is a sobering number.

EU Leaders Agree To Close Their External Borders To Limit The Coronavirus From Spreading

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 03:22 PM PDT

CNBC: European Union will close external borders for 30 days to slow coronavirus pandemic

* Leaders of European Union countries have agreed to close the EU's external borders to most people from other countries for 30 days in a new effort to slow the coronavirus pandemic.
* Movement within European Union member nations will be still be allowed.
* On Monday, Canada's prime minister, Justin Trudeau, said he was closing his nation's borders to foreigners, with the major exception of U.S. citizens.

European Union member nations agreed Tuesday to close the EU's external borders to most people from other countries for 30 days in a dramatic new effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced the planned closings of the massive union's external borders at a press conference.

Movement of people within the European Union's 27 member nations will still be allowed under the restrictions.

Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission said the United Kingdom is not applying restrictions to their external borders, even though it had been invited to do so.

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WNU Editor: The EU is moving to close their external borders in response to EU governments imposing their own controls at their borders .... EU executive warns against border closures as way to curb coronavirus (Reuters).

More News On EU Leaders Agreeing To Close Their External Borders To Limit The Coronavirus From Spreading

Coronavirus: European Union seals borders to most outsiders -- BBC
EU leaders agree to close external borders -- The Hill
The EU shuts its borders to slow the coronavirus crisis -- CNN
Coronavirus: E.U. announces sweeping ban on most nonessential incoming travel -- NBC
EU leaders agree to close external borders to limit coronavirus spreading - President of EU commission -- RT

US Halts Deployment And Recalls Troops From NATO’s Biggest War Exercise In 25 Years

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 02:05 PM PDT

Army Times: Soldiers in Europe for Defender 2020 to return home amid pandemic

U.S. officials are significantly reducing the size and scope of the long-awaited Defender 2020 exercise intended to test the Army's ability to move a division-sized force from U.S. seaports to European training grounds this spring.

The exercise included 20,000 soldiers who were meant to conduct training across 10 European countries. Several linked exercises — Dynamic Front, Joint Warfighting Assessment, Saber Strike and Swift Response — will no longer be conducted, Army Europe officials said Monday.

Approximately 6,000 soldiers had already deployed from the United States to Europe since January, including a division headquarters and an armored brigade combat team.

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Update #1: US military curtails another major exercise due to coronavirus pandemic (CNN)
Update #2: US halts deployment & recalls troops from NATO's biggest drill 'Defender Europe 2020' due to coronavirus threat (RT)

WNU Editor: I am willing to bet that right now most soldiers are more focused on the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic and its impact on them and their families than participating in the Defender 2020 exercises.

President Trump Considering A Full Pardon Of Michael Flynn Citing FBI Missing Files

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:37 PM PDT

Washington Examiner: Trump considering 'full pardon' for Michael Flynn after FBI 'lost' records

President Trump said he is seriously considering a pardon for former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn.

"So now it is reported that, after destroying his life & the life of his wonderful family (and many others also), the FBI, working in conjunction with the Justice Department, has 'lost' the records of General Michael Flynn. How convenient. I am strongly considering a Full Pardon!" Trump tweeted on Sunday.

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Update #1: Trump says he's "strongly considering" full pardon for Michael Flynn (CBS)
Update #2: Donald Trump considering full pardon of Michael Flynn citing missing files (UPI)

WNU Editor: I have been wanting to make a post on this story since Sunday. When I first heard that the jury foreperson was openly and publicly biased against General Flynn before the trial, followed by the Judge  saying that this would not have impacted the case anyway, I then took notice. And now the FBI is admitting that they have LOST their records of General Michael Flynn, the same records that were used to indict him and used to get a plea deal from him?!?!?!? This whole thing stinks. I for one would not be surprised if a full pardon is granted. As for the FBI officials responsible for safe-guarding these files. Who are they and are they being punished? In my book people like this should be demoted or fired.

U.S. Justice Department Drops Plans For A Trial Against Two Russian Firms Accused Of Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:04 PM PDT

Special Counsel Robert Mueller's heavily redacted report is shown during a House Judiciary Committee hearing in Washington, June 10, 2019. © REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Politico: Justice Department drops plans for trial over Russian interference in 2016 U.S. election

A judge dismissed charge against two companies tied to "Putin's chef."

The Justice Department is abandoning plans for a looming criminal trial focused on claims of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

With jury selection set to begin in just over two weeks, prosecutors asked a federal judge to permanently dismiss the charges special counsel Robert Mueller brought two years ago against two Russian firms linked to a St. Petersburg businessman known as Putin's chef, Yevgeny Prigozhin.

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WNU Editor: When you have bad news that you want buried, you announce it during a crisis like the current Covid-19 pandemic crisis. These charges were bogus when they were first made, and they are still bogus now that the trial has been dropped. Bottom line. The Justice Department did not want to pursue this case in a courtroom, because they knew too well that they did not have any evidence to convict the companies and individuals that they charged. The Russian firms and individuals whose trials have been dropped are now demanding compensation .... 'Russian troll firm' says it has a $50bn grudge to settle with US after indictment dropped by DoJ (RT).

More News On The U.S. Justice Department Dropping Plans For A Trial Against Two Russian Firms Accused Of Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election

Feds dropping case for 2 Russian companies in troll probe -- AP
Judge allows US to drop two of 16 defendants in Russian troll farm case brought by Mueller -- CNN
DOJ drops charges against 'Russian trolls' after they dared demand evidence in US court -- RT
DOJ moves to drop charges against Russians accused of funding troll farm -- Axios
Why did the Justice Department drop its prosecution of 2 firms linked to a Putin associate? -- NBC

Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic In Russia -- News Updates March 17, 2020

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 12:43 PM PDT

Daily Mail: Putin says coronavirus is 'under control' as Russia launches hi-tech system to spot empty supermarket shelves and track quarantined citizens

* President Putin visited a new coronavirus information centre in Moscow today
* He told a government meeting after that the situation is 'generally under control'
* Officials at the centre said they can use artificial intelligence and surveillance cameras to monitor supermarket shelves and track quarantined individuals

President Vladimir Putin said the spread of coronavirus in Russia is 'under control' today, after touring a new facility built to spot empty supermarket shelves and to track quarantined citizens.

'We were able to contain mass penetration and spread' of the pandemic, the Russian president told a government meeting.

'The situation is generally under control despite high risk level.'

Putin's comments came after a tour of a new coronavirus information centre in Moscow that is pulling together IT resources including surveillance cameras and artificial intelligence.

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WNU Editor: Here are some of the measures the Russian government is implementing now .... Here's Russia's plan for facing the coronavirus crisis and preventing new infections, point by point (Meduza)

What's my take on the Covid-19 pandemic reaction in Russia. From what I know, read, and talking with friends and family, everyone is taking this crisis seriously. Everyone knows what has happened/happening in China, so the expectation is that the same will happen in Russia. The country has just closed its borders to foreigners, and are advising everyone in Russia to stay home. I know many businesses in Moscow and Saint Petersburg are closing until further notice, and that the highways and major streets in both cities are empty of cars and pedestrians. There are currently 114 confirmed cases of Covid-19, and no deaths. IMHO these numbers are accurate. What strikes me about this crisis is how focused the Kremlin and the media are on telling everyone that if precautions are not taken, the country faces a disaster. If they are trying to scare people, they are succeeding.

Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic In Russia -- News Updates March 17, 2020

Number of coronavirus cases in Russia reaches 114 -- TASS
56 coronavirus cases confirmed in Moscow -- TASS
New Coronavirus Cases in Russia Jump 47% in 24 Hours -- Moscow Times
Russia Temporarily Bans Entry of Foreigners Amid Coronavirus Outbreak -- Reuters
Coronavirus: Russia closes borders until May -- The Independent
Russia Closing Border With Belarus for Travel Amid COVID-19 Outbreak -- Sputnik
Russia begins work on a second 500-bed, speed-build coronavirus hospital as Moscow limits gatherings and closes schools -- Daily Mail
Coronavirus just got real in Moscow: outdoor events banned, schools closed, indoor crowds restricted -- RT
Russia suspends all professional soccer, hockey, and basketball competitions until April 10 -- Meduza
Russian Cabinet, Central Bank Introducing Measures to Minimise Impact of Coronavirus on Economy -- Sputnik
Russia Employs AI and Video Surveillance Against Coronavirus Disruption -- RT
Russian Tourists Trapped in Europe Amid Canceled Flights, Closing Borders -- Moscow Times
Foreign Ministry sets up task force to coordinate repatriation of Russians -- TASS
Putin calls for solidarity and discipline amid coronavirus pandemic risks -- TASS
Q&A: Russia's Anti-Coronavirus Measures -- Moscow Times
Russia Starts Testing Potential Coronavirus Vaccine -- Moscow Times/AFP

U.S. AC-130W Gunship Practices Wiping Out Small Boat Swarms With The U.S. Navy In The Persian Gulf

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 11:58 AM PDT

Warzone/The Drive: Warning To Iran: AC-130W Gunship Practices Slaying Boats With U.S. Navy In The Persian Gulf

The AC-130's massive volume of fire, precision, magazine depth, and sensors make it a ferocious tool for mitigating the threat of small boat swarms.

A U.S. Air Force AC-130W Stinger II gunship recently conducted a first-of-its-kind training exercise in the Persian Gulf with U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol planes and Cyclone class patrol boats. These assets working together could provide a formidable means of defeating swarms of small boats, such as the ones that Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps operates in significant numbers. The exercise came just days before Iranian-backed militias killed two U.S. troops and a British servicemember, and wounded more, in a rocket attack that has led to retaliatory American airstrikes and a spike in tensions in the region.

The exercise took place between Mar. 8 and 9, 2020, but the Navy's top command in the Middle East only publicly announced that it had occurred on Mar. 15. It's not clear how many AC-130Ws, P-8As, and Cyclones took part in total, but video and images Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) subsequently released show at least one Stinger II gunship and three of the patrol boats, including the USS Monsoon.

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WNU Editor: The Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic is definitely not lessening tensions between the two countries .... Coronavirus adds new element to rising US-Iran tensions (The Hill).

Iran's State Media Says Coronavirus Pandemic 'Could Kill Millions'

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 11:47 AM PDT

Al Jazeera: Coronavirus pandemic 'could kill millions' in Iran

Stark warning from state TV comes as death toll in the country nears 1,000, with at least 16,000 confirmed cases.

Iran has issued its most dire warning yet about the new coronavirus outbreak ravaging the country, suggesting "millions" could die in the Islamic Republic if people keep travelling and ignore health advisories.

A state television journalist, who is also a medical doctor, gave the warning on Tuesday citing a study by Tehran's prestigious Sharif University of Technology, which offered three scenarios regarding the COVID-19 outbreak in Iran, one of the deadliest outside China, where the illness originated.

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WNU Editor: Good question .... Where Is Iran's Supreme Leader? (The Atlantic).

More News On Iranian State Media Saying That The Coronavirus Pandemic 'Could Kill Millions'

Iran warns virus could kill 'millions' in Islamic Republic -- AP
Iran warns that 'MILLIONS' of its citizens could die from coronavirus -- Daily Mail/Reuters
Iran suffers biggest one-day coronavirus death toll as crisis intensifies in Mideast -- AP
Iran: 'Millions' May Contract Coronavirus as Regime Struggles With Containment -- US News and World Report
Virus toll in Iran climbs as lockdowns deepen across Mideast -- AP
Iran's coronavirus death toll jumps by 113 in a day -- Al Jazeera
Coronavirus kills Iran religious leader as death toll jumps again -- Al Jazeera
Iranian Senior Cleric Dies From Coronavirus As President Says Infections Peak Has Passed -- Newsweek
Iran temporarily frees 85,000 from jail including political prisoners -- Reuters
Virus-hit Iran closes four key religious sites -- AFP
Faithful in Iran storm closed shrines -- The Hill
Iranian police disperse crowds from shrines after Covid-19 closures -- The Guardian
Will coronavirus bring down Iran's ruling elite? -- Israel Hayom
'Virus at Iran's gates': How Tehran failed to stop outbreak -- FOX News/AP

Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic: The Best And Worst Death Case Scenarios In The U.S.

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 09:30 AM PDT

New York Times: Could Coronavirus Cause as Many Deaths as Cancer in the U.S.? Putting Estimates in Context

Although it's impossible to say how many Americans will die because of the new coronavirus, under a reasonable set of assumptions the number of fatalities could be high — potentially in the hundreds of thousands or more.

Deaths on that scale are not easy to grasp. To put the estimates in context, we're comparing the possible toll with other leading causes of death in the United States in 2018, the most recent year with data available. We've started with an estimate from a University of Nebraska public health researcher, Dr. James Lawler, that was recently presented to hospital executives: 480,000 American deaths over the course of the illness known as Covid-19.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The worst case scenario for the U.S. .... 70% infection rate with a 3% mortality rate .... will be 7 million Americans dead. I do not think this worst case scenario is going to happen. The pandemic appears to be levelling off in China and South Korea, and places like Hong Kong and Taiwan have been successful in minimizing the impact of the covid-19 coronavirus. I am confident that countries like the U.S. and Canada will also be successful in minimizing the death rate. But it is going to be a rough few months, and maybe into the next year.

Editor's Note

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 08:59 AM PDT

WNU Editor: I am now in my chalet isolated from everyone. There is a lot of snow. I had to help my neighbour this morning. He had too much snow on his roof, and it was buckling. My hideaway is the chalet below. Some have asked me where I am. It is in St-Donat, 200 kilometers north of Montreal, and I am in a valley with only 4 neighbours scattered around a lake. I just finished setting up my computers in a room that I have made as my office. I suspect that I am going to be here for a long time. Blogging will resume within the hour after I have catch up on what is happening around the world. From what I have read so far. It is all Covid-19 news, and the situation is very grim. My message to everyone is simple. Stay healthy. Sleep and nap a lot. Eat right. And do what is necessary to keep your immune system in top shape.

World News Updates, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs, World News Updates

Posted: 18 Mar 2020 02:22 AM PDT

World News Updates, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs, World News Updates

Trump demands 'thank you' from Americans over coronavirus response despite downplaying it

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 10:18 PM PDT

DONALD TRUMP has said he thinks his administration has done a "fantastic job" responding to the coronavirus but it "has not been appreciated".

Coronavirus WAR: China imposes MAJOR US ban as tensions boil over in coronavirus blame war

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 09:16 PM PDT

TENSIONS between the US and China has increased after China placed new restrictions on American reporters on Tuesday.

Melania Trump sparks outrage after telling people to ‘take up a hobby’ amid coronavirus

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:11 PM PDT

MELANIA TRUMP sparked outrage once again yesterday after advising her followers to "read a book" or "spend time on a hobby" while working from home amid the coronavirus outbreak.

Archaeology breakthrough: 1,300-year-old Mayan secret exposed by laser technology

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 11:44 PM PDT

ARCHAEOLOGISTS have unearthed a 1,300-year-old Mayan secret thanks to modern technology that could expose a whole new side to the ancient society previously unproven.

Coronavirus cover-up: North Korea claims it has ZERO cases - experts fear terrifying truth

Posted: 18 Mar 2020 01:32 AM PDT

NORTH Korea's ongoing insistence it has zero cases of coronavirus has been branded "impossible" by a former CIA analyst who says Supreme Leader Kim Jong-il is lying when he insists his country is free of the deadly disease.

Donald Trump slams WHO testing advice as US virus death toll rises over 100 - 'Fake news!'

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 10:30 PM PDT

DONALD Trump has slammed the World Health Organization's test for the coronavirus in his latest press conference.

Coronavirus tragedy: Elderly dog dies after being released from virus quarantine

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 11:13 PM PDT

AN ELDERLY dog died shortly after being released from a precautionary coronavirus quarantine.

Brazil enters state of emergency as coronavirus pandemic ravages country

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 10:01 PM PDT

BRAZIL will enter a state of emergency in order to relieve itself of pressures caused by coronavirus as the pandemic develops.

Euro on the brink: EU's single currency faces its 'death' as inaction could destroy euro

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:10 AM PDT

INVESTORS have slammed the European Central Bank's plans to keep the economy afloat during the coronavirus crisis, claiming its inaction could destroy the euro currency.

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Posted: 17 Mar 2020 11:37 PM PDT

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Investopedia’s 2019 Best Online Brokers Awards


We have ranked the top online brokers through the most detailed evaluation process in the industry to help you find the right one.

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Bank Funds Give Up Last Gains of the Trump Rally


The S&P Bank Index has dropped to the lowest low since February 2016, when Barack Obama was still president.

Communication Services Segment Could Bounce Higher


Active traders could turn to communication services for respite from extreme selling pressure since this sector is nearing long-term support.

Retail Stocks Plummet to Multi-Year Lows


Empty shopping malls in the wake of the pandemic could trigger a wave of retail bankruptcies.

A Priori Probability Definition & Example


A priori probability is a likelihood of occurrence that can be deduced logically by examining existing information.

Kroger Shares Retest Highs Amid Stockpiling Trends


Kroger shares moved sharply higher during Monday's session amid ongoing stockpiling trends and somewhat favorable comments from UBS.

Urgency Grows for Fiscal Stimulus. What Will It Look Like?


The Trump administration is reportedly asking Congress to approve a massive economic stimulus package of around $850 billion.

Money Market Fund Definition


A money market fund is a type of mutual fund that invests in high-quality, short-term debt instruments and cash equivalents. It is considered close to risk-free. Also called money market mutual funds, money market funds work like any mutual fund.

Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) Definition


Dollar-cost averaging is the system of regularly procuring a fixed dollar amount of a specific investment, regardless of the share price, with the goal of limiting the impact of price volatility on the investment.

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Term Loan Definition


A term loan is a loan from a bank for a specific amount that has a specified repayment schedule and a fixed or floating interest rate.

Line of Credit (LOC) Definition


A line of credit (LOC) is an arrangement between a financial institution, usually a bank, and a customer that establishes the maximum amount a customer can borrow.

European Union (EU)


The European Union (EU) is a group of countries that acts as one economic unit in the world economy. Its official currency is the euro.

Above-The-Line Costs Definition


Above-the-line costs refer to either costs above the gross profit line or the costs above the operating income line, depending on the type of company.

Financial Crisis Definition


A financial crisis is a situation where the value of assets drop rapidly and is often triggered by a panic or a run on banks.

Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) Definition


Foreign portfolio investment (FPI) is securities and other assets passively held by foreign investors, allowing individuals to invest overseas.

Emerging Market Economy Definition


An emerging market economy is one in which the country is becoming a developed nation and is determined through many socio-economic factors.

What's the Difference Between Berkshire Hathaway's Class A and Class B Shares?


Price is the primary difference between Berkshire Hathaway's Class A stock and Class B stock, but there are other distinctions.

The Difference Between Revenue and Cost in Gross Margin


Discover the differences between revenue and cost in gross margin, along with an explanation of various measures of profitability.

Non-Commercial Trader


Non-commercial trader is a classification used by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to identify traders that use the futures market for speculative purposes.

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Corporate Governance Definition


Corporate governance is the structure of rules, practices, and processes used to direct and manage a company.

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Gross Profit, Operating Profit and Net Income


Find out how to calculate gross profit, operating profit, and net income. Learn about the relationships between theses types of profits and expenses.

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Nielsen Corporation Definition


The Nielsen Corporation is a global provider of market research and analyses of media and viewer interactions.

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Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)


RCEP is a mega trade deal among 15 Asian nations that would become the world's largest trading bloc

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How a LendingTree Mortgage Works


Learn how LendingTree works, and understand the process of using the service to obtain competing quotes from several mortgage companies.

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Zero-Lot-Line House Definition


A zero-lot-line house is a piece of residential real estate in which the structure comes up to, or very near to, the edge of the property line.

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Flotation is the process of changing a private company into a public company by issuing shares and encouraging the public to purchase them.

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The 5 Countries That Produce the Most Coffee


Learn where your favorite cup of Joe probably comes from and discover how coffee drives the economies of these developing countries.

Manufactured Payment Definition


In finance, the term "manufactured payment" refers to payments that must be made in relation to certain securities lending arrangements.

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Spotting Creative Accounting on the Balance Sheet


Companies have used creative accounting as a way of manipulating their balance sheets.

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Facebook Is the Biggest Threat to Google's Ad Revenue Throne


Google's only real competitor on the web is not a search engine at all; rather, it is another well-known internet giant: Facebook.

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Does Working Capital Include Prepaid Expenses?


Discover how prepaid expenses can be classified as current assets included in the calculations for determining working capital.

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Where Does Warren Buffett Keep His Money?


Understand who Warren Buffett is and where he has invested his money over the years.

Forex Demo Account Trading


Learn how to use the platform you will be be trading on. Master demo trading before making trades and risking real money.

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Operating Income vs. Net Income: What's the Difference?


Operating income and net income both show the income earned by a company, but they are two very different ways of expressing a company's earnings.

Gross Margin vs. Contribution Margin: What's the Difference?


Gross margin and the contribution margin are metrics used to measure profitability, but each uses a different method.

What to Expect in the Markets This Week


Expect more volatility and stimulus measures, in addition to Chinese industrial production numbers, and Fed maneuvers.

How to Develop a Trading Brain


The fundamental role of trader psychology tends to be underestimated.

5 Tips For Finding A Good Landlord


A bad landlord can ruin the best rental property. Find out how to find an honest landlord that you can rely on.

5 Money-Saving Insurance Tips For Couples


It may not be the best part of getting married, but saving money on insurance is a great financial benefit.

Celebrity Recession: Stars Who've Lost A Fortune


Not even celebrities were immune to the economic downturn of the past year. See who fell and why.

Transfer of Mortgage Defintion


A transfer of mortgage is the reassignment of an existing mortgage from the current holder to another person or entity.

Home Equity Conversion Mortgage – HECM Definition


A home equity conversion mortgage (HECM) is a type of Federal Housing Administration (FHA) insured reverse mortgage.

U.S. Treasury vs. Federal Reserve: What’s the Difference?


Find out how the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve create policies to manage the economy and keep it on an even keel.

AA+ Vs. Aa1: What's the Difference?


AA+ is the second-highest bond rating assigned by rating agency S&P while Aa1 is the equivalent from Moody's. Both signify a low-risk investment.

Who Are McDonald’s Main Competitors?


McDonald's closest competitors are some of the largest fast food, quick service, and fast-casual chains in the world.

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Announcement Date Definition


Announcement dates can encompass any date in which an announcement with new public information is made by a company, government agency, or regulator.

How Did Amancio Ortega Get Rich?


Discover Amancio Ortega's rags-to-riches story, where the man who founded Zara and owned much of Inditex became a billionaire.

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What Companies Does Starbucks Own?


Learn the story behind Starbucks Corporation's most important subsidiary companies.

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Disadvantages of Net Present Value (NPV) for Investments


Net present value (NPV) calculations are useful when evaluating investment opportunities, but there are disadvantages that investors should consider.

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Alpha Vs. Beta: What's the Difference?


Alpha measures the performance of a stock in relation to the overall market while beta is a measure of its volatility in relation to a benchmark.

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Sovereign Wealth Funds: An Introduction


Here's how countries use sovereign wealth funds to stabilize their economies, though these investments can lack transparency.

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What Constitutes a "High Fee" for a Mutual Fund?


Discover how mutual fund fees effect your mutual fund's returns.

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How Elon Musk Will Revolutionize the Modern World


From Paypal to Tesla, Elon Musk is continually finding ways to revolutionize our lives. Here's more information.

3 Reasons the Mexican Peso Is So Liquid


Relatively high interest rates, close proximity to the United States, and vast petroleum reserves add considerable liquidity to the Mexican peso.

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What Do 'Outrights' Mean in the Context of the FX Market?


The term 'outrights' is used to describe a forex (FX) transaction where two parties agree to buy or sell a currency at a predetermined rate in the future.

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How to Pay Off Your Student Loans


Paying off education debt can be a financial headache. Learn how to pay off your student loans to get out of debt faster and save on interest charges.

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How FOREX Trades Are Taxed


The taxes on foreign exchange trades can be substantially lower than the capital gains rate on stock trades. Here's how to file.

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What Does It Cost to Retire in Costa Rica?


Tally up the costs associated with taking your retirement in Costa Rica and determine whether you have what it takes to live in paradise.

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How to Apply for Student Loans


How to understand all of your college loan choices, including federal subsidized and unsubsidized loans, parent PLUS loans, and private loans.

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The Dangers of Taking Out a Direct PLUS Loan


Federal direct PLUS loans can help parents pay for college costs, but they also come with risks.

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Subsidized vs Unsubsidized Student Loans—What's Best for You


If you can demonstrate financial need, the federal government may cover some of the interest payments on your student loans.

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Private vs. Federal College Loans: What's the Difference?


Student loans are available from both the federal government and private lenders. Federal student loans have more flexible repayment options.

Do You Need A Rent Receipt?


Landlords don't always bother to send receipts to renters. But there are important reasons renters should insist on getting proof they paid their rent.

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Implied Volatility – IV Definition


Implied volatility (IV) is the market's forecast of a likely movement in a security's price. It is often used to determine trading strategies and to set prices for option contracts.

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Elon Musk's Best Investments


Read about some of the most important and impressive investments for Elon Musk, the visionary engineer and technology superstar.

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CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) Definition


The CBOE Volatility Index, or VIX, is an index created by the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), which shows the market's expectation of 30-day volatility.

What Does the Volatility Index (VIX) Indicate?


The VIX is often called the fear gauge of the markets – understand what it means for your investments.

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Special Insurance for Designer Clothes (AIG)


You spend a lot of money on couture creations. Shouldn't they be protected from damage?

What Is the CBOE Volatility Index? (VIX)


Find out why investors and analysts use the Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index, or VIX, to measure the market's anxiety level.

Payroll Tax Definition


A payroll tax is a tax employers withhold from an employee's salary and pays on behalf of their employees. Discover more about payroll taxes here.

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Hostile Bid Definition


A hostile bid is a takeover bid that bidders present directly to the target firm's shareholders because management does not favor the deal.

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The forex 3-session system


Market hours for Tokyo, London and New York comprise the three trading sessions that determine volatility peaks. Find out why.

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Hopes of a V-Shaped Recovery Are Fading


As experts consider what shape the economy's recovery will take, it seems investors are ruling out a speedy one given the economic impacts of coronavirus.

The Ultimate Working From Home Guide


Read our complete guide to working from home: which industries have the best flexible, remote jobs, how to be effective, and how to avoid scams.

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Marketable Securities Definition


Marketable securities are liquid financial instruments that can be quickly converted into cash at a reasonable price.

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Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund Definition


The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund is a U.S. Treasury account that funds Social Security benefits paid to retired workers and their survivors.

Eurocurrency Market Definition


The eurocurrency market is the money market in which currency held in banks outside of the country where it is legal tender is borrowed and lent by banks.

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Buydown Definition


A buydown is a mortgage-financing technique with which the buyer attempts to obtain a lower interest rate for at least the first few years of the mortgage, but possibly its entire life.

Loan Production Office (LPO) Definition


A loan production office is an administrative division of a bank that is permitted to provide loan-related information and accept loan applications.

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Building Credit Without Credit Cards


Although it's a bit more complicated, it's definitely possible to build a credit history without traditional credit cards.

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Credit Karma Doesn't Hurt Your Credit Score, and Here's Why


Credit Karma is a popular option for checking credit histories for free, and it doesn't hurt your credit score.

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Constant Default Rate—CDR Definition


Constant default rate (CDR) is the percentage of mortgages within a pool of loans on which the mortgagors have fallen more than 90 days behind in making payments to their lender.

Market Access Definition


Market access refers to the ability of a company or country to sell goods and services across borders.

4 Ways To Survive and Prosper in a Bear Market


Learn how to survive, and even prosper, in a bear market, by considering and putting into action the following four strategies.

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Recession Definition


A recession is a significant decline in activity across the economy lasting longer than a few months.

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8 Ways to Help Family Members in Financial Trouble


Find out how you can be the best help to a family member experiencing financial problems. Learn how to help your ones financially—without hurting yourself in the process.

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Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) Definition


The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) is a non-profit organization that regulates auditors of publicly traded companies.

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Federal Funds


Federal funds are excess reserves that commercial banks deposit at regional Federal Reserve banks which can then be lent to other commercial banks.

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What Is a Fixed-Rate Bond?


An investor who wants to earn a guaranteed interest rate for a specified term could purchase a fixed-rate Treasury bond, corporate bond, or municipal bond.

How Does Margin Trading in the Forex Market Work?


Used to invest in equities with the leverage of borrowed funds, a margin account is intended to increase the possible return on investment.

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Real Estate Agent vs. Mortgage Broker: What's the Difference?


Real estate agents and mortgage brokers are two sides of an industry coin. Real estate agents help their clients buy or sell homes, and mortgage brokers help their clients find affordable home loans.

How to Find Tomorrow's Winning Stocks


Analyzing a stock's trading activity often signals the forward fundamental and technical picture more than looking at financials or a chart alone.

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How do managers measure human capital?


Learn what human capital is, how managers measure it, and how managers measure human capital's return on investment to gauge its investments.

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OPEC's Influence on Global Oil Prices


OPEC affects the price of oil by coordinating supply cuts when the price is deemed too low and supply increases when prices are too high.

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The Benefits of High-Dividend Yielding Stocks


The advantages of high-dividend yielding stocks are obvious: consistent income, stocks in commonly defensive sectors, and strong-performing companies.

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5 Top U.S. Small-Cap Index Mutual Funds


Small-cap index mutual funds can add diversified exposure to the sector's equities, but they can also be more volatile than large-cap indexes.

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Tilt Fund Definition


A tilt fund is compiled from stocks that mimic a benchmark type index, with extra securities added to help tilt the fund toward outperforming the market.

Latest Govt Jobs, Sarkari Naukri, Results

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 09:46 PM PDT

Latest Govt Jobs, Sarkari Naukri, Results

Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj B.A. LL.B, M.A, M.Sc, M.Phil & Other UG/PG Exam Results Here

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 09:38 PM PDT

Uniraj Result 2020 Released for B.A. LL.B, M.A, M.Sc, M.Phil, and also different Courses on 17th March 2020. This is uplifting news for the applicants who are searching for the Uniraj Result. Here we are giving direct Rajasthan University Result interface for M.Phil, M.Sc, M.A, MBA, MCA, B.A, and so forth. Competitors can download the Uniraj Result from here and can achieve their particular imprints. Rajasthan University had pronounced the Uniraj Result on its official site for different courses. The University of Rajasthan discharged Uniraj Results 2020 for all courses that are discharged. All the up-and-comers who are looking for the Uniraj UG and PG Result can get the Uniraj result name shrewd here.

Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj B.A. LL.B, M.A, M.Sc, M.Phil & Other UG/PG Exam Results Here

University of Rajasthan – Overview



Name of the University University of Rajasthan
Courses Offered UG, PG Programme, Diploma, Ph.D. others
Established Year 1948
Category Sarkari Results
Location Jaipur, Rajasthan
Mode Online
Official Site

Rajasthan University Results 2020

Rajasthan University or Uniraj had as of late pronounced the consequence of B.A, B.Ed, B.Sc Semester tests. Additionally, it had prior proclaimed M.A. M.Sc., B.Ed. M.Sc. B.A., LLM and also other course results. Candidates who had shown up for these courses can check their outcome/qualifying status just as imprints from underneath given connection. We will refresh with as of late discharged Uniraj University Results 2020 with an immediate connection. Just by tapping the Results interface you will get the direct refreshed Uniraj Result New from this site page. Look at the beneath area and find a workable pace as of late Updated Rajasthan University Exam Results 2020. Moreover, applicants can likewise get the Uniraj Admit card, Time table for up and coming sem Examination from this page.

Latest Uniraj Result 2020-21 @

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Release Date

Results Link

Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj B.A. LL.B, M.A, M.Sc, M.Phil & Other UG/PG Exam Results HereB.A. LL.B. (HONS) I SEM. (FIVE YEAR) INTEGRATED COURSE EXAM.DEC.-2019 17-03-2020 Click Here
Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj B.A. LL.B, M.A, M.Sc, M.Phil & Other UG/PG Exam Results HereB.A. LL.B. (HONS) III SEM (FIVE YEAR) INTEGRATED COURSE EXAM.DEC.-2019 17-03-2020 Click Here
Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj B.A. LL.B, M.A, M.Sc, M.Phil & Other UG/PG Exam Results HereB.A. LL.B. (HONS) IX SEM (FIVE YEAR) INTEGRATED COURSE EXAM.DEC.-2019 17-03-2020 Click Here
Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj B.A. LL.B, M.A, M.Sc, M.Phil & Other UG/PG Exam Results HereB.A. LL.B. (HONS) V SEM (FIVE YEAR) INTEGRATED COURSE EXAM.DEC.-2019 17-03-2020 Click Here
Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj B.A. LL.B, M.A, M.Sc, M.Phil & Other UG/PG Exam Results HereB.A. LL.B. (HONS) VII SEM (FIVE YEAR) INTEGRATED COURSE EXAM.DEC.-2019 17-03-2020 Click Here
Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj B.A. LL.B, M.A, M.Sc, M.Phil & Other UG/PG Exam Results HereB.A. LL.B. I SEM. (FIVE YEAR) INTEGRATED COURSE EXAM.DEC.-2019 17-03-2020 Click Here
Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj B.A. LL.B, M.A, M.Sc, M.Phil & Other UG/PG Exam Results HereB.A. LL.B. III SEM. (FIVE YEAR) INTEGRATED COURSE EXAM.DEC.-2019 17-03-2020 Click Here
Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj B.A. LL.B, M.A, M.Sc, M.Phil & Other UG/PG Exam Results HereB.A. LL.B. IX SEM. (FIVE YEAR) INTEGRATED COURSE EXAM.DEC.-2019 17-03-2020 Click Here
Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj B.A. LL.B, M.A, M.Sc, M.Phil & Other UG/PG Exam Results HereB.A. LL.B. V SEM. (FIVE YEAR) INTEGRATED COURSE EXAM.DEC.-2019 17-03-2020 Click Here
Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj B.A. LL.B, M.A, M.Sc, M.Phil & Other UG/PG Exam Results HereB.A. LL.B. VII SEM. (FIVE YEAR) INTEGRATED COURSE EXAM.DEC.-2019 17-03-2020 Click Here
Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj B.A. LL.B, M.A, M.Sc, M.Phil & Other UG/PG Exam Results HereM.A. (HINDI) I SEMESTER EXAM.DEC.-2019 17-03-2020 Click Here
Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj B.A. LL.B, M.A, M.Sc, M.Phil & Other UG/PG Exam Results HereM.A. (HINDI) III SEMESTER EXAM.DEC.-2019 17-03-2020 Click Here
Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj B.A. LL.B, M.A, M.Sc, M.Phil & Other UG/PG Exam Results HereM.A./M.SC. (GEOGRAPHY) I SEMESTER EXAM.DEC.-2019 17-03-2020 Click Here
Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj B.A. LL.B, M.A, M.Sc, M.Phil & Other UG/PG Exam Results HereM.A./M.SC. (GEOGRAPHY) III SEMESTER EXAM.DEC.-2019 17-03-2020 Click Here
Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj B.A. LL.B, M.A, M.Sc, M.Phil & Other UG/PG Exam Results HereM.SC. (BIOTECHNOLOGY) I SEMESTER EXAM.DEC.-2019 17-03-2020 Click Here
M.A. (DRAMATICS) I SEMESTER EXAM.DEC.-2019 12-03-2020 Click Here
M.A. (DRAMATICS) III SEMESTER EXAM.DEC.-2019 12-03-2020 Click Here
M.A. (SANSKRIT) I SEMESTER EXAM.DEC.-2019 12-03-2020 Click Here
Other Results Click Here

How to Download Uniraj Result 2020?

  1. Visit the official website of University of Rajasthan ie.
  2. Check out the Examination tab and go for the Results link.
  3. The Results page will open up.
  4. Check for the results you want to get.
  5. Click on the desired link, you will be directed to next page.
  6. Enter your Enrollment Number OR Serial Number
  7. The results will appear on the screen.
  8. Take the printout of the Uniraj Result until the official marks card is released by the Uniraj Board.

About the University of Rajasthan (Uniraj)

College of Rajasthan is presumably the most settled school arranged in Jaipur, Rajasthan. It is an open and state school related to the University Grants Commission. Uniraj was once known as the University of Rajputana. It offers various courses at UG, PG and PhD level. There are various requests like Arts, Science, Commerce, Education, Fine articulations, Law, Management, etc. Contenders who are captivated to consider Rajasthan University can sit tight for the affirmation notice. And afterward, you can apply through online mode. Understudies who are interested to contemplate in Rajasthan can pick this school for higher assessments. Candidates can suggest the notification and various nuances in the authentic site of the University of Rajasthan. The official site of Rajasthan University is

Also, Check Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj B.A. LL.B, M.A, M.Sc, M.Phil & Other UG/PG Exam Results HereCSJM Kanpur University Results 2020

Raj University Results 2020 for Revaluation/ Supplementary

Those understudies who have gone to the standard assessment under the University of Rajasthan and still fizzled. Here comes one greater chance to clear the assessment. To expand your scoring alongside that understudies to flop in the past assessment will get an opportunity to clear through Revaluation Exams Uniraj Results. For every single semester, Students can apply for the revaluation after the declaration of the fundamental assessment results. The University of Rajasthan will take perhaps over seven days to process the test papers. When the procedure gets finished the Rajasthan University Revaluation Results will be announced. Do remain refreshed with the University to think about the Revaluation Results.

Post Office Recruitment 2020 | Apply 2165 Post Office Jobs 2020 –

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:19 AM PDT

Indian Post Office Jobs 2020-2021 –

Indian Post Office Recruitment 2020: Here is the great news for candidates looking for jobs in the post office. The officials have released its notification to fill in up aspirants for the post of 2165 Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS), Staff Car Driver, MTS, Administrative Officer & other posts. Hence interested and eligible candidates can apply for post issued by the board before the given deadline. The mode of application for this post is online/offline. So to make this Post Office Jobs 2020 as yours apply on or before the Last Date i.e. 20th March 2020. Candidates can apply for Indian Post Office Vacancy 2020 on our page or on the official website @ For more government jobs, click here.

India Post Recruitment 2020 – 2165 Vacancies

Name of the post Number of Vacancies Apply Link
Postal Assistant, Postman and MTS 144 Gujarat Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
[20-03-2020] (LIVE)
Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) 2021 West Bengal Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
[18-03-2020] (LIVE)
Junior Accountant, Postal & Sorting Assistant, and Postman 44 Karnataka Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
[16-03-2020] (CLOSED)
MTS & GDS 37,987 Karnataka Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
[17-02-2020] (CLOSED)
Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) 165 Tamilnadu Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
[17-02-2020] (CLOSED)
Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) 223 West Bengal Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
[17-02-2020] (CLOSED)

Gujarat Postal Circle Recruitment 2020

Post Office Recruitment 2020 in Gujarat – Apply Offline for 144 Postal Assistant, Postman and MTS Post: Gujarat Post Office newly announced Postal Recruitment 2020 Notification to fill up 144 Postal Assistant, Postman and MTS Vacancies. Job Seekers who have passed 10th or 12th can apply for Post Office Jobs 2020 @  from 17th February 2020 to 20th March 2020. 

Gujarat Postal Recruitment 2020 Details

Name of the Organisation: Gujarat Postal Circle
Name of the Post: Postal Assistant, Postman and MTS
No. of Vacancies: 144
Apply Mode: Offline
Category: Gujarat Government Jobs
Job Location: Gujarat
Official Website:

Official Notification & Application Form – Click Here

West Bengal Postal Circle Recruitment 2020

Post Office Recruitment 2020 in West Bengal – Apply Online for 2021 Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) Post: West Bengal Post Office newly announced Postal Recruitment 2020 Notification to fill up 2021 Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) Vacancies. Job Seekers who have passed 10th can apply for Post Office Jobs 2020 @  from 18th February 2020 to 18th March 2020. Get a direct link for India Post Recruitment 2020.

West Bengal Postal Recruitment 2020 Details

Name of the Organisation: West Bengal Postal Circle
Name of the Post: Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS)
No. of Vacancies: 2021
Apply Mode: Online
Category: West Bengal Government Jobs
Job Location: West Bengal
Official Website:

Official Notification & Application Form – Click Here

Karnataka Postal Circle Recruitment 2020

Post Office Recruitment 2020 in Karnataka – Apply Offline for 44 Junior Accountant, Postal & Sorting Assistant and Postman: Karnataka Post Office newly announced Postal Recruitment 2020 Notification to fill up 44 Junior Accountant, Postal & Sorting Assistant, and Postman Vacancies. Job Seekers who have passed 10+2 or Bachelors Degree can apply for Post office Jobs 2020 @  from 18th January 2020 to 16th March 2020. 

Karnataka Postal Recruitment 2020 Details

Name of the Organisation: Karnataka Postal Circle
Name of the Post: Junior Accountant, Postal & Sorting Assistant, and Postman
No. of Vacancies: 44
Apply Mode: Offline
Category: Karnataka Government Jobs
Job Location: Karnataka
Official Website:

Official Notification & Application Form – Click Here

Karnataka Postal Circle Recruitment 2020

Post Office Recruitment 2020 in Karnataka – Apply Offline for 37,987 MTS & GDS Posts: Karnataka Post Office newly announced Postal Recruitment 2020 Notification to fill up 37,987 Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) and Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) Vacancies. Job Seekers who have passed 10 can apply for Post office Jobs 2020 @  before 17th February 2020. 

Karnataka Postal Recruitment 2020 Details

Name of the Organisation: Karnataka Postal Circle
Name of the Post: Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) and Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS)
No. of Vacancies: 37,987
Apply Mode: Offline
Category: Karnataka Government Jobs
Job Location: Karnataka
Official Website:

Official Notification & Application Form – Click Here

Tamilnadu Postal Circle Recruitment 2020

Post Office Recruitment 2020 in Tamilnadu – Apply Offline for 165 Multi-Tasking Staff Vacancies: Tamilnadu Post Office newly announced Postal Recruitment 2020 Notification to fill up 165 Multi-Tasking Staff Posts. Job Seekers who have passed 10+2 can apply for Post office Jobs 2020 @ once the notification is officially released.

Tamilnadu Postal Recruitment 2020 Details

Name of the Organisation: Tamilnadu Postal Circle
Name of the Post: Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS)
No. of Vacancies: 165
Apply Mode: Offline
Category: Tamilnadu Government Jobs
Job Location: Tamilnadu
Official Website: 

Official Notification & Application Form – Click Here

West Bengal Postal Circle Recruitment 2020

Post Office Recruitment 2020 in West Bengal – Apply Offline for 223 Multi-Tasking Staff Vacancies: The West Bengal Post Office newly announced Postal Recruitment 2020 Notification to fill up 223 Multi-Tasking Staff Vacancies. Job Seekers who have passed 10th can apply for Post office Jobs 2020 @ once the notification is officially released. Check for the India Post vacancy 2020 details from this page.

West Bengal Postal Recruitment 2020 Details

Name of the Organisation: West Bengal Postal Circle
Name of the Post: Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS)
No. of Vacancies: 223
Apply Mode: Offline
Category: West Bengal Government Jobs
Job Location: West Bengal
Official Website: 

Official Notification & Application Form – Click Here

1. Andhra Pradesh Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
2. Assam Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
3. Bihar Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
4. Chhattisgarh Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
5. Delhi Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
6. Gujarat Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
7. Haryana Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
8. Himachal Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
9. Jammu & Kashmir Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
10. Jharkhand Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
11. Karnataka Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
12. Kerala Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
13. Madhya Pradesh Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
14. Maharashtra Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
15. Odisha Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
16. Punjab Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
17. Rajasthan Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
18. Tamilnadu Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
19. Telangana Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
20. Uttarakhand Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
21. Uttar Pradesh Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
22. West Bengal Postal Circle Recruitment 2020

State Wise Indian Post Office Recruitment 2020

About India Post Office: vacancy 2020

The Department of Posts(DoP), trading as India Post is a government operated the postal system in India. Generally referred to within India as "the Post Office", it is the most widely distributed postal system in the world. Here on this page applicants can get India Post Recruitment 2020 Pdf. The postal service is under the Department of Posts, which is part of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of the Government of India. The Country is divided into 22 postal circles, each circle headed by a chief postmaster general. Candidates can get all the latest openings at India Post Office Vacancy 2020.

Why for Post Office Recruitment 2020?

India Post Office gives the opportunity to all graduates and other equivalents educational profiles through India Post Office Vacancy. The selection process, job role, requirement, and other criteria may differ according to the job role. Sometimes, you won't get detailed information on the official website. This is where appears on the display. Applicants who are looking for the Post office job can check this page and get all the Post Office Jobs information.

We provide a consolidated list of Post Office Recruitment current openings with expired jobs in the company. We also provide complete information about the India Post Office Vacancy 2020 selection process, syllabus, exam pattern, previous papers, model papers, etc. we are one who connects you to the official site of India Post Office and gives you complete information regarding the Indian Post Office Job Vacancy. Therefore, stay in touch with our website to get all the latest employment updates and other details.

Job Openings in Indian Post Office:

  1. Postman
  2. Mail Guard
  3. Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS)
  4. Staff Car Driver
  5. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS)
  6. Manager
  7. Medak

HDFC Recruitment 2020 | Apply for 12,000 Vacancies for Future Bankers Program @

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:07 AM PDT

HDFC Bank Careers 2020: Apply Online for 12,000 Future Bankers Posts in India @!! Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC) has released its new notification to recruit candidates to the post of Future Bankers Batch 3. The officials want to hire 12,000 candidates for this HDFC Bank Vacancy. Interested and eligible candidates are invited to apply online for these posts. Job seekers looking for HDFC Bank Careers can start to apply from 26th February 2020. Make sure you are eligible before you apply for the posts. Candidates can check all the details below to confirm eligibility. The last date to apply for HDFC Bank Recruitment 2020 is 30th April 2020. All other details have been given below.HDFC Recruitment 2020 | Apply for 12,000 Vacancies for Future Bankers Program @

New HDFC Official Notification Released!!

HDFC Recruitment 2020-21

Interested candidates can start to read all the details below. The information given is as per the HDFC Bank Notification 2020. Here, you will get details of education, age limit, salary, selection process, steps to apply and all the other details of HDFC Bank Careers. You can also refer to the official notification for more details on HDFC Bank Careers. Once you have confirmed eligibility, you can proceed to apply online. Candidates who wish to apply for these jobs can click on the HDFC Bank Apply Online Link below. Follow the instructions given to apply to make sure your application is not rejected. All the candidates who wish to know more about the Housing Development Finance Corporation Bank (HDFC Bank) can click on the website link given below or visit the official website @

Overview of HDFC Bank Jobs 2020

Name of the Organization Housing Development Finance Corporation Bank (HDFC Bank)
Number of Vacancies 12,000 Posts
Name of Post Future Bankers Batch 3
Starting date of application  26th February 2020
Closing date of application 30th April 2020
Job Category Bank Jobs
Job Location All Over India
Application process Online Application
Official Website

Details of HDFC Bank Vacancy 2020-21:

The details of the vacancy as given in the HDFC Bank Recruitment 2020 is as below

Name of the Post Number of Posts
Future Bankers Batch 3 12,000
Total 12,000

Eligibility Criteria for Housing Development Finance Corporation Recruitment 2020

Candidates interested in HDFC Bank Jobs can check their eligibility with the details below to apply.

Academic Qualification:

  • Candidates must have completed their Graduation from a recognized board or university in India

Read the official notification for more details on HDFC Bank Careers.

Age Limit:

  • Minimum Age – 21 Years
  • Maximum Age – 26 Years

For age limit as given in the HDFC Bank Recruitment 2020, refer to the official notification

Selection Process:

  • Written Test
  • Interview
  • Document Verification

Pay Scale for HDFC Recruitment 2020:

  • Selected candidates will be paid Rs. 5,000/- to Rs. 10,000/- per month

Refer to the official website for details on the pay scale for HDFC Bank Jobs

HDFC Bank Online Application Fee:

  • Candidates have to pay Rs. 550/- as application fee for HDFC Bank Careers

Candidates may read the official notification to get more details on HDFC Bank online application fees

How to apply for HDFC Recruitment 2020?

  1. Click on the notification for HDFC Careers using the link given below
  2. Read all the details given there carefully
  3. If you are eligible, click on the HDFC Online Application link
  4. Fill in all the details asked for
  5. Make sure to fill all the sections correctly
  6. Check the declaration box
  7. You will be redirected to a payment page
  8. Pay the application fee
  9. You will then have to clear an online assessment
  10. Your application will then to be sent to the HDFC Bank Officials and selected candidates will be called for an interview

Contact Details:

  • Email ID  –

Important Dates for HDFC Bank Careers 2020-21:

Starting Date to Apply 26th February 2020
Last Date to Apply 30th April 2020

Important Links for HDFC Careers 2020-21:

 Official Notification Pdf  Download Here
Apply Online Link Apply Here
Official Website Click Here

About Future Bankers Program (FBP):

The Future Bankers Program is an initiative of HDFC Bank to attract and develop young talents seeking a career in the banking sector. This program aims to transform newly graduates into highly qualified, well trained and in contact staff. This is an apprenticeship on campus during the first six months, followed by a six-month internship. Selected applicants will receive a graduate certificate and a full-time job offer at the Bank. The training provides knowledge and skills in key banking areas such as products, processes, systems, regulations, and banking compliance systems related to daily banking.

The main objective of the Future Bankers program is to create a group of young and qualified executives who provide their clients with consistent and high-quality service experience and become future leaders in the industry. The HDFC Bank will provide opportunities for bright young applicants from across the country looking to grow with the largest private bank in India. Our business philosophy is based on five core values: operational excellence, customer focus, product leadership, people and sustainability. We believe that the definitive identity and success of our bank will reside in the exceptional quality of our staff and in extraordinary efforts. For this reason, we are committed to recruiting, developing, motivating and retaining the best employees in the sector.

Other Important Central Government Jobs:

Recruitment Board Post Name & Last Date Apply Online
 Airline Allied Services Limited  167 – Store Agent, Commander, Co-Pilot, STP & Other
 AASL Recruitment
 Food Safety and Standards Authority of India 83 – Director, Administrative Officer, Assistant & Other
FSSAI Recruitment
 Central Pollution Control Board  27 – Technical Supervisor, Section Officer & Other
 CPCB Recruitment
 All India Institute of Medical Sciences  209 – Professor, Additional Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor
AIIMS Recruitment
 Housing Shipyard Limited  51 – Designer, Junior Supervisor & Other
 HSL Recruitment
 Eastern Railway  2792 – Apprentice
 Eastern Railway Recruitment

About Housing Development Finance Company (HDFC):

HDFC full form is Housing Development Finance Company and HDFC Bank Limited is an Indian banking and financial services company headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It has 84,325 employees and has a presence in Bahrain, Hong Kong, and Dubai. HDFC Bank is India's largest private sector lender by assets. It is the largest bank in India by market capitalization as of February 2019. It was ranked 69th in 2019 BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands. Besides, HDFC Ltd official website contains the HDFC IFSC Code so that the users can use it at any time. Furthermore, HDFC Ltd Bank also gives the HDFC Bank Customer Care Number in case if any problem arises to the users.

More About HDFC Bank Careers 2020
Every year HDFC conducts the HDFC Bank Careers recruitment to select the determined aspirants for various posts. Also even this year also it has sent the job notification for the available vacancies in this HDFC. Therefore, the interested applicants can apply for the HDFC Jobs 2020 before the last date is gone by. Furthermore, the selected applicants for HDFC Bank Recruitment 2020 will surely get a safe and secure future for the respective position. Moreover, be updated regarding daily updates regarding Bank Jobs. Also, often keep visiting the website to get the latest upcoming vacancies in HDFC Bank.

UKMSSB Medical Officer Result 2020 || Get Ordinary Grade Medical Officer Selection List, Merit List

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:51 AM PDT

UKMSSB Result 2020 will soon declare on its official Website @ The higher officials of Uttarakhand Medical Service Selection Board is planning to release the UKMSSB Medical Officer Result 2020 in the month of April 2020 Tentatively. A huge number of aspirants applied for this post and waiting for the Uttarakhand MSSB Result 2020. Here, we will update the direct link to download the UKMSSB Result 2020 from this site. And the link will activate at the time official announcement. So, all the contenders can get the results easily by just clicking the link. Additionally, candidates can also download the UKMSSB Medical Officer Selection List, Merit List 2020 from this portal.

UKMSSB Medical Officer Result 2020 || Get Ordinary Grade Medical Officer Selection List, Merit List

UKMSSB Result 2020 – Download here

Therefore, the UKMSSB will announce the Uttarakhand MSSB Ordinary Grade Medical Officer Result 2020 as soon as possible at its official website. Here, there are 314 vacancies of Ordinary Grade Medical Officer in Uttarakhand Medical Service Selection Board. Hence, the Authority has announced this selection process for MO Posts. Moreover, the Jobseekers can get all the latest updates regarding the Uttarakhand Medical Service Selection Board MO Result 2020 from this page. Whereas, we will give detailed information about the UKMSSB Exam Results, Cut Off Marks and Merit List 2020 in the upcoming sections. Additionally, candidates can also find the details such as the UKMSSB Recruitment, Syllabus, previous pages, etc from here. So, follow this site regularly to know all the new updates.

UKMSSB Medical Officer Result 2020 – Overview

Organization Name Uttarakhand Medical Service Selection Board
Post Name Ordinary Grade Medical Officer
Total Vacancies 314 Posts
Category Sarkari Results
Result Release Date April 2020 Tentatively
Selection Process Marks in MBBS
Location Uttarakhand
Official Website

While checking Results, Candidates must have the login details like the roll number and the password or the Date of Birth of the aspirants. These details are very important to get the Results. Above all the details in the table will give all the information like the organization name, the post name, the number of vacancies, the category of Results, Result Release date, the selection process, the job location, and the official site to check the UKMSSB Medical Officer Selection List 2020. Here, the selection process is based on Marks in MBBS, Experience, and Viva. There is no examination for this recruitment. The Candidates must score good marks in MBBS Course and have the Experience. Then only, the aspirants can go for further levels. Here, attached with UBTER Recruitment for the upcoming UBTER examination.

Medical Officer Selection List 2020 @

All the applicants must go through this complete article to know the status of the UKMSSB MO Selection List 2020. The selected candidates will be listed in the UKMSSB Selection List 2020. Therefore, the organization of Uttarakhand Medical Service Selection Board will declare the Uttrakhand MSSB Medical Officer Selection List 2020 officially on its Official Web portal of Hence, have some patience to check the Uttarakhand Medical Service Selection Board Medical Officer Result 2020.

UKMSSB Medical Officer Merit List 2020

Generally, the Merit List will be revealed once the Result is announced. Aspirants can get the Uttarakhand MSSB Medical Officer Merit List 2020 on its official page. The Contenders must secure maximum marks in MBBS to move for upcoming rounds. Uttarakhand Medical Service Selection Board Merit List 2020 will declare @ Check the status of the UKMSSB Medical Officer Merit List 2020 and get ready for the next stage. Further, we can see how to access the Uttarakhand MSSB Ordinary Grade Medical Officer Exam Results 2020

How to check the UKMSSB Medical Officer Exam Results 2020?

  1. Initially, go to the official site of Uttarakhand Medical Service Selection Board official site @
  2. Then the main page of the UKMSSB will display on the screen.
  3. Scroll down the homepage and search for the Recent Updates & Other Important Updates.
  4. In that click on the Results link.
  5. And search for the link related to Uttarakhand Medical Service Selection Board Medical Officer Result 2020.
  6. Click on the link.
  7. Finally, check and download the UKMSSB Exam Results 2020 PDF.

Direct links to download UKMSSB Result 2020

UKMSSB Medical Officer Rejection List 2020 Click Here
UKMSSB Medical Officer Result 2020 Click Here
Official Website Click Here


CISF Result 2020 | Check ASI, Head Constable Result, Cut Off Marks & Merit List 2020 @

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:38 AM PDT

CISF Result 2020 @ Dear Candidates !!! Most of the aspirants are eagerly waiting to know their CISF Exam Results 2020. Those aspirants who have appeared for the examination conducted by the Central Industrial Security Force can check their results on this page. Therefore, the Central Industrial Security Force officials have conducted the examination for recruiting various posts. Now, the Higher Authority of the Central Industrial Security Force is planning to release the CISF Result 2020. To help out the candidates, we will update a quick link to download the CISF Results 2020 on this webpage.

CISF Result 2020 | Check ASI, Head Constable Result, Cut Off Marks & Merit List 2020 @

CISF Result 2020

Post Name

Result Release Date

IBPS Result Links

Constable Tradesman April 2020 (Tentatively) CISF Constable Tradesman Result
CISF Result 2020 | Check ASI, Head Constable Result, Cut Off Marks & Merit List 2020 @ Sub Inspector Executive 16th March 2020 CISF ASI Result
CISF Result 2020 | Check ASI, Head Constable Result, Cut Off Marks & Merit List 2020 @ Constable March 2020 (Tentatively) CISF Head Constable Result

Central ISF Constable Tradesman Result 2020: Therefore, the Central Industrial Security Force starts conducting the PET/ PST/ Documentation and Trade Test from 3rd January 2020 Onwards. Many are waiting for the CISF Constable Tradesman Exam Result 2020. In the below table, we have given the direct link to download the Central Industrial Security Force Results. And the link will activate at the time of the official announcement. Moreover, the higher officials of CISF is planning to declare the CISF Constable Tradesman Result 2020 tentatively in the month of April 2020. In addition, aspirants can also check and download the CISF Constable Tradesman Cut Off Marks 2020 & CISF Constable Tradesman Merit List 2020. 

CISF Constable Tradesman Result 2020



Organization Name Central Industrial Security Force
Post Name Constable Tradesman
No Of Vacancies 914 Vacancies
Category Sarkari Results
PET/ PST/ Documentation and Trade Test 3rd January 2020 Onwards
Result Release Date April 2020 (Tentatively)
Selection Process Height Bar Test, Physical Efficiency Test, Physical Standard Test, Documentation, Trade Test, Written Test
Job Location Across India
Official Website
CISF Constable Tradesman Result 2020 : Click Here

CISF ASI Result 2020: Central Industrial Security Force has conducted the examination on 16th February 2020 for 1314 Assistant Sub Inspector Executive posts. Many candidates have written this examination and now aspirants are waiting to check the results. The Higher Authority of the Central Industrial Security Force is planning to release the CISF Assistant Sub Inspector Executive Result on 16th March 2020. For the sake of the aspirants, we will update a quick link to check and download the CISF ASI Result 2020. And also the result link will be activated when the result is released officially. Aspirants can also get the CISF Assistant Sub Inspector Executive Cut Off Marks and Merit List 2020 on this page.

CISF Assistant Sub Inspector Executive Result 2020



Organization Name Central Industrial Security Force
Post Name Assistant Sub Inspector Executive
No Of Vacancies 1314
Category Sarkari Results
Exam Date 16th February 2020
Result Release Date 16th March 2020
Selection Process Service Records Verification, Written Test, Physical Standard Test, Physical Efficiency Test, Medical Examination
Job Location Across India
Official Website
CISF Assistant Sub Inspector Executive Result 2020: Click Here

CISF Head Constable Result 2020 @ Dear Folks !!! Students who have appeared for the CISF Head Constable Examination can get their exam results from here. Central Industrial Security Force Officials are planning to release the CISF Head Constable Result in the month of March 2020 (Tentatively). Here on this page, we have provided the direct link to check and download the CISF Head Constable Result 2020. The result link will be activated at the time of the result announcement. So, candidates can keep in touch with our webpage to get their CISF Head Constable Result 2020.

CISF Head Constable Result 2020



Organization Name Central Industrial Security Force
Post Name Head Constable
No Of Vacancies 429
Category Sarkari Results
Result Release Date March 2020 (Tentatively)
Selection Process Written Examination, PET, Medical Exam
Job Location Across India
Official Website
CISF Head Constable Result 2020: Click Here

CISF Cut Off Marks 2020

All the exam participants need to secure the minimum cut off marks in the written examination. The Cut Off Marks plays a prominent role in the candidate's life. The Central Industrial Security Force officials will release the CISF Cut Off Marks 2020 on their official website @ The higher authority will decide the cut off marks by some of the factors such as depending upon

  • Based on the candidates’ category.
  • The number of vacancies.
  • A number of candidates appear in the examination.
  • Previous year cut off marks.
  • A difficulty level of the written examination.

CISF Merit List 2020 @

After the announcement of the results, the officials will release the Merit List. Moreover, the CISF Merit List 2020 contains the list of names who had scored the highest marks in the examination. Moreover, candidates can check the CISF Merit List 2020 from the official website @ Besides, we will update the link to check the CISF Merit List when the officials make it available. Keep in touch with our recruitment page to know more information about the CISF Merit List 2020.

How to Download the Central Industrial Security Force Result 2020?

  1. Move to the official website of the Central Industrial Security Force @
  2. On the home page, find the Latest News section.
  3. Then, click on the Latest News section.
  4. Now, check for the CISF Results 2020.
  5. Click on that link that is available.
  6. A new page with Examination Result appears on the screen.
  7. Enter the login details such as Registration Number and Password.
  8. Recheck the details and then click on the Submit button.
  9. Finally, download it and take a soft copy for future use.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s):

When will the CISF Result 2020 be announced?

The CISF Result 2020 will be announced soon.

From where can I check CISF Result 2020?

Aspirants can check the CISF Result 2020 from the official website as well as on our website.

Are there any details required to check the CISF Result 2020?

Yes, Aspirants have to enter the Registration Number/Roll Number and Password to check their results.

What is the CISF Cut Off Marks 2020?

The officials will provide the CISF Cut Off Marks before or while the announcement of the Result.

You May Check This Also:

Sarkari Results 2020 – Click Here

All India Results 2020 – Click Here

LIC AAO Syllabus 2020 – Download Prelims, Mains Exam Pattern in Hindi Pdf

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:24 AM PDT

LIC AAO Syllabus 2020 is available for download from the link given below. Individuals who are appearing for Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) Recruitment 2020 for AAO vacancies written test can get the syllabus and exam pattern. It is one of the reputed exams that will be attempted by many candidates every time. For much more information go through the below sections and start exam preparation.

LIC AAO Syllabus 2020

LIC AAO Syllabus 2020   Download Prelims, Mains Exam Pattern in Hindi Pdf @licindia.inThe LIC Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) Syllabus Pdf updated here for the post of Assistant Administrative Officer (Generalist, IT, CA, Actuarial, Rajbhasa). Applicants who are searching for LIC AAO 2020 Pdf can check for complete details along with exam pattern over here. The LIC AAO 2020 notification was released for Assistant Administrative Officer vacancies. Since LIC AAO preparation is very important to score good marks in the exam. Practice the AAO Exam model papers. Visit the official website for AAO Exam 2020 details. By practicing the old papers, candidates can gain subject knowledge. So, Download the Life Insurance Corporation Of India AAO Syllabus pdf and Model papers from the link given below.

LIC AAO Exam Syllabus 2020 – Details

Description Details
Name of the Organization Life Insurance Corporation Limited (LIC)
Job Designation Assistant Administrative Officer Posts (AAO)
LIC AAO Exam Date 2020 (Prelims)  04th April 2020
LIC AAO Mains Exam Date Updated Soon
Category Name Syllabus
Official Website

LIC AE Exam Syllabus Pdf

Candidates applying for the various Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) posts will be selected based on the three-tiered process that is mentioned below-

 Selection Process:

  • Prelims Examination
  • Main Examination
  • Interview

LIC AAO Exam Pattern 2020

Phase-I: LIC AAO Prelims Exam Pattern 2020

 Name of the Tests No. of Questions  Maximum Marks  Duration
 Reasoning Ability  35  35  20 Mins
Quantitative Ability  35  35  20 Mins
 English Language  30  30  20 Mins
 Total  100  70  1 Hour

LIC AAO Syllabus 2020 in Hindi Pdf

  • It will be an Online Examination that will consist of Objective Type Questions
  • The medium of exam will be in Hindi & English
  • The Maximum Marks for the examination will  be 70 Marks
  • ** English Language test will be of qualifying nature and the marks in the English Language will not be counted for ranking.

Phase-II: LIC AAO Mains(Generalist) Test Pattern 2020

 Name of the Tests No. of Questions  Maximum Marks  Duration
 Reasoning Ability  30  90  40 Mins
General Knowledge, Current Affairs  30  60  20 Mins
 Professional knowledge  30  90  40 Mins
Insurance and Financial Market Awareness 30 60 20 Mins
Knowledge of Language (Descriptive) 2 25 30 Mins
  • The English Language will be of qualifying nature

Phase-II: LIC AAO Mains (IT/ Chartered Accountant/ Actuarial/Rajbhasha) Paper Pattern 2020

 Name of the Tests No. of Questions  Maximum Marks  Duration
 Reasoning Ability  30  90  40 Mins
General Knowledge, Current Affairs  30  60  20 Mins
Professional Knowledge  30  90  40 Mins
Insurance and Financial Market Awareness 30 60 20 Mins
Legal Drafting for AAO 2 25 30 Mins
  • The English Language will be of qualifying nature

Phase-II: LIC AAO Mains (Legal) Exam Paper Pattern 2020

 Name of the Tests No. of Questions  Maximum Marks  Duration
 Reasoning Ability  30  90  40 Mins
General Knowledge, Current Affairs  30  60  20 Mins
Professional Knowledge  30  90  40 Mins
Insurance and Financial Market Awareness 30 60 20 Mins
English Language (Letter Writing & Essay) 2 25 30 Mins
  • Knowledge of Language will be of Qualifying Nature and it will be in Hindi Medium
  • For the rest Papers, the medium of examination will be Hindi & English

LIC AAO Syllabus Pdf 2020

The AAO LIC Syllabus pdf is available here. By providing the test pattern of the LIC AAO 2020 exam, individuals can get a view of the exam structure. After, the pattern, note down the exam topics for LIC India Asst Administrative Officer Exam 2020. These topics might come across in the written test.

LIC AAO Reasoning Syllabus

  • Number Series.
  • Coding-Decoding.
  • Non-Verbal Series.
  • Number Ranking.
  • Alphabet Series.
  • Directions.
  • Analogy.
  • Arithmetical Reasoning.
  • Blood Relations.
  • Decision Making.
  • Mirror Images.
  • Clocks & Calendars.
  • Cubes and Dice.
  • Embedded Figures etc.

LIC AAO Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus 2020

  • Number System.
  • Percentages.
  • Decimal & Fractions.
  • Average.
  • Simplification.
  • Problems on Ages.
  • Profit and Loss.
  • Time and Work.
  • Ratio and Proportions.
  • Time and Distance.
  • HCF & LCM.
  • Mixtures & Allegations.
  • Simple & Compound Interest.
  • Data Interpretation etc.

Download LIC AAO English Syllabus

  • Verb.
  • Subject-Verb Agreement.
  • Error Correction.
  • Tenses.
  • Sentence Rearrangement.
  • Adverb.
  • Comprehension.
  • Articles.
  • Grammar.
  • Fill in the Blanks.
  • Unseen Passages.
  • Synonyms.
  • Vocabulary.
  • Idioms & Phrases.
  • Antonyms etc.

LIC AAO Computer Knowledge Syllabus

  • MS Office.
  • MS PowerPoint.
  • Windows.
  • MS Word.
  • MS Excel.
  • Computer Software & Hardware etc.

LIC AAO General Awareness & General knowledge Syllabus

  • Current Affairs – National & International.
  • Important Financial & Economic News.
  • Budget and Five Year Plans.
  • Abbreviations.
  • Awards and Honors.
  • Sports.
  • Important Days.
  • Science – Inventions & Discoveries.
  • International & National Organizations.
  • Books and Authors.
  • Countries & Capitals etc.

Professional knowledge

  • Evolution of Architecture
  • Architectural Graphics
  • Architectural Design
  • Theory of Architecture
  • Architectural Construction
  • Climate and Architecture
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Architectural Services
  • Design of Structures
  • Entrepreneurship Development
  • Building Diseases and Treatment
  • Analysis of Contemporary Works
  • Principles of Urban & Rural Planning
  • Architectural Acoustics etc

Life Insurance Corporation AAO Syllabus 2020 Pdf

Download LIC AAO Syllabus 2020 Pdf in Hindi

Maharashtra CET Exam Admit Card 2020 Released | Download Here @

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:23 AM PDT

MAH CET Admit Card 2020 Released for Maharashtra Common Entrance Test. Hence, the entrance exam will be held on 28th March 2020. The board advised the candidates to download the hall ticket before the exam date. All students must check with the admit card before printing it. Hence, the hall ticket has to be downloaded by providing valid key elements. Therefore, candidates can get the MAH CET Call Letter to write the Entrance Exam. The MAH CET Admit Card is released on 16th March 2020.

Maharashtra CET Exam Admit Card 2020 Released | Download Here @

MAH CET Admit Card 2020 – HighLights

Description Details
Name of the Board Directorate of Maharashtra
Name of the Exam Common Entrance Test
Exam Date 28th March 2020
Category Admit card
 Admit Card Date 16th March 2020
Official website

Details on Maharashtra CET Admit Card 2020

Maharashtra CET Cell has intended to direct tests for the students applied for entrance exams. The individuals who have enlisted for the examination, the time has come to download the Admit Card 2020 for the up and coming Examination. Forgoing to the Exams Hall Ticket is a required one. So competitors ought to download the Admit Card 10 days before the Examination. The downloaded Call Letter ought to contain a few snippets of data which ought to be appropriate and a substantial one. Be certain that the beneath recorded data is right and there is no slip-up at any opportunity.

  • Candidates Name
  • Name of the Candidate's Father
  • The venue of the Exam Centre
  • Date & Time of the Test
  • Reporting Time to the Exam Hall
  • Gender (Male/ Female)
  • Roll Number
  • Duration of the Online Test
  • Space for Invigilator's Signature
  • Registration Number
  • Name of the Test Centre
  • Category of the candidates
  • Space for Applicant's Signature
  • Name of the Exam Conducting Board
  • Photograph of the Candidate
  • Applicant's Date of Birth
  • Name of the Written Test
  • Important Guidelines for the Exam Takers
  • Full Name of the Applicant
  • Examination Centre Code
  • Signature of the Board Counselor

Maharashtra Common Entrance Exam | 28th March 2020

Identity Proofs for MAH CET Hall Ticket 2020

Maharashtra Government discharges the hall ticket for the Entrance Exams. The tests will be directed according to the date and calendar. Applicants are approached to be on time to the assessment lobby, newbies won’t be permitted to bring down the test under any conditions. While entering the Examination Hall, applicants Admit Card will be checked with the ID Proof. For the confirmation procedure, applicants are solicited to bring anyone from the beneath recorded ID Proof details. Ensure your Hall Ticket subtleties and ID Proof matches. If there should arise an occurrence of any bungle or the specific individual neglects to bring any of the recorded won’t be permitted to bring down the assessment.

  • Original Photograph
  • Voter Card
  • Pan Card
  • Employee ID
  • College ID
  • PAN Card
  • Passport
  • Driving License
  • Any other ID proof issued by a Gazetted Officer
  • Bank Pass Book with the photograph

How to Download MAH Common Entrance Test Admit Card 2020?

  1. Click on the MAH CET Admit Card 2020.
  2. Enter the Registration Number and Password on the home page.
  3. Now enter the image in the box that is available on the page.
  4. Log in to get the Maharashtra Common Entrance Test Admit Card.
  5. Admit Card page will appear on the screen.
  6. Fill the needed credentials into the hall ticket which are asked.
  7. After filling recheck the details that you have entered.
  8. Once done with the checking Submit the admit card.
  9. Finally, download the hall ticket after the submission.
  10. Take a photocopy of the MHT Common Entrance Test Admit Card.
  11. Carry for the exam and for the upcoming selection rounds.

Direct Links to Download Maharashtra CET Admit Card

MAH CET Admit Card Download Here
Official Website Click Here

Dibrugarh University Results 2020 [Declared] – Download DU PGDCA, B.E, B.A, B.Sc & Other UG/PG Results @

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:18 AM PDT

Dibrugarh University Result 2020 Released: Students who have shown up for the Examination led by the Dibrugarh University, its opportunity to look at your outcomes. Look at the UG/PG semester results of Dibrugarh University. Understudies who are looking for DIBRU Exam Results and Mark Sheet can get it here. We have recorded the latest Dibrugarh University Results 2020 with Mark Sheet. Look at the whole article to think about the Dibrugarh University Revaluation Result 2020 subtleties.

Dibrugarh University Results 2020 [Declared]   Download DU PGDCA, B.E, B.A, B.Sc & Other UG/PG Results @

Dibrugarh University – Overview



Name of the University Dibrugarh University
Courses Offered Diploma, Certificate, UG, PG and Research programs
Established Year 1965
Category Sarkari Results
Location Dibrugarh, Assam
Mode Online
Official Website

Dibrugarh University Results 2020 @

Dibrugarh University has discharged the semester assessment results for the BBA, MA, BCA Courses first, third and fifth semester. We have connected the immediate connect to download the Semester Exam Results from the official site with no interruptions. Competitors can get the Dibrugarh University Results 2020 in Pdf design. Also, search for Dibrugarh University Semester shrewd Exam Results alongside the Marksheet. Wannabes can likewise get the Regular and Supplementary Results here. We will refresh all the data about Dibrugarh University Results on the official site @

Latest Updated Dibrugarh University Results 2020-21

Examination Name

Result Link

Dibrugarh University Results 2020 [Declared]   Download DU PGDCA, B.E, B.A, B.Sc & Other UG/PG Results @ Semester PGDCA Examination held in July 2019 Download
Dibrugarh University Results 2020 [Declared]   Download DU PGDCA, B.E, B.A, B.Sc & Other UG/PG Results @ Semester B.E. (Compartmental) Examination held in August 2019 Download
Dibrugarh University Results 2020 [Declared]   Download DU PGDCA, B.E, B.A, B.Sc & Other UG/PG Results @ 2nd, 4th & 6th Semester (Old Course) held in June 2019 Download
Dibrugarh University Results 2020 [Declared]   Download DU PGDCA, B.E, B.A, B.Sc & Other UG/PG Results @ & Final Semester M.E. (Regular) Examination held in May-July, 2019 Download
Dibrugarh University Results 2020 [Declared]   Download DU PGDCA, B.E, B.A, B.Sc & Other UG/PG Results @ Semester Master of Engineering (M.E.) (Compartmental) Examination held in May-July, 2019 Download
Dibrugarh University Results 2020 [Declared]   Download DU PGDCA, B.E, B.A, B.Sc & Other UG/PG Results @ 2nd, 4th and 6th Semester Examination held in May 2019 Download
2nd Semester MBA (Full Time) (Backlog) Examination (Non-CBCS) 2019, held in June-July 2019 Download
4th Semester Five Year Integrated BBA LL.B./ BBA LL.B.(Hons) and B.Com. LL.B./B.Com. LL.B. (Hons) Examination held in June 2019 Download
6th & Final Semester. LL.B Examination, held in June 2019 Download
6th Semester B.E. (Regular) Examination held in May-June, 2019 Download
8th Semester B.E. (Compartmental) Examination held in September 2019 Download
4th Semester B.E. (Backlog) (New Course) Examination held in June 2019 Download
7th Semester B.E. (Compartmental) Examination, July 2019 Download 
1st Semester BCA (Betterment/Compartmental) Examination held in June 2019 (under CBCS) Download
M. Sc. 2nd and 4th Semester Examination in Physics 2019, held in June 2019 Download
4th & Final Semester MBA (Full Time) Examination, 2019 held in June–July 2019 Download
Other Results Download

How to Download the Dibrugarh University Results 2020?

  1. Click on the Official Website of Dibrugarh University
  2. On the home page, check for the Results tab.
  3. Click on the Result tab and a new page opens up.
  4. Select for the respected course and get the semester.
  5. Then the Pdf opens up.
  6. Students can now download the PDF for future reference.

Also, CheckDibrugarh University Results 2020 [Declared]   Download DU PGDCA, B.E, B.A, B.Sc & Other UG/PG Results @ University Results 2020

About Dibrugarh University

Dibrugarh University (DU) is a state-funded college in the Northeastern province of Assam. It is an instructing cum-affiliating college that was set up in 1965 under the Dibrugarh University Act, 1965 established by the Assam Legislative Assembly. Tinsukia, Jorhat, Dibrugarh, Sivasagar, Charaideo, Majuli, Golaghat, Lakhimpur, and Dhemaji are the locale under the ward of Dibrugarh University. The college has a rambling grounds at Rajabheta, 5km from Dibrugarh, Assam spread over a territory of 550 sections of land. Dibrugarh University offers different Diplomas, declaration, undergrad, postgraduate and research level projects in different fields through its 5 schools of studies, 17 showing offices, and 16 focuses. Dibrugarh University has around 175 associated schools spread in different locales under its purview.

Customary/Supplementary Result for Dibrugarh University

Understudies are hanging tight for the outcomes on the off chance that they scored well they will prompt one year from now. Be that as it may, on the off chance that they won’t get more stamps they can apply for the Revaluation Results. When they applied for the Examination, the more elevated level Examiner will check the paper once more. Additionally, on the off chance that they despite everything get bomb marks, they can apply for the benefit assessment. For each semester Students can apply for the revaluation after the declaration of the fundamental assessment results. The Dibrugarh University will take up to seven days to process the test papers to report the Dibrugarh University Revaluation Results.

MPSC Result 2020 [Declared] |Download for PSI, SI & Others

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:17 AM PDT

MPSC Result 2020 @ Here, We will give all the MPSC Board Examination Results 2020 on this Page. So, all the candidates can get all the latest released Result of MPSC Department here. Hence, aspirants need not go to any other webpages to the Results. Also, we will update a direct link to download the MPSC Results 2020 and the link will activate at the time of the official announcement. Keep in touch with our page to know the day to day updates about the MPSC Result 2020.

MPSC Result 2020

Post Name

Result Release Date

MPSC Result Links

MPSC AMVI Result April 2020 – Tentative MPSC AMVI Result
MPSC Result 2020 [Declared] |Download for PSI, SI & OthersMPSC PSI Result 16th March 2020 & 17th March 2020 MPSC PSI Result
Group C Services April 2020 (Tentatively) MPSC Group C Mains Result

Maharashtra PSC AMVI Result 2020 @ Maharashtra Public Service Commission has conducted the Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector Examination on 15th March 2020. Maharashtra PSC has announced this recruitment to fill 240 vacancies of Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector (AMVI) posts. The Board of MPSC selects the candidates based on the two levels of the selection process such as Preliminary Examination and Mains Examination. Aspirants can get a direct link to download the MPSC Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector Result 2020. The link will be activated at the time of the official announcement. Additionally, candidates can check and download the MPSC AMVI Cut Off Marks 2020 and MPSC AMVI Merit List 2020. Moreover, the Maharashtra Public Service Commission will announce the Maharashtra PSC Exam Result 2020 in the month of April 2020 (Tentatively)

MPSC Assistant MVI Result 2020



Organization Name Maharashtra Public Service Commission
Post Name Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector (AMVI)
Exam Name Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector Examination
No Of Posts 240 Posts
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date 15th March 2020
Result Date April 2020 – Tentative
Selection Process Prelims Examination, Mains Examination
Job Location Maharashtra
Official Website
MPSC AMVI Final Result 2020- Click Here

MPSC PSI Result 2020 Released: Are you searching for MPSC PSI Mains Result 2020? If yes, it is the perfect place to check your results. Maharashtra Public Service Commission has conducted the exam for the below-mentioned posts on various dates. Most of the aspirants have participated and waiting for the results. Maharashtra Public Service Commission has released the MPSC PSI Main Result now. Here on this page, we have given a quick link to check and download the MPSC PSI Result 2020. And, candidates can also get the MPSC PSI Result 2020, Cut Off Marks and Merit List 2020 on this page.

MPSC PSI Result 2020



Organization Name Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC)
Post Name Police Sub Inspector, Assistant Section Officer & State Tax Inspector
Number of Vacancies 555
Category Sarkari Result
Main Exam, PSI Paper-II, STI Paper-II & ASI Paper-II 28th July 2019, 4th August 2019, 11th August 2019 & 24th August
Selection Process Written Exam, Interview
Result Release Date 16th March 2020 & 17th March 2020
Job Location Maharashtra
Official Website
MPSC PSI Main Result 2020 – Click HereMPSC Result 2020 [Declared] |Download for PSI, SI & Others
MPSC Police Sub Inspector Result 2020 – Click HereMPSC Result 2020 [Declared] |Download for PSI, SI & Others
MPSC Police Tax Inspector Result 2020 – Click HereMPSC Result 2020 [Declared] |Download for PSI, SI & Others

MPSC Group C Mains Result 2020 @ Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) has commenced the examination for Group C Services (Secondary Inspector, Tax Assistant, Clerk Typist – Marathi, English) on the scheduled dates. Many aspirants have participated in the examination and waiting for the Results. This is the best place to get your Maharashtra PSC Group C Result 2020. Moreover, the MPSC Officials are planning to declare the MPSC Exam Result 2020 in the month of April 2020 (Tentatively). Here, we will update the direct link to download the Maharashtra Public Service Commission Result 2020 and the link will activate at the time of the official announcement.

MPSC Group C Result 2020



Organization Name Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC)
Post Name Group C Services (Secondary Inspector, Tax Assistant, Clerk Typist – Marathi, English)
Number of Vacancies 338 Posts
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date Combined Paper I: 6th October 2019
Clerk-Typist (Paper-II): 13th October 2019
Sub Inspector (Paper-II): 20th October 2019
Tax Assistant (Paper-II): 3rd November 2019
Result Release Date April 2020 (Tentative)
Selection Process Preliminary Exam, Mains Exam, Interview
Job Location Maharashtra
Official Website
Maharashtra PSC Group C Exam Result 2020 – Click Here

MPSC SO Result 2019: Maharashtra Public Service Commission officials have declared the Maharashtra PSC SO, Deputy Manager Result 2019 through online mode on 20th December 2019. So, all the contenders can get the Maharashtra Public Service Commission Result 2019 from this web portal. Additionally, aspirants can also download the MPSC Deputy Manager Cut Off, Merit List 2019 from here itself. Aspirants can get all the details regarding Maharashtra PSC Results 2019 from this site itself instead of visiting some other websites. Hence, visit our page on a daily basis to know all the latest results.

Manipur PSC Section Officer, Deputy Manager Result 2020



Organization Name Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC)
Post Name Section Officer, Deputy Manager Posts
Number of Vacancies 376 Posts
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date 24th February 2019 to 2nd March 2019
Result Release Date 20th December 2019 
Selection Process Written Test, Interview
Job Location Maharashtra
Official Website
MPSC Section Officer, Deputy Manager Result 2019 – Click Here

MPSC Forest Service Cut Off Marks 2020

Candidates can get the MPSC Forest Service Cut Off Marks on this page. The officials of the Maharashtra Public Service Commission has released the MPSC Forest Service Cut Off Marks 2020 based on the category wise and some common factors. Maharashtra Public Service Commission Board will decide the Maharashtra PSC Cut Off Marks 2020 based on some conditions like the candidate's category, the number of candidates attending the exam, availability of vacancies, the model of the paper. Candidates can get the MPSC Forest Service Cut Off Marks 2020 from the official website @

MPSC Forest Service Merit List 2020

The officials of  Maharashtra Public Service Commission has released the MPSC Forest Service Merit List based on the performance of the written examination. In the merit list, candidates who are qualified for the further rounds, those names in the MPSC Forest Service Merit List 2020. So, all the exam participants can check MPSC Forest Guard Merit List from this web page and verify if your name has placed in it or not. If your name has notified on that MPSC Forest Service Merit List 2020, then get ready for the further rounds of the selection process with the merit list based on the cut-off marks.

How to Download MPSC Forest Service Exam Result 2020?

  1. Visit the official website of the Maharashtra Public Service Commission @
  2. The home page of Maharashtra PSC will display on the screen.
  3. On the main page, you can see Result Box and then click on it.
  4. Now, the MPSC Forest Service Result link will appear on the screen.
  5. After that, click on that link.
  6. Now, the results will display on the screen.
  7. Finally, download and save the results for further reference.

JPU Result 2020 [Updated] – JP University BA, BBA, B.Sc, B.Com & Other UG/PG Exam Results Here

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:14 AM PDT

JP University Result 2020 Declared: Students can check out the Jai Prakash Vishwavidyalaya, Chapra University recent updates regarding the results here. JP University has recently released the Results for UG/PG Semester Exams. Candidates who are eagerly looking for the JP University Semester Result just check out the below section. We expected this year’s authority will be announced the JP University Part I, II, and III Results 2020 on its official web site. Candidates want any more details about the Latest JP University Results 2020 you may visit the JP University Official Website i.e,

JPU Result 2020 [Updated]   JP University BA, BBA, B.Sc, B.Com & Other UG/PG Exam Results Here

Jai Prakash University – Overview



Name of the University Jai Prakash University
Courses Offered UG, PG, M.Phil. and Diploma programs
Established Year 1990
Category Sarkari Results
Location Bihar
Result Mode Online
Official Website

JP University Results 2020 @

Here is great news for the Students of Jai Prakash University. The JP University has released the JPU Result for all the UG, PG and Diploma Courses Semester Exams. Those who have written the semester examination, its time to check out your JP University Results 2020. Students who do not have the qualified marks in the JPU Results should apply for the re-evaluation process. Later the JPU Results announcement, the officials give some time period to apply for the re-evaluation process. In this process, the authorities are re-correct your paper and released the Revaluation Results within few days.

Latest Updated JP University Results 2020

Examination Name 

Result Link

JPU Result 2020 [Updated]   JP University BA, BBA, B.Sc, B.Com & Other UG/PG Exam Results HereTDC-Part II Examination 2017 and 2018 Click Here
JPU Result 2020 [Updated]   JP University BA, BBA, B.Sc, B.Com & Other UG/PG Exam Results HereTDC-Part III Examination 2017 Click Here
JPU Result 2020 [Updated]   JP University BA, BBA, B.Sc, B.Com & Other UG/PG Exam Results HereB.Ed. 1st Year Examination 2018 – 2020 Click Here
P.G. Semester II Examination 2017 Click Here
P.G. Semester IV Examination 2017 Click Here
Result of TDC Part – I Examination 2019 Honours (Special) Click Here
Result of TDC Part – I Examination 2019 General (Special) Click Here
Result of BCA VIth Examination 2017 Click Here
Examination Form of BCA Vth Examination 2015 – 2018 Click Here
Result of B.Ed. 2nd Year (2017-2019) Click Here
Result of TDC Part III Examination 2017 Click Here
Result of TDC – Part I Examination 2018 Click Here
Result of P.G. Semester II Examination 2016 Click Here
Result of P.G. Semester IV Examination 2016 Click Here
Result of TDC – Part I Combined Examination 2016 and 2017 Click Here
Result of TDC Part-II Examination 2016 Click Here
Result of P.G. 1st Semester Examination 2015 Click Here
Result of P.G. 3rd Semester Examination 2015 Click Here
Other Results Click Here

How to Download the JPU Jai Prakash University Result 2020?

  1. Students have to click on the official web portal of the university i.e.
  2. On the homepage, they have to open the "News and Announcements" tab in the quick menu section.
  3. In that, click on the Examination & Results tab.
  4. The results page will open up.
  5. Students can click their appropriate results.
  6. Students can download the JP University Result for future references.

Also, Check JPU Result 2020 [Updated]   JP University BA, BBA, B.Sc, B.Com & Other UG/PG Exam Results HereGanpat University Results 2020

About Jai Prakash University

Jai Prakash University is one of the state premier universities in Chapra, Bihar, India. Initially serving the needs of higher and quality education of the people of Saran commissionary, it has completed its 27 years and has entered its 28th year, 11 affiliated colleges With 21 constituent colleges, and 23 proposed colleges including 10 professional colleges, it is offering courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate level in most subjects. It is recognized by the UGC as a state university and is a member of the Association of Indian Universities. Comprising the three districts of Saran, Siwan, and Gopalganj.

JP University Regular/Supplementary Results

Students, those who have not cleared and got low marks. Then the understudies can apply for the Revaluation. This is is a chance for the students to increase their marks in subjects in which they have scored low marks. If students have written the main exam well and still got a low score. They can have a correction of their exam paper once again to increase their scoring. Currently, JP University has released the revaluation results for UG, PG with all-region Students. So Students can check the JPU Revaluation Results from the official website as well as on our recruitment. guru page.

economic news of india - world economic news - economics news for students - indian economy news

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 08:13 PM PDT

economic news of india - world economic news - economics news for students - indian economy news

Coronavirus is the last thing bad loan-plagued Indian banks need


MUMBAI: Large banks had an emergency meeting on Monday evening to explore ways to lend a helping hand to businesses hit by the Covid-19 outbreak. At the hurriedly called videoconference attended by close to 20 senior bankers, there were discussions on possible credit lines and special benefits that could be given to certain sectors such as transportation, travel and tourism, exports and MSMEs.The meeting was called by the Indian Banks' Association, the industry lobby."Banks are collating information, and IBA will then forward the recommendations to RBI," said IBA chief executive Sunil Mehta. He said IBA and member banks are planning to come out with advisories to create customer awareness and promote contact-less banking. IBA will also assure clients that institutions are putting in place business continuity plans, and encourage banks to have flexible working hours.Trade Bodies Reach Out to Banks, RBIMany trade bodies have reached out to lenders as well as the banking regulator, drawing attention to the plight of industries — particularly those dependent on imported raw materials and having exposure to markets such as the US, Europe, Middle East and China. 74682378 "Several businesses are stuck… there are so many cases where letters of credit have been opened, payments made, but shipments have not arrived," said another banker. "Some of the banks felt that the present circumstances may call for regulatory forbearance as many borrowers could find it difficult to service loans in time," said the person.Some of the trade associations are pleading for waiver of interest on packing (or, pre-shipment) and post-shipment credit for a six-month period beginning January 1, 2020, and extension of packing credit availed for manufacturing or procurement of goods meant for exports by at least 180 days. In most cases, an exporter is required to receive payments within 180 days.After dispatching goods to foreign buyers, an exporter hands over shipping documents to his bank. The exporter's bank (wherever post-shipment credit limits have been put in place) pays the shipment amount to the exporter after deducting bill discounting. The shipment documents are then sent to the foreign buyer's bank by the exporter's bank."Where the amount is payable upfront and no credit is allowed by the exporter to foreign importer, the foreign bank will collect the amount and release the shipping documents to the importer. The buyer's bank will then remit the amount to the exporter's bank. The entire cycle normally takes 90-180 days. Sometimes, if the local exporter does not have credit limits with the local bank or if the limit is full and no more room is available to discounting more export bills, the exporter will ask his bank to send the shipping documents on 'collection' basis. Here, the exporter receives the money only after the foreign buyer has paid. In such cases, the entire credit risk on foreign importer is borne by the local exporter unless ECGC (Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India) has guaranteed the amount. The period of 180 days should be extended by the RBI as this is a force majeure situation," said veteran banker PH Ravikumar.A note from the China Banking Association — circulated among Indian lenders — said banks in China have taken steps such as waiver of transfer fees for donations or remittances, providing 24X7 services through e-platforms, rescheduling repayment plans for affected lenders, disinfecting brick-and-mortar branches and bank notes, besides providing regular updates.In many cases, Indian banks have told borrowers that extending pre-shipment or post-shipment credit facilities in the current situation would require regulatory approval.

The possible antidote for virus-hit economy


MUMBAI: A combination of monetary as well as fiscal policy measures are called for to salvage the economy from the collateral damage from the fallout of the spread of coronavirus disease-COVID-19, according to a research report by the State Bank of India.On the monetary side, besides maintaining a proactive liquidity regime as well as facilitating stability in financial markets through unconventional measures, the research report makes a case for a rate cut by the central bank to accommodate the possible surge in liquidity demand and shock-related price increases. The RBI may also need to consider a degree of prudential forbearance in specific sectors like hotel, aviation, transport, metal, auto components and textiles, it said. The central bank should make use of the current situation to incentivise digital payments given the risk of using currency notes in times of pandemic.The output in the economy is expected to slow down on account of both demand-side and supply side factors. On the demand side, inoperability analysis for three sectors namely Transport, Tourism and Hotels show significant impact on demand and hence output. The SBI research team estimates that the impact of a 5% inoperability shock could be 90 basis point on GDP from Trade, Hotel and Transport and Transport, Storage and Communication segment, that could be spread over FY20 and FY21, with a larger impact in FY21.On the supply side China is an important source of critical inputs for many sectors. Supply shock is akin to higher price of inputs which in turn affects the price of all the commodities up the supply chain. A simultaneous demand and supply shock to the economy will also have implications for the banking sector.On the fiscal side the nearly 30% fall in crude oil prices could lower the petrol prices by Rs12/litre and diesel prices by Rs10/litre in India from their present prices. The additional revenue accruing to Centre from increasing the excise duty (Rs 35,000-Rs 40,000 crores) could be spent on providing relief to people at the lower strata who will lose income because of shutdown of commercial activity in states, the report said.

Covid-19: 25K auto execs to work from home


MUMBAI/NEW DELHI: India's automobile sector will see an unprecedented number of 25,000 office employees working from home for at least two weeks. This is as part of the safety measures being implemented across companies to contain the spread of Covid-19.While employees working from home are mostly holding desk jobs, the factory workers continue to work as before, in an extremely controlled environment. These measures are being taken at a critical time of the transition from BS-IV to BS-VI and the companies are under pressure to meet annual targets.Tata Motors was the first to issue an advisory asking around 3000 employees to work from home, late last week. On Tuesday, the Mahindra Group instructed over 7000 employees from the automotive and farm division working from offices to work from home.Among its peers, Volkswagen Group asked 200 employees, while Fiat Chrysler directed 300 and another 1000 employees from its joint venture company with Tata Motors - Fiat India Automobile Private Limited to work from home. Renault asked 150 to work from home, while 100 executives from M G Motor and 40 executives from Volvo Cars India have received advisory to operate from home.The biggest contingent however to get a work from home directive are over 15000 executives from the business service division of US carmaker Ford. They have now been asked to work from home.Ruzbeh Irani, president (group communications & ethics) and chief brand officer at Mahindra explained the group is carefully monitoring the rapidly evolving Covid-19 pandemic and continues to take appropriate actions to ensure the protection of its employees."We have implemented work-from-home as appropriate and feasible while ensuring business continuity. Employees will leverage a host of technology tools at their disposal to facilitate smooth collaboration and agility," Irani said.The leaders Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai Motor and rivals Honda Cars India, Toyota Kirloskar, Kia Motors have all taken precautionary measures but are yet to take a call on work from home.FCA India said it has permitted over 50% of its staff, from its Mumbai and Pune offices, to work from home, at least until March 31, 2020."We have to endure these challenging times together as responsible citizens and care for our families, friends and colleagues, while at the same time, ensuring business continuity," said FCA India's president and MD, Partha Datta.Employees with business-critical needs and those using company vehicles are permitted to work in the office subject to their manager's approval. FCA field sales personnel have been advised to coordinate business from home across India.The spokesperson at Å koda Auto Volkswagen India Private Limited said, in addition to stringent travel restrictions, they have ensured self-quarantine for employees who have recently returned from other countries.A Ford India spokesperson said starting March 16, the company has instructed much of its India workforce including Ford India and global business services– except those in business-critical roles that cannot be done away from Ford facilities – to work remotely until further notice."The action will additionally help reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus while maximizing the health of our business," Ford spokesperson said.

S&P lowers India's growth forecast to 5.2 pc in 2020


NEW DELHI: S&P Global Ratings on Wednesday lowered India's economic growth forecast to 5.2 per cent for 2020, saying the global economy is entering a recession amid the coronavirus pandemic.The agency had earlier projected a growth rate of 5.7 per cent during the 2020 calendar.Asia-Pacific economic growth in 2020 will be more than halve to less than 3 per cent as the "global economy enters a recession", S&P said in a statement.An enormous first-quarter shock in China, shutdowns across the US and Europe, and local virus transmission guarantees a deep recession across Asia-Pacific, said Shaun Roache, chief Asia-Pacific economist at S&P Global Ratings."We lower our forecasts for China, India, and Japan for 2020 to 2.9 per cent, 5.2 per cent and -1.2 per cent (from 4.8 per cent, 5.7 per cent, and -0.4 per cent previously)," S&P said.On Tuesday, Moody's Investors Service had lowered India's economic growth forecast for 2020 to 5.3 per cent (from 5.4 per cent), in the wake of the coronavirus impact on the economy.

Vodafone Idea promoters may infuse $1.5 billion in telco if AGR dues cut


Kolkata | New Delhi: Promoters of Vodafone Idea Ltd (VIL) — UK's Vodafone Group Plc and Aditya Birla Group — may infuse around $1.5 billion (about ₹11,060 crore) into the telco if the government cuts the carrier's adjusted gross revenue (AGR) dues based on the self-assessment, and also allows repayment over several years, analysts and executives said.A combination of reduced AGR dues and easier repayment terms on the back of recent tariff hikes, brokerage CLSA said, could send growth revival signals and encourage VIL's promoters to reassess their stance of 'no equity infusion' to bolster the struggling telco's financial position for competing more effectively with Bharti Airtel and Reliance Jio Infocomm."VIL's promoters may consider an additional capital infusion of at least $1-1.5 billion (₹7,376-11,060 crore) over the next six to nine months if the government approves a sharp reduction in VIL's AGR dues, allows repayment of such statutory liabilities over a minimum 10-year tenure and signals an early floor tariff for data services," Rajiv Sharma, research head at SBICaps Securities, told ET.A Vodafone Group Plc spokesman said the British telecom carrier "does not recognise speculation about a potential capital infusion" in a written response to ET's queries. He though added that "critical steps to ensure sustainability of a three-player market in India are measures that could be introduced by the government and a floor on pricing, which is a regulatory decision".Aditya Birla Group did not respond to ET's queries at press time. 74682539 The comments come even as the government on Monday requested the Supreme Court to allow telcos to stagger their AGR payments over a maximum 20 years, at a reduced interest rate of 8%. Vodafone Idea had said it would shut shop unless it gets relief on these dues.Vodafone Idea Ltd recently computed its AGR dues at ₹21,533 crore, way below the over ₹58,000 crore pegged by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT). Of this, the principal sum is pegged at ₹6,854 crore, which has been paid in full by the telco.Despite the expected government relief, VIL's long-term survival hinges on fresh equity infusion by its promoters as the company doesn't have cash to clear its AGR dues, say analysts.Brokerage Credit Suisse, in a note, said the telco may be able to sustain over the next two years with the spectrum and AGR payment deferments. But its "cash flow analysis suggests that business viability is under cloud even at ₹200 ARPU (and subcribers base of 280 million) once the deferred spectrum payment resumes in FY23E," Credit Suisse said in the note. It added that the telco will need strong operational improvement along with "meaningful" equity infusion to sustain in the long term."Our analysis further suggests that VIL would need ARPU levels of around ₹145 to meet interest obligation on its debt and ARPU levels of ₹230 to achieve cash flow breakeven (post FY23)," Credit Suisse said. The telco's ARPU was ₹109 in the fiscal third quarter.

Covid-19 outbreak may be a silver lining for telcos


Kolkata: A prolonged Covid-19 pandemic over the next two quarters could be a silver lining for India's three private telcos, analysts and industry experts said. The move by companies across India asking staff to increasingly work from home (WFH), they said, is slated to boost data consumption and trigger a sharp jump in demand for home broadband and virtual private network (VPN) services in the coming weeks, creating fresh enterprise revenue opportunities for Reliance Jio, Bharti Airtel and Vodafone Idea.Analysts estimate around a 15% sequential jump in data consumption levels in each of the next two quarters, which would translate in at least 5% on-quarter revenue growth for telcos. Consumers are also likely to increase the frequency of mobile recharges as they are expected to use up their data allocations more rapidly in such a scenario.A potential drag on faster revenue growth though, they said, could be a likely slowdown in the ability of small & medium businesses/enterprises (SMBs/SMEs) to buy bulk data connections amid an imminent decline in economic activity.Industry experts though are unanimous that a protracted coronavirus outbreak will ring in big lifestyle changes in coming months driven by social distancing and safety compulsions, which would sharply increase India Inc's dependence on virtual platforms for business continuity that only telcos can provide."Big phone companies are likely to be the biggest beneficiaries as telecom infrastructure will ultimately be the main enabler for such virtual platforms to minimise business disruption as social distancing is bound to give a boost to virtual proximity," Bharti Airtel's ex-CEO Sanjay Kapoor told ET.Data consumption, he said, would see an obvious jump, which would give the three private telcos an opportunity to monetise and grow revenues if the pandemic stays over the next few quarters.Rajiv Sharma, research head at SBICap Securities, estimates a 15% sequential jump in data consumption in the near term to be driven by a surge in demand for home broadband connections and VPN services from mid-sized companies — in the ₹500-1,000 crore turnover category — for their staff working from home.He estimates the addressable combined market opportunity for enterprise business services and home connectivity solutions for the three to rise 25-30% in the medium term if the pandemic outbreak is a prolonged one.Industry estimates peg India's current home broadband and enterprise business services market opportunity at ₹30,000-34,000 crore.Rohan Dhamija, partner & head of India & Middle East at Analysys Mason, backed the view, saying companies cutting across verticals would have to invest immediately in home broadband connections for staff, who if forced to stay home and co-work, would rely heavily on video calls for daily meetings, business reviews or even connecting with clients.

Buying shares battered due to Covid-19 may prove to be risky


ET Intelligence Group: A sharp fall in the stock market over the past few weeks may have made the prices of several stocks look attractive, thus tempting investors to make fresh purchases. But this may prove to be risky. Data over the past 20 years show that a double-digit fall from the peak in market indices within a month often results in a prolonged weakness contrary to investors' expectations of a turnaround. The current fall, which has resulted in 28 per cent drop in the benchmark indices at the end of Tuesday's trading session from the peak on January 20, is a part of a global selloff due to the uncertain economic growth amid the outbreak of Covid-19.First of such double-digit drops from the peak was in March 2000 amid the dot-com bubble burst. The Nifty 50 fell by over 10 per cent that month and continued to slide for the next 18 months, tanking by almost 50 per cent from the peak.Once the bottom was formed in 2003, markets started climbing and the rally continued until the beginning of 2008. Indices hit a lower circuit in the middle of January 2008 and the fall continued for 15 months due to subprime crisis in the US, resulting in over 60 per cent drop from the peak. The indices picked up after that and continued to gain the lost ground until end of 2010. 74672877 But once again a double-digit fall in January 2011 continued for 12 months before the markets bottomed out. The only exception during the period of two decades was a sharp fall in May 2004, which was event-driven. The UPA had won mandate to form the government at the centre, much against expectations of the market participants. As a result, the Nifty lost over 11 per cent in a day but recovered in just two trading sessions and continued to scale new peaks in the next four years.A word of caution about short-living rallies within a long drawn market weakness would be apt. During the past instances of an extended weakness in indices, there were pull back rallies lasting for short durations. In the hindsight, investors were better off selling in those rallies rather than buying into them. For instance, in 2008, after correcting in the first three months by 15 per cent, Sensex gained 11 per cent in April, only to fall by 22 per cent in the following two months.

Morgan Stanley, Goldman declare global recession is under way


By Christopher Condon and Jeff KearnsGoldman Sachs Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley economists joined the rush on Wall Street to declare that the coronavirus has triggered a global recession, with the debate now focusing on its likely length and depth.A day after President Donald Trump conceded the U.S. slump alone is set to be "a bad one," economists threw away their forecasts that the world could avoid tumbling into recession for the first time since the financial crisis.Behind the rethink: The virus's spread to Europe and the U.S., as well as new evidence that China -- the first to be hit by what is now a pandemic -- experienced a harder hit to its economy than originally projected.Morgan Stanley's team, led by Chetan Ahya, said a worldwide recession is now its "base case," with growth expected to fall to 0.9% this year. At Goldman Sachs, Jan Hatzius and colleagues predict a weakening of growth to 1.25%. S&P Global added its voice to the chorus with a report expecting that growth would range 1% to 1.5%.74679634 Such slumps would not be as painful as the 0.8% contraction of 2009, as measured by the International Monetary Fund, but they would be worse than the downturns of 2001 and the early 1990s. Both Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs anticipate a rebound in the second half, but warn that the risk remains of even greater economic pain.The projections will apply further pressure on policy makers to do more to limit the health emergency and to deliver stimulus that helps companies and consumers through the shock and then drives a rebound in demand afterward.What' Bloomberg's Economists Say..."We are downgrading our forecast for China's 2020 growth. Our previous forecast for the year was growth at 5.2%. Our new forecast is 1.4%. That includes a 11% contraction in the first quater." -- Chang Shu, David Qu and Tom OrlikAlthough the U.S. Federal Reserve and fellow central banks have been active in loosening monetary policy, most governments have been slow in responding and are only now crafting fiscal packages that may still fail to pacify worried investors."While the policy response will provide downside protection, the underlying damage from both Covid-19's impact and tighter financial conditions will deliver a material shock to the global economy," Morgan Stanley's economists said.The outlook could darken even further if the virus lasts longer than anticipated, or wields greater economic pain -- given factories, schools, restaurants and shops are closing around the world. A freezing up of markets or a continued sluggishness by governments to act are also regarded as threats.Elsewhere on Wall Street, strategists are laying out what governments should be doing.At JPMorgan Chase & Co., John Normand advocated developed economies repeating their handiwork of the crisis when they delivered fiscal stimulus worth 1% to 2% of gross domestic product. George Saravelos, a currency strategist at Deutsche Bank AG, said governments may also need to step in to guarantee support for households and companies.74679640 While the Fed gets "full marks" for its recent response in cutting rates and moving to stabilize credit markets, Northern Trust Corp. Chief Economist Carl Tannenbaum said Congress and the White House have so far failed to act boldly enough."The other side of Washington really needs to step up with something as substantial in size, and intelligent in design," he said.China is experiencing the biggest pain, and most economists failed to capture how far it would fall, with the likelihood now that its economy will suffer the worst turmoil in many decades. The Morgan Stanley economists now reckon its economy shrank 5% in the second quarter.Since the outbreak originated in China, data is being treated by many as a harbinger of what's to come in other regions. Morgan Stanley predicts the U.S. and European economies will suffer the most in the second quarter.Predictions for the U.S. still vary wildly, with some guessing activity could even decline as much 10% on an annualized basis in the three months through June. Goldman Sachs is penciling in a 5% dive after zero growth in the first quarter."The middle two quarters of this year are going to be very challenging, even if we get the spread of the coronavirus under control quickly," said Tannenbaum.

Tech Mahindra, Innoveo partner to drive digital transformation


PUNE: Tech Mahindra will partner Innoveo, a Zuriich based technology software provider, to drive digital transformation in insurance banking and wealth management, the IT services provider said on Tuesday. Through this partnership, both companies will leverage No-Code Platforms to accelerate the launch of custom-built applications for their collective network of clients without software coding in real-time across all banking, wealth management and insurance sectors."Through our partnership with Innoveo, Tech Mahindra will enable digitalization of sales and distribution channels for enterprises to ensure launch of new products in real time; help them trade financial and insurance products through multiple distribution channels, and improve efficiency of processes like risk assessment, insurance policies, banking products, policy lifecycle, customer advisory, servicing and claims resolution," said Gautam Bhasin, Global Head Banking, Financial Services and Insurance, Tech Mahindra.Today's business models are faced with maturing markets combined with millennial demands for engaging experiences, scarcity of technical talent with the necessary coding expertise, and the critical need to accelerate innovation and enable new business models in order to grow and succeed financially. Tech Mahindra and Innoveo will jointly offer innovative solutions to companies struggling with competitive market demands and critical antiquated legacy systems, it said in a statement.Amir Ghaffar, CEO, Innoveo, said, "While the demands for agility, market proximity and the flexibility to adapt to new trends are constantly increasing, digital businesses are struggling with restrictions in terms of development capacity and the integration capability of its often-monolithic back-end legacy systems. If you want to stay ahead of the competition, you must speed up the introduction of digital solutions and innovative offerings."

Coronavirus outbreak: 'Elderly hour' in Australian stores

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:27 PM PDT

Source: FPJ

Scientists can reveal bias in your brain

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:27 PM PDT

Source: FPJ

Analysts’ Corner: ‘Add’ on Hero Motocorp; fair value at Rs 2,150

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:19 PM PDT

Analysts' Corner: 'Add' on Hero Motocorp; fair value at Rs 2,150
Hero has maintained its market share in the domestic motorcycle segment in the past six years despite concerns of escalating competition from Bajaj Auto. Fair value revised to Rs 2,150 (from Rs 2,550 earlier).

Source: TFE

Coronavirus: Tamil Nadu industry experts, trade bodies flag worry over impact on small businesses

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:19 PM PDT

Coronavirus: Tamil Nadu industry experts, trade bodies flag worry over impact on small businesses
The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic is all set to wreck havoc on the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

Source: TFE

UP: Man flees hospital, held; passengers forced to travel in train’s pantry car

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:02 PM PDT

UP: Man flees hospital, held; passengers forced to travel in train's pantry car

Source: TIE

Larsen & Toubro: Maintain ‘buy’ with a TP of Rs 1,432

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:49 PM PDT

Larsen & Toubro: Maintain 'buy' with a TP of Rs 1,432
Concerns that oil price drop will lead to decline in the Middle East order inflows are overdone.

Source: TFE

Bill to grant statutory status to DGCA passed in Lok Sabha

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:36 PM PDT

Bill to grant statutory status to DGCA passed in Lok Sabha
It seeks to improve India's aviation safety ratings as suggested by ICAO

Source: TH

Coronavirus | MoS for External Affairs under self-quarantine

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:36 PM PDT

Coronavirus | MoS for External Affairs under self-quarantine
Tested negative but a matter of precaution, says Muraleedharan

Source: TH

Coroanvirus | Modi speaks to Saudi crown prince on COVID-19

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:36 PM PDT

Coroanvirus | Modi speaks to Saudi crown prince on COVID-19
PM discusses his proposal to organise a videoconference of G-20 countries

Source: TH

Coronavirus | AIADMK MP claims Siddha can prevent viral infections, bring dead back to life

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:36 PM PDT

Coronavirus | AIADMK MP claims Siddha can prevent viral infections, bring dead back to life
She was speaking during the discussion on the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine Bill, 2019 and the National Commission for Homoeopathy Bill, 2019

Source: TH

Coronavirus | 3 more COVID-19 cases in Ladakh, one more in J&K

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:36 PM PDT

Coronavirus | 3 more COVID-19 cases in Ladakh, one more in J&K
Ladakh administration imposes Section 144

Source: TH

Shutdown till April 2: all exams deferred, all dharnas banned in UP

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:32 PM PDT

Shutdown till April 2: all exams deferred, all dharnas banned in UP

Source: TIE

UP: Hail damaged crops worth Rs 255 crore

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:32 PM PDT

UP: Hail damaged crops worth Rs 255 crore

Source: TIE

Huge contraband recoveries show efficiency of enforcement agencies: STF chief Harpreet Singh Sidhu

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:32 PM PDT

Huge contraband recoveries show efficiency of enforcement agencies: STF chief Harpreet Singh Sidhu

Source: TIE

Time to announce partial to total lockdowns in most towns, cities: P Chidambaram

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:32 PM PDT

Time to announce partial to total lockdowns in most towns, cities: P Chidambaram

Source: TIE

Haryana: ‘Chinese firms interested in making investment worth crores’

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:32 PM PDT

Haryana: 'Chinese firms interested in making investment worth crores'

Source: TIE

The Never Ending War on Drugs

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:32 PM PDT

The Never Ending War on Drugs

Source: TIE

Civic body to assist PCB in providing amenities, Bombay HC told

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:27 PM PDT

Source: FPJ

Mumbai: Corporator pitches for cycling track at Bandra Sea Face

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:27 PM PDT

Source: FPJ

Mumbai: BEST temporarily curtails services to Film City

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:27 PM PDT

Source: FPJ


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