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Latest World News, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:06 AM PDT

Latest World News, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs

Dow Plunges 3,000 Points For Biggest One-Day Drop Ever

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:45 PM PDT

Daily Mail: Dow closes 3,000 points down - nearly 13% - as Trump says we're 'maybe' heading for recession amid coronavirus chaos as Wall Street has its worst day since 1987 Black Monday

* Trading was immediately halted at opening bell when the S&P 500 fell by 7%
* It held steady throughout the day after resuming until Trump spoke at 3.30pm
* He said the country was 'maybe' heading for recession, which spooked the Dow
* It nosedived, closing down 3,000 points - a staggering loss of 12.96%
* By 4pm Friday, 96% of the gains from Trump's entire presidency had been wiped

The Dow plummeted 3,000 points on Monday, nearly 13 percent, after another bleak day of trading as President Trump said the country was 'maybe' heading towards a recession amid the panic surrounding the coronavirus pandemic.

In what was the biggest point loss day in Wall Street ever, trading began at 20,935 - a decrease of 9.71 percent - 2,250.46 points.

The S&P 500 immediately fell by more than eight percent at the opening bell, which kicked into gear what is known as a circuit breaker - a mechanism which acts like a kill switch to stop trading before prices can fall by too much.

Trading resumed 15 minutes after the first breaker and fell further but then held until around 3.30pm when President Trump took to the White House briefing room to give an update on the national situation.

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WNU Editor: It looks like the Asian markets are stabilizing .... Asian shares bounce after Wall St dive, recession warning (AP). Or maybe not .... Asian stocks fall in volatile session after historic Wall St. plunge (Reuters).

More News On Today's Record Breaking Stock Market Drop For A Day

Wall Street suffers worst day since 1987 as recession fears grow - business live -- The Guardian
Stocks plunge worldwide as central bank action fails to ease virus fears -- France 24
Dow plunges 3,000 points for biggest one-day drop ever, despite Donald Trump's and Federal Reserve's efforts to soothe US coronavirus worries -- SCMP
Dow Jones plunges almost 3,000 points as coronavirus sell-off intensifies -- DW
Coronavirus: Stocks plunge despite global central bank action -- BBC

Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic In The U.S. -- News Updates March 16 - 17, 2020

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:40 PM PDT

Daily Mail: Trump tells America lock down now with '15 days to stop the spread,' saying old must stay home, gatherings over 10 people end and schools, offices, bars and restaurants should close but Tony Fauci has to correct that it is NOT till August

* President Donald Trump on Monday released a series of coronavirus guidelines to slow the spread
* The two-page list is called '15 Days to Slow the Spread'
* They advise avoid eating in restaurants and bars
* Calls on schools in affected areas to be closed
* Suggests no gatherings over 10 people
* Trump predicted the virus could be a threat until the summer

President Donald Trump on Monday released a series of coronavirus guidelines to slow the spread that calls for a lockdown of America, including the closing of restaurants and schools.

'Each and every one of us has a critical role to play in stopping the spread,' the president said in the White House briefing room.

He predicted the virus could be a threat until the summer.

'People are talking about July, August, something like that,' Trump said. 'They could be right in that period of time where it washes through.'

But Dr. Anthony Fauci stepped in to clarify the guidelines were not in affect that long.

'The guidelines are over a 15 day-trial guideline,' Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said and added that they will be reconsidered after the initial run. 'The president was saying that the trajectory of the outbreak may go until then, make sure you don't think that it's solid in stone until July' for the guidelines.

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Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic In The U.S. -- News Updates March 16 - 17, 2020

READ: White House announces new guidelines to prevent coronavirus spread -- CNN
Coronavirus map of the US: latest cases state by state -- The Guardian
Trump admits coronavirus 'not under control', as new guidelines unveiled for Americans -- France 24
Trump says coronavirus crisis could stretch into August, may look at lockdown for 'certain areas' -- CNBC
Trump: Americans could be hunkered down until at least July or August because of coronavirus -- US News and World Report
Coronavirus: Trump says coronavirus crisis may last all summer -- BBC
Trump said the US 'may be' headed toward a recession as a result of the economic damage from the coronavirus -- Business Insider
Trump urges no gatherings of 10+ people, says peak of coronavirus could carry into 'July or August -- RT
US tells older people to stay home, all ages to avoid crowds -- AP
San Francisco Bay Area counties issue shelter-in-place order -- AP
Fear and loathing bloom as American tempers fray in coronavirus crisis -- Reuters
Coronavirus could kill ELEVEN TIMES more Americans than cancer in 2020, new figures reveal -- Daily Mail
US says 'foreign' cyberattack aimed at sowing coronavirus fears -- Al Jazeera

Will The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Result In Bank Closures?

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:58 AM PDT

Israelis wait in line outside a bank near the Hatikva Market, Tel Aviv, March 15, 2020. (Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)

Reuters: European bank branches curtail operations to limit virus spread

FRANKFURT/LONDON (Reuters) - Two of Germany's largest banks have temporarily closed hundreds of branches while in Italy lenders are shortening opening hours as they grapple with staff shortages and try to limit the spread of coronavirus.

Commerzbank (CBKG.DE) will close several hundred of its roughly 1,000 branches in Germany, a spokesman said, adding that the exact number was still to be determined, while HVB plans to close 101 of its 337 branches during the course of Monday.

Customers will still be able to use ATMs, online services and those branches that remain open. Several of Germany's savings banks have already closed or are planning to close branches as well.

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Update: Could Coronavirus Social Distancing Result In Bank Branch Closures? (Forbes)

WNU Editor: A good friend of mine who is a regional manager for the Royal Bank of Canada told me last week that measures will soon be introduced to protect the staff in their branches. No surprises there. They are not only concerned about their staff facing possible Covid-19 infected clients, but also the ATM machines touched by infected clients, and the money that they handle. A scenario like this will probably be happening to all of soon .... Bank of Israel orders most retail banks closed, special services for elderly (Times of Israel).

Prime Minister Trudeau: Canda To Close Its Borders To Non- Canadians With Exceptions(US Citizens and Family Members)

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:00 AM PDT

WNU Editor: This breaking news story will be updated as soon as possible.

Update: Exceptions will be in place for U.S. citizens, diplomats, crew and immediate family members of citizens.

Update: Canada to bar entry to non-citizens and permanent residents (CBC News)

U.S. And Europe Move Closer To A Shutdown Over Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Fears

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:01 AM PDT

Daily Mail: BREAKING NEWS: New York, NJ, and Connecticut will shut down TONIGHT at 8pm: Bars and restaurants are only allowed to do take-out, and casinos, movie theaters and gyms will all close to stunt coronavirus spread as New Jersey launches 8pm 'curfew'

* Governor Cuomo announced on Monday the state of New York's bars, restaurants, movie theaters and gyms will close at 8pm
* New Jersey is enacting a curfew of 8pm until 5am - people should only leave their homes for essential travel between those hours
* The governor did not define what 'essential travel' was or what will happen to anyone who does leave their home between those hours without an excuse
* Cuomo wants Trump to issue shut down rules to bars and restaurants across the country but is frustrated that he won't
* There are now more than 4,000 cases in America, 700 in the state of New York and more than 300 in New York City
* 70 people have died but all experts and officials say numbers will continue to rise drastically

New York will close its bars and restaurants at 8pm on Monday night for 'as long as necessary' along with casinos, gyms and movie theaters as part of an effort with neighboring states Connecticut and New Jersey to stop coronavirus spreading.

New Jersey has also launched a statewide 'curfew' between the hours of 8pm and 5am for all 'non essential travel' but it is unclear what that is or what will happen to anyone who does not follow the rules.

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Update #1: US moves nearer to shutdown amid coronavirus fears (AP)
Update #2: Europe locks down 100million: Germany and Poland tighten border controls, France puts limits on public transport and Slovakia declares state of emergency as continent's virus death toll soars towards 2,000 (Daily Mail).

WNU Editor:  I can easily see Europe being completely shut down by next week. The U.S. a week or two after that.

U.S. And Global Stock Markets Crash (Again)

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:43 AM PDT

Daily Mail: Trading is halted at the opening bell after the Dow plummets by 2,250 points - 9% - wiping out ALL of Friday's gains - as Wall Street buckles under deepening coronavirus chaos despite frantic bailouts from the world's banks

* The Dow Jones Industrial Index fell again on Monday by a catastrophic 2,250
* The S&P 500 fell by eight percent which automatically halted all trading for 15 minutes
* It wipes out all of the historic gains made on Friday, when it clawed back nine percent
* Oil prices are now less than $30 a barrel thanks to a price war sparked by Saudi Arabia
* Last week, circuit breakers paused trades twice because prices fell so much
* The IMF has announced it is ready to mobilize $1 trillion to help ease the crisis
* The Federal Reserve Bank has slashed interest rates to zero and is buying $700billion of treasury bonds to try to alleviate the chaos
* There are now more than 4,000 cases of coronavirus in the US and 70 have die

Trading was immediately halted on Monday at the opening bell as the Dow plummeted by 2,250 points - nine percent - and the futures market tanked amid the deepening coronavirus crisis.

Trading began at 20,935 - a decrease of 9.71 percent - 2,250.46 points - since Friday's historic day of recovery on the Dow.

The S&P 500 fell by more than eight percent which kicked into gear what is known as a circuit breaker - a mechanism which acts like a kill switch to stop trading before prices can fall by too much.

Trading resumed 15 minutes after the first breaker and fell further.

The Dow fell further and by 10am, was down by 11 percent, as was the S&P 500.

The S&P 500 needs to fall by another 13 percent before trading is halted until 3.25pm. Then, it will then have to plummet by 20 percent to be halted for the rest of the day.

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WNU Editor: We are currently witnessing a version of a 1929 stock market crash. The consequences of this disaster are going to be long lasting and damaging to everyone.

Welcome To The New World

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 08:37 AM PDT

WNU editor with his mom at a medical clinic in Montreal

WNU Editor: My mother is participating in a clinical trial on memory. I was thinking of cancelling her appointment this morning, but she convinced me that she wanted to go. Showed up at the clinic where they first screened us for a temperature. I asked if they have turned anyone away, and they told me that they advised a patient who arrived earlier with a fever and a harsh cough to go to the hospital ER. There were only two people in the waiting room (they looked very healthy), and when they left the staff in the clinic cleaned the chairs. My mother's appointment with her doctor was quick, and we were out of the place within 20 minutes. I asked my mother's doctor on what was he is facing . He told me that he has been advised to be ready for a storm of patients in the coming weeks. He was happy to hear that we were going to isolate ourselves along with my girlfriend's daughter in my chalet in the Laurentians of Quebec until this blows over.

Some observations from Montreal. Driving to and from the clinic was surreal. The streets and highway had little if any traffic (I would say that it is down by 80%). All the people that I know who have offices with employees have closed their doors until further notice. I have not received my newspaper since Friday. The Montreal Gazette has told me that they have problems with delivery. The postman came by, so that service is still working. I am well stocked with food and supplies to last a long time. But many that I know are panicking because they are not ready both financially and with supplies to withstand this for more than 2 or 3 weeks.

Wow! While writing this post I just saw a military C-130 plane fly in front of my home on its way to (I presume) Dorval airport. I live in front of the St. Lawrence river, and the last time I saw a military aircraft fly in front of my home was right after 9/11, and it was two CF-18s flying over the Saint Lawrence seaway. Talk about ominous signs on what is happening.

I am now getting ready to leave. My plan is to leave later today after supper when traffic is non-existent. Blogging will be light for now, but when I am up north sequestered away in my isolation, I will be having the time and focus to blog continuously.

A Look At Cuba's Navy

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:43 AM PDT

The Cuban Navy has some unique warships and submarines in its inventory. H I Sutton

Forbes: 5 Unique Weapons Of Cuba's Garage-Built Navy

The Cuban Navy, more formally known as the Marina de Guerra Revolucionaria, posses some of the most unusual naval vessels afloat. Since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 they have had to look to their own ship builders for naval vessels. And like the vintage cars that Cuba is famous for, the resulting contraptions are quirky to say the least.

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WNU Editor: You build the navy that you can. In the case of Cuba, it is not much.

World News Updates, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs, World News Updates

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 03:03 AM PDT

World News Updates, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs, World News Updates

Doctor who can't save patients dying from coronavirus has ‘nightmares’ every night

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:19 AM PDT

WATCH the moment an Italian doctor gives her chilling insight on what it is like to work at a hospital during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Penguins given free rein to explore aquarium after shutting doors to visitors - VIDEO

Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:11 AM PDT

THE CORONAVIRUS outbreak may have dampened people's spirits with the closures of many businesses, but a video of rockhopper penguins exploring an empty aquarium has added some much-needed lightness.

Coronavirus latest: China designs floating hospital to halt spread of deadly infection

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:05 PM PDT

CHINA has come up with a new floating hospital design to help halt the spread of the infection, according to reports.

Stromboli volcano spews lava as earthquake rocks Italy amid coronavirus lockdown - WATCH

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:14 PM PDT

ITALY's Stromboli Volcano has been captured in dramatic footage as it spewed lava and ash, amid a 4.2 magnitude earthquake also rocking Calabria in the midst of the country continuing its coronavirus lockdown.

Coronavirus cure: Australian researchers claim to have found CURE for deadly virus

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:11 PM PDT

RESEARCHERS in Australia claim to have used existing medications to wipe out COVID-19 in human tests in what could prove to be a cure for the deadly virus.

Coronavirus PRISON ESCAPE: Hundreds of inmates flee Brazil jails amid coronavirus lockdown

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 06:40 PM PDT

HUNDREDS of prisoners broke out of four Brazilian jails the day before their day-release privileges were due to be suspended over the coronavirus outbreak, Sao Paulo state prison authorities and local media reported.

Coronavirus US latest: Trump BANS public gatherings of more than 10 amid military action

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:06 PM PDT

DONALD Trump has stepped up the fight against the coronavirus in the US after telling US citizens not to meet in groups of more than 10 and considering military involvement to tackle the spread.

Coronavirus horror: Diamond Princess cruise victim ‘tests positive AGAIN after all-clear'

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:03 PM PDT

A CORONAVIRUS victim who appeared to have recovered from the deadly virus, has tested positive again less than three weeks after being treated.

USA coronavirus: Trump announces clinical trials for vaccine - 'Fastest ever!'

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:44 PM PDT

US PRESIDENT Donald Trump has announced his administration is issuing guidelines to blunt the spread of infection.

France coronavirus LOCKDOWN: Army deployed as Macron orders a CURFEW for French citizens

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 07:07 PM PDT

EMMANUEL MACRON has announced a total lockdown across France with people confined to their homes.

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Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:19 PM PDT

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A Guide to ETF Liquidation


There are a lot of ETF options, but not all have staying power. Learn what happens when an ETF fails.

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South Asian Countries: The New Face of Emerging Economies


With a projected growth rate of above 7% in the region, South Asian economies are expected to form the next group of high-growth emerging nations.

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Average Annual Returns for Long-Term Investments in Real Estate


Average annual returns in long-term real estate investing vary by the area of concentration in the sector, but all generally outperform the S&P 500.

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The Equity Risk Premium: More Risk For Higher Returns


Learn how the expected extra return on stocks is measured and why academic studies usually estimate a low premium.

Capital Expenditures vs. Operating Expenditures: What's the Difference?


Learn about the differences between a company's capital expenditures and its operating expenses, along with their respective tax treatments.

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Buying a House on a Single Income


Thanks to low-down-payment programs, buying a house on a single income is possible even if you're not wealthy. Here's what you need to do.

Government Stimulus Efforts to Fight the COVID-19 Crisis


Governments and Central Banks are implementing stimulus measures all around the world to fight the economic disruption of COVID-19. Here's what they're doing.

15 Tax Deductions and Benefits for the Self-Employed


Running your own business has both personal and financial perks but also poses a large degree of risk. Knowing where you can save money is imperative for you to succeed.

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The Anatomy of Trading Breakouts


Take advantage of a trend before it even starts. Learn what a breakout trade is and how to use this trading strategy successfully.

Where was the Dow Jones when Obama took office?


What was the value of the Dow Jones Industrial Average on Jan. 20, 2009, inauguration day for Obama, and did it perform during his presidency?

Forex Trading: A Beginner's Guide


Forex trading is the act of converting one country's currency into the currency of another country.

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The Difference Between a Limit Order and a Stop Order


Limit orders and stop orders tell your broker how you want to fill your trades, but operate differently. Limits only hit a specific number, for example.

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Top Health Care Stocks for April 2020


These are the health care stocks with the best value, fastest growth, and most momentum for April.

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Top Oil and Gas Penny Stocks for Q2 2020


These are the oil and gas penny stocks with the best value, fastest growth, and most momentum for Q2 2020.

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Top Energy Stocks for April 2020


These are the energy stocks with the best value, fastest growth, and most momentum for April.

Top Gold Stocks for April 2020


These are the gold stocks with the best value, fastest growth, and most momentum for April.

The Best (and Only) Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF


We look at DIA, the best (and only) non-leveraged ETF tracking the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

Top 10 of the Wealthiest Families in the World


Find out how much money it takes to land on the list of 10 of the wealthiest families in the world, and why nobody is really sure what it takes to be number one.

Best ETFs That Track the S&P 500


These ETF's track the S&P 500 large-cap U.S. stock index with the lowest fees and most liquidity.

Top S&P 500 Index Funds


These are the funds that track the S&P 500 with the lowest fees and most liquidity.

How Do You Purchase Physical Gold Bars?


Discover how to buy gold bars using tips on evaluating purity, form, size and authenticity of the purchase.

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Investopedia Anxiety Index


The Investopedia Anxiety Index is a gauge of investor sentiment based on the behavior of over 20 million Investopedia readers around the world.

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Essential Options Trading Guide


All the essential information an investor needs to understand how the options market works and how to start trading options.

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Using the Price-to-Earnings Ratio and PEG to Assess a Stock


Learn how the price-to-earnings ratio and the PEG combined are used to assess a stock's future growth.

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Building An Effective Watchlist


An effective watchlist of stocks will uncover opportunities missed by other traders, fund managers, and market timers.

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Benefits of A Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account


These accounts can lower your taxable income and help you support a dependent family member.

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How to Find the Best Tax Preparer for You


How to choose the right tax preparer for you based on the complexity of your tax return and other important considerations.

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How to Invest in Bitcoin


Here's a breakdown of everything you need to know before investing in Bitcoin—or deciding not to.

Saving for a Down Payment: Where Should I Keep My Money?


Learn what to do while saving up for a down payment. Should you use a bank, an online bank, or the stock market? It all depends on your timeline.

The 5 Richest People In the World


Learn who the top 5 billionaires in the world are and how they built their wealth.

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The Impact of Interest Rate Changes by the Federal Reserve


When interest rates increase, it affects the ways that consumers and businesses can access credit and plan their finances.

Top Factors That Affect the Price of Oil


A look at the factors that affect the price of oil, and how the price affects the economy from family budgets to corporate earnings to the nation's GDP. 

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What Causes Oil Prices to Fluctuate?


Discover how OPEC, demand and supply, natural disasters, production costs and political instability are some of the major causes in oil price fluctuation.

How To Buy Oil Options


Crude oil options are widely traded energy derivatives, but with a twist. They're options on futures, offering the investor certain advantages over oil futures.

Refinance Your Mortgage: When It Makes Sense and How to Do It


There are both good and bad reasons to refinance, and they are not just based on interest rates. Find out when refinancing makes the most sense and when it could be a bad move.

SoFi Student Loans Review


Read our detailed SoFi student loan review to learn about the interest rates, terms, fees, payment, eligibility, and more offered by SoFi student loans.

How Interest Rate Cuts Affect Consumers


Traders rejoice when the Fed drops the rate, but is it good news for all? Find out here.

Rhode Island Student Loan Authority (RISLA) Review 2020


Read our review of RISLA student loans to learn about the Rhode Island Student Loan Authority's interest rates, discounts, eligibility requirements, and other benefits.

Why Would a Company Buy Back Its Own Shares?


Here's why a company might choose to repurchase its own stock, including ownership consolidation and stock valuation.

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Citizens Bank Personal Loans Review


Read our detailed Citizens Bank personal loans review to learn about the interest rates, terms, fees, loan amounts, and more offered by Citizens Bank.

Can You Buy Vanguard Funds Through Another Brokerage?


Vanguard mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) can be bought through other brokerages, but some advantages may be lost and some fees incurred.

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How Mutual Fund Companies Make Money


Mutual fund companies charge many different kinds of fees and sales charges to generate revenue from those who invest in their funds.

How Your Portfolio Will Survive the Pandemic


Modern Portfolio Theory fails at times like these, requiring bold action to limit losses.

What is the minimum amount of money that I can invest in a mutual fund?


Learn about investing in mutual funds even with a smaller initial investment; there are many funds available to investors with smaller purchase amounts.

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3 Dodge & Cox Funds Rated 5 Stars by Morningstar


Discover three top mutual funds administered and managed by Dodge & Cox that have received high ratings from Morningstar for their performance.

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Sectors That Can Prosper During the Pandemic


High cash levels and targeted equity plays could protect the family fortune in coming months.

Global Markets Tank Despite Fed Rate Cuts and QE Measures


The Fed cutting interest rates to zero has failed to prevent stocks from sliding.

7 Bad Reasons to Refinance Your Mortgage


When low mortgage rates are everywhere, it might seem like a good time to refinance. Make sure you are doing it for the right reasons.

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How to Identify a Stock Under Consolidation?


Discover the three major characteristics stocks or securities exhibit when they are trading under a period of price consolidation.

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Epidemics and Stocks – A Look Under the Hood


Investors are scrambling for cash, and firms will likely go under, but moments like these can offer opportunities to buy great stocks.

Using Pivot Points for Predictions


The success of a pivot point system lies squarely on the shoulders of the trader and depends on their ability to effectively use it for predictions.

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A Penalty-Free Way to Get 529 Money Back


If your child gets a scholarship, you can withdraw that amount from a 529 without paying a penalty, even if the money isn't used for education.

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Top 5 Companies Owned by Ford


Discover some of Ford Motor Company's most important subsidiaries and joint ventures and what they do to further Ford's business interests.

Chinese Stocks Outperform as Virus Slows


Chinese stocks have outperformed most markets so far this month. Position for the trend to continue with these trading ideas.

Joe Biden's Economic Plan: Save the Middle Class to Save America


Breaking down Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden's economic agenda.

Where to Buy Shares of Amazon on Weakness


While Amazon stock remained around its annual pivot despite the market decline, the long-term downside risk is significant.

How Do I Calculate a Discount Rate Over Time Using Excel?


Learn how to calculate the discount rate in Microsoft Excel and how to find the discount factor over a specified number of years.

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McDonald's (MCD) Stock: Capital Structure Analysis


Learn about the importance of capital structure and what equity and debt capitalization measures can tell us about the performance of McDonald's.

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New Ways to Buy ETFs Online


New apps and robo-advisors are vying for your business alongside the big names in discount online investing.

When Should a Company Recognize Revenues on Its Books?


According to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), there are two criteria a company must meet before it can record revenue on its books.

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Federal Reserve cuts interest rates to zero to fight virus slowdown


The Federal Reserve cut interest rates to zero and pledged $700 billion in quantitative easing to combat the economic slowdown from the coronavirus.

How SBA Loans Can Help Your Small Business


Whether dealing with the economic effects of COVID-19 or simply trying to expand your business, a Small Business Administration (SBA) loan can help. Get details and learn how to apply here.

Understanding the Downfall of Greece's Economy


Greece defaulted on its debt was astounding and left many wondering how Greece's situation became so dire.

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What Part of a Company's Float Can Be Shorted?


The quick answer: The number of shares shorted can actually exceed 50% of the float in a company.

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The Major Central Banks


Familiarizing yourself with what makes central banks tick will give you a leg up when predicting their next moves, and the future of a given currency.

Strategies for a Bear Market


There are a number of strategies that can be taken in a bear market, which is when there is a market-wide decline in asset prices of at least 20%.

What is Zero Interest-Rate Policy (ZIRP)?


In the years following the financial crisis, several central banks have turned to zero interest-rate policy to aid economic recovery.

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Preference Shares vs. Debentures: What’s the Difference?


Preference shares and debentures are two different types of financial instruments respectively representing equity and debt.

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Comparative Negligence Definition


Comparative negligence is a principle of tort law commonly used to assign blame and award monetary damages to injured parties in auto accidents.

Is Homeowners Insurance Tax-Deductible?


While your premiums may be included in your property payments, homeowners insurance is usually not tax-deductible.

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What economic indicators do oil and gas investors need to watch?


Leading indicators for oil and gas investments are centered on the levels of production, consumer demand and inventory levels of petroleum products.

How The Federal Reserve Fights Recession


Discover the steps that the Federal Reserve has taken to help save the economy.

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Austerity is defined as a state of reduced spending and increased frugality.

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Beige Book Definition


The Beige Book is a qualitative review of economic conditions published eight times per year by the Federal Reserve.

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Income Exclusion Rule Definition


An income exclusion rule sets aside certain types of income as nontaxable.

Yield Maintenance Definition


Yield maintenance is a prepayment premium that allows investors to attain the same yield as if the borrower made all scheduled interest payments.

When to Use Averaging Down as an Investment Strategy


Averaging down is a trumpeted strategy that has merit but can amount to throwing money away when used carelessly.

Strategies Used to Reduce a Company's Debt-To-Capital Ratio


Companies can employ different strategies and steps to reduce their debt-to-capital ratio, a bellwether of a company's financial standing.

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Global Markets Recover As U.S. Investors Await Fiscal Measures


U.S. stocks are set to open higher after President Trump promised "very substantial relief."

Latest Govt Jobs, Sarkari Naukri, Results

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:16 PM PDT

Latest Govt Jobs, Sarkari Naukri, Results

BECIL Recruitment 2020 | Apply for 4000 Skilled and Unskilled Man Power

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:15 PM PDT

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BECIL Recruitment 2020 | Apply for 4000 Skilled and Unskilled Man Power

BECIL Recruitment 2020 Notification released!! Job Seekers Alert|| Apply Online for 4000 Skilled and Unskilled Man Power Posts at Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited has released a Job Notification for 4000 Vacancies on BECIL Careers. The 4000 Vacancies are allotted for Skilled and Unskilled Man Power Posts. Interested candidates can make use of this opportunity and start applying from 27th December 2019. Candidates make a note, the last date to apply for BECIL Jobs is 11th January 2020 20th March 2020. Applications will be accepted only in the Online mode.

BECIL Recruitment 2020-21

Applications are invited For Urgent Placement after Training of 4000 approx. (Skilled and Unskilled Contractual Manpower). BECIL has come up with a golden opportunity to provide the candidates with a Certified Job Oriented Skill Development Training. The above trade will be permitted based on their ranking of MERIT TEST. The Merit Test includes Written Test/Group Discussion on Power-Point Presentation (PPT) about Electricity Distribution Lines/Sub-stations. Before applying, a candidate must check if s/he is eligible for BECIL Jobs. The candidates can check eligibility using the details given below.

Overview of BECIL Skilled and Unskilled Man Power Jobs 2020

Name of the Organization Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL)
Number of Vacancies 4000 Posts
Name of Post Skilled and Unskilled Man Power
Starting date of application 27th December 2019
Closing date of application 11th January 2020 20th March 2020
Job Category Central Government Jobs
Job Location Across India
Application process Online Mode
 Official Website

BECIL Vacancy 2020-21 Details:

The details of the vacancy as given in the BECIL Recruitment 2019 is as below

Name of the Post Number of Vacancies
Unskilled Manpower (Assistant Lineman) 2000
Skilled Manpower (Electrician/Lineman/SSO) 2000
Total 4000

Eligibility Criteria for BECIL Recruitment 2020-21

Candidates interested in BECIL Skilled and Unskilled Man Power Jobs can check their eligibility with the details below to apply.

Academic Qualification:

  • As per BECIL official notification candidate should have completed ITI Certificate in Electrical Trade or Wireman as recognized by NCVT or SCVT or higher technical degree diploma in engineering, And or with shall possess Overhead Certificate for Electrical Safety, 08th Pass at any state education Board or equivalent institutional from any of the recognized board or University.

Read the official notification for more details on BECIL Careers.

Age Limit – BECIL Recruitment:

  • For age limit as given in the BECIL Recruitment 2020, refer to the official notification

Selection Process:

The candidates will be selected for training based as per their merit list

Pay Scale for BECIL Recruitment 2020:

Trade/Training Program Course Fees (in Rs.) Stipend During Training
Basic Concept plus the use of Personal
Protective Equipment
6,000/- No
Basic knowledge of Electrical equipment of 33/11 KV Substation and safety measures 11,000/- No
Basic knowledge of Electrical equipment of 33/11 KV Substation and use of Personal protective
Equipment (Safety measures)
15,000/- Yes
Basic knowledge of Electrical equipment of 33/11 KV Substation and use of Personal protective
Equipment (Safety measures)
15,000/- Yes

BECIL Jobs – Application Fee:

Category Application Fee
General and OBC Rs. 500/-
SC/ST/PH Rs. 250/-

How to apply for BECIL Skilled and Unskilled Man Power Jobs 2020?

  1. Visit the Official website @
  2. Download the official notification and read the details carefully
  3. Check the eligibility details and click on the apply online link
  4. Fill in all the details correctly
  5. Pay the application fee, as applicable
  6. Enter all the details with required documents
  7. After successfully completing the application form, you can download it for further reference.

Important Dates for BECIL Recruitment 2020 Notification

Starting date of application 27th December 2019
Closing date of application 11th January 2020 20th March 2020

Important Links for BECIL Vacancy 2020

 Official Notification Pdf  Download Here
Apply Online Click Here
BECIL Syllabus Get Here
Official Website Click Here

BECIL Surveyor Jobs 2020: Apply Offline | 77 Surveyors, Programmer Posts | Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited has released a Job Notification for 77 Vacancies on BECIL Careers. These 77 Vacancies are allotted for Surveyors, Programmer Jobs. Interested candidates can make use of this opportunity and start applying from 27th January 2020. Candidates make a note, the last date to apply for BECIL Jobs is 17th February 2020. Candidates can download the application form from the below link and send the duly filled application to the prescribed postal address.BECIL Recruitment 2020 | Apply for 4000 Skilled and Unskilled Man Power

BECIL Recruitment 2020

Applications will be accepted only in the Offline mode. Before applying, a candidate must check if s/he is eligible for BECIL Jobs. The candidates can check eligibility using the details given below. They can also refer to the BECIL notification using the link below. Before the last date, applicants can start applying for the BECIL Recruitment 2020. Start applying today!! ALL THE BEST!!

Overview of BECIL Jobs 2020

Name of the Organization Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited
Number of Vacancies 77
Name of Post Surveyors, Programmer
Application process Offline Mode
Starting date of application 27th January 2020
Closing date of application 17th February 2020
Job Category  Central Government Jobs
Job Location Noida, Uttar Pradesh
 Official Website

Details of BECIL Vacancy 2020-21:

The details of the vacancy as given in the BECIL Recruitment 2020 is as below

Name of the Post Number of Posts
Surveyors 75
Programmer 02
Total 77

Eligibility Criteria for BECIL Surveyor Recruitment 2020

Candidates interested in BECIL Careers can check their eligibility with the details below to apply. Job seekers who are looking for a career in Noida – Uttar Pradesh Government can make use of this opportunity.

Academic Qualification:

Name of the Post Education Qualification
Surveyors Diploma or Two Years National Trade Certificate in surveying from a recognized institute or equivalent and two years' experience in survey work
Programmer Engineering Degree in Computer Science/Computer Engineering/Electronics from a recognized university by Engineering Institute OR Master Degree in Computer Science/Computer Application

Refer to the BECIL notification for more details.

Age Limit:

  • Surveyors & Programmer – should not be more than 30 Years

Selection Process:

  • Written Test
  • Interview
  • Document Verification

BECIL Vacancy 2020 Salary Details:

Name of the Post Pay Scale
Surveyors Rs.19000/-
Programmer Rs.31,000/

BECIL Online Application Fee:

  • General/ OBC Candidates – Rs. 500/-
  • SC/ ST Candidates – Rs. 250/-

How to apply for BECIL Jobs 2020?

  1. Visit the Official website @
  2. Click on Careers
  3. Click on Vacancies
  4. Find the advertisement for BECIL Recruitment 2020 Surveyor
  5. Read it carefully and make sure you are eligible
  6. Pay the application fee, as applicable
  7. Download the Application form pdf
  8. Fill in all the details correctly
  9. Submit the application form to the following Registered Postal address on or before the last date, i.e., 17th February 2020

Postal Address:

Deputy General Manager (HR) in BECIL's Corporate Office
BECIL Bhawan, C – 56/A – 17,
Sector – 62,
Noida – 201307 (U.P).

Important Links for BECIL Recruitment 2020-21:

 Official Notification Pdf  Download Here
Application Form Click Here
BECIL Syllabus Get Here
Official Website Click Here

About Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL)

Communicate Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL) an ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013 and ISO/IEC 20000:2012 guaranteed, Mini Ratna, Central Public Sector Enterprise of Government of India was built upon 24th March 1995. BECIL gives venture consultancy administrations and turnkey arrangements incorporating the whole extent of radio and transmission building viz; content creation offices, earthly transmission offices, satellite and link broadcasting offices in India and abroad. It additionally gives related administrations like structure plan and development identified with broadcasting, human asset-related exercises like preparing and giving labour. BECIL additionally attempts supply of specific correspondence, observing, security and reconnaissance frameworks to barrier, police and paramilitary officers. The local office is in Bangalore.

Throughout the years, BECIL has deliberately prepared and built up a group of in-house, adaptable and devoted specialists and developed and outfitting a tremendous store of experts drawn from different fields of broadcasting industry which incorporates open and private supporters, resistance and link industry. Through this system of creative specialized experts, BECIL has set up its skillet India nearness to serve the necessities of the business. BECIL has a tremendous repository of specialists and coordinates the ability of All India Radio (AIR) and Doordarshan (DD), the national supporter of India, making one of the biggest Radio Networks taking into account almost a billion people and the world's biggest Terrestrial Television Network enhanced by Analog and Digital satellite Broadcasting administrations connecting with a large number of TV homes in India and abroad.

SSC JE Paper 2 Result 2020 | Junior Engineer Cut Off Marks, Merit List @

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:11 PM PDT

SSC JE Result 2020 Released at the Official Website @ Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has conducted the Paper- 2 on 29th December 2019. Many aspirants appeared for the computer-based examination and waiting for the Results. This is the right place where you can get the direct link to download the SSC JE Paper I Result 2020. And also candidates can download the JE Cut Off Marks and Merit List 2020. Therefore, the higher authority released the SSC Result 2020 Paper-2 on 9th April 2020. So, aspirants can check SSC Result 2020 through this site itself, no need to go to other sites.SSC JE Paper 2 Result 2020 | Junior Engineer Cut Off Marks, Merit List @

SSC JE Result 2020 – Download here

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has announced the recruitment of Junior Engineer for various posts. The job location of Junior Engineer will be across India. The Authority will select the candidates based on some selection processes like Computer Based Test, Written Test, Physical Standard Test, Physical Efficiency Test, Medical Test. The aspirants who got shortlisted in those tests will be selected for the post. Here, we have given the direct link to download the SSC Junior Engineer Result 2020 and it will get activated at the time result declaration. Contenders can now get SSC Results from the below link.

SSC JE Paper 2 Result 2020 – Overview

Organization Name Staff Selection Commission (SSC)
Post Name Junior Engineer
No Of Posts Various Posts
Category Sarkari Results
 Exam Date 29th December 2019
Result Release Date 9th April 2020
Selection Process Computer Based Test, Written Test, Physical Standard Test, Physical Efficiency Test, Medical Test
Job Location Across India
Official Website

Above all the details will give the information regarding Staff Selection Commission announced posts, exam date, selection process, and the result release date, Job location. The Board Commenced the exam to select the Junior Engineers in various Departments like Electrical, Civil and Mechanical Departments. During checking of Results, candidates must have roll number and password along with them. And it will be helpful while checking of Results.

SSC Junior Engineer Cut Off Marks 2020

In this section, you can have detailed information about the SSC JE Cut Off Marks 2020. The candidates must score minimum qualifying Cut Off Marks in the SSCExam Results 2020 to get selected for the further rounds of interviews. Besides, the Staff Selection Commission Cut Off Marks 2020 varies every year. Moreover, the Cut Off depends on the category of the candidates, the number of candidates attended the exam, previous years cut off marks, the number of examiners, and the toughness of the paper in the exam.

Specialization Civil Engineering Electrical/ Mechanical Eng.
UR 95-105 120-125
OBC 80-90 110-120
SC 75-85 110-120
ST 65-75 95-105
OH 70-78 95-105
HH 40-50 70-80

Junior Engineer Merit List 2020 @

Generally, the authority will announce the Merit after releasing the Result. All the candidates whose names are listed on the SSC JE Merit List 2020 have the highest preference to move for the next level of the selection process. The qualified candidates in the Computer-Based test are grouped in the form of Staff Selection Commission JE Merit List 2020. All the qualified aspirants will be eligible for further rounds of interviews. Further, we have given some simple steps to download the Staff Selection Commission JE Results 2020.

How to check the Staff Selection Commission JE Results 2020?

  1. Firstly, applicants can visit the official portal of the SSC @
  2. Then the Homepage of Staff Selection Commission (SSC) opens on the Screen.
  3. On the Homepage, you will find Results block.
  4. Then click on the Results.
  5. On the Results page, you can see the different blocks and you have to choose the JE block.
  6. And Click on the JE Block and search for the link related to SSC JE Result 2020.
  7. Click on the link and enter the required fields to log in the results
  8. Finally, Check and download SSC JE Result 2020 for further use.

Direct Links to Download SSC JE Result 2020

SSC JE Paper 2 Result 2020 | Junior Engineer Cut Off Marks, Merit List @ SSC JE Paper 2 Result 2020 Click Here
SSC JE Additional Result  Civil | Mechanical & Electrical
SSC JE Paper I Marks 2020 Notice Click Here
 SSC JE Paper I Marks 2020 Click Here
 SSC JE Result 2020 (Electrical/ Mechanical) Click Here
SSC JE Result 2020 (Civil) Click Here
Official Website Click Here


KTU Syllabus 2020 | Kalam Technological University Syllabus & Exam Pattern for All Courses

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:59 PM PDT

Kalam Technological University Syllabus 2020 

Are you a student from APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University? Looking for the KTU Exam Syllabus 2020 semester wise for all branches? Let’s read here. In the below section, we are going to list out the Kalam Technological University Syllabus for each branch. Not only for each branch but also for each semester. I hope, this will be helpful for you to get ready for the semester exams even if you’re not having the hard copy of each semester book.

KTU Syllabus 2020 | Kalam Technological University Syllabus & Exam Pattern for All Courses

Every year the candidates are joining the engineering college to become an engineer. There are lots of engineering branches out there. Aspirants will choose the one based on their wishes. To successfully complete the course, as a student you should attend the semester exams. So, the officials can evaluate your skill level and you can be a graduate. To do this, the KTU Syllabus is all-important. Hence, we are listing the subjects to be covered for each semester in the upcoming section. Let’s read this whole page to know the topics to be covered in every semester as per the syllabus.

KTU Syllabus 2020 – 

Name of the University APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
Name of the Branch CSE, ECE, EEE, Civil, Mechanical and Others
Exam Date  Updated Soon
Category Syllabus
Official Site

Kalam University Exam Pattern 2020 – KTU Test Pattern

As we all know that the KTU Exam Pattern won’t be the same. It will differ based on your branch and semester. Generally, an engineering batch will have 8 semesters. Each semester is having 6 papers. Here is a sample of the KTU S8 Exam Pattern for you. Let’s refer and prepare for your first semester to score high marks. Referring to this KTU Syllabus will help to know which topics to read.

S.No Subjects Total Marks Duration
1 English 100 3 hours
2 Maths 100 3 hours
3 Physics 100 3 hours
4 Chemistry 100 3 hours
5 Engineering Graphics 100 3 hours
6 Computer Fundamentals 100 3 hours

Download KTU Syllabus Pdf, KTU Previous Papers, Exam Pattern

Hope, you all are looking for the KTU Syllabus to prepare for the KTU Exam effectively. Hence, we’re giving the complete KTU Exam syllabus Pdf for each branch so you can download and save it to your personal computer as well for further reference.

KTU Exam Syllabus – Click Here

KTU Exam Syllabus 2020 Pdf for S8 

If you’re looking for the syllabus for each subject for each branch, you can check here. Let’s read the KTU Syllabus 2020 for all subjects.

Computer Science and Engineering

I and II Semester for all branches

  • Engineering Mathematics – I
  • Engineering Mathematics – II
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Programming in C and Data structures
  • Computer Programming Laboratory
  • Elements of Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics
  • Computer-Aided Engineering Drawing
  • Language (English/Kannada)
  • Elements of Mechanical Engineering
  • Basic Electrical Engineering
  • Basic Electronics
  • Constitution of India and Professional Ethics
  • Environmental Studies
  • Physics Lab
  • Engineering Chemistry Lab
  • Workshop Practice

III Semester for Computer Science and Engineering

  • Engineering Mathematics – III
  • Electronic Circuits
  • Logic Design
  • Discrete Mathematical Structures
  • Data Structures with C
  • Object-Oriented Programming with C++
  • Data Structures with C/C++ Laboratory
  • Electronic Circuits & Logic Design Laboratory

IV Semester

  • Engineering Mathematics – IV
  • Graph Theory and Combinatorics
  • Design And Analysis Of Algorithms
  • UNIX & Shell Programming
  • Microprocessors
  • Computer Organization
  • Design and Analysis Of Algorithms Laboratory
  • Microprocessors Laboratory

V Semester

  • Software Engineering
  • Systems Software
  • Operating Systems
  • Database Management System
  • Computer Networks – I
  • Formal Languages And Automata Theory
  • Database Applications Laboratory
  • System Software & Operating Systems Laboratory

VI Semester

  • Management and Entrepreneurship
  • Unix Systems Programming
  • Computer Networks – II
  • Compiler Design
  • Computer Graphics And Visualization
  • Computer Graphics and Visualization Laboratory
  • Unix System Programming & Compiler Design Laboratory

VII Semester

  • Object-Oriented Modeling and Design
  • Embedded Computing Systems
  • Programming the Web
  • Advanced Computer Architecture
  • Elective 2 – Group – B
  • Advanced DBMS
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Java and J2EE
  • Multimedia Computing
  • Data Warehousing & Data Mining
  • Neural Networks

VIII Semester

  • Software Architectures
  • System Modeling and Simulation

Civil Engineering

III Semester

  • Values and Ethics in the Profession
  • Physics – 2
  • Basic Environmental Engineering and Elementary Biology
  • Solid Mechanics
  • Surveying
  • Building Material and Construction
  • Practicals for Physics-2, Solid Mechanics, Surveying Practice I, Building Design and Drawing

IV Semester

  • Numerical Methods
  • Mathematics -3
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Structural Analysis
  • Soil Mechanics
  • Practicals for Technical Report Writing and Language Lab Practice, Fluid Mechanics, Surveying Practice – II, Soil Mechanics Lab – I

V Semester

  • Economics for Engineers
  • Foundation Engineering
  • Design of RC Structures
  • Concrete Technology
  • Engineering Technology
  • Practical for Soil Mechanics Lab – II
  • Concrete Laboratory
  • Quantity Surveying, specifications, and Valuation
  • Engineering Geology Laboratory

VI Semester

  • Principles of Management
  • Highway and Transportation Engineering
  • Design of Steel Structure
  • Construction Planning and Management
  • Professional Elective – I
  • Free Elective – I
  • Practical for Highway and Transportation Engg Lab, Detailing of RC and Steel Structures, CAD Laboratory, Seminar.

VII Semester

  • Environmental Engineering
  • Water Resource Engineering
  • Professional Elective II
  • Professional Elective III
  • Free Elective II
  • Practical for Group Discussion, Environmental Engg Lab, Civil Engineering Practice Sessional, Free Elective Laboratory, Industrial Training, Project Part I.

VIII Semester

  • Organisational Behaviour/Project Management6
  • Professional Elective IV
  • Professional Elective V
  • Practical for Structural Engineering Design Practice, Project Part II, Grand – Viva

Electronics and Communication Engineering

III Semester

  • Engineering Mathematics II
  • Signals and Systems
  • Network Analysis
  • Analog Communications
  • Electronic circuits
  • Digital Electronics
  • Electronic devices lab
  • Electronic circuits lab

IV Semester

  • Engineering Mathematics -III
  • Humanities
  • Computer Organisation and Architecture
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Computer Programming
  • Analog Integrated Circuits
  • Digital Integrated Circuits Lab
  • Analog Integrated Circuits Lab

V Semester

  • Engineering Mathematics IV
  • Engineering management for Electronics Engineers
  • Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
  • Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation
  • Applied Electromagnetic Theory
  • Elective I
  • Communication Engineering Lab
  • Digital Signal Processing Lab

Elective Papers for Semester V

  • Professional Communications
  • Fuzzy Systems and Applications
  • Artificial Neural Networks
  • Bioinformatics
  • Mechatronics
  • Digital Systems design with VHDL
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility

VI Semester

  • Image Processing
  • VLSI Design
  • Control Systems
  • Digital Communications
  • Antenna & Wave Propagation
  • Elective II
  • Microcontroller Lab
  • Electronic Product Design and Mini Project

Electives for VI Semester

  • Speech Processing
  • Adaptive Signal Processing
  • DSP Systems & Architecture
  • Professional Ethics
  • Wavelets & Applications
  • High-Speed Semiconductor Devices
  • Mixed Signal Circuits Design

KTU Syllabus for s7

VII Semester

  • Nanoelectronics
  • Optical Communication
  • Microwave and Radar Engineering
  • Information Theory and Coding
  • Elective III
  • Elective IV
  • Microwave and Optical Communications Lab
  • Modeling and Simulation of Communication Systems Lab
  • Seminar
  • Project Design

Electives for Semester VII

  • Pattern Recognition
  • MOS Device Modeling
  • Real-Time Operating Systems
  • Optoelectronic Devices
  • Computer Vision
  • CDMA Systems
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • MEMS
  • Embedded Systems
  • Low Power VLSI Design
  • Antenna Design
  • Cryptography

VIII Semester

  • Electrical Drives and Control
  • Entertainment Electronics Technology
  • Computer Communications
  • Wireless Communications
  • Elective V
  • Elective VI
  • Project and Viva – Voce

Electives for VIII Semester

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Discrete Control and Navigation Systems
  • Optical Integrated Circuits
  • Nano Devices and Circuits
  • Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
  • Microwave Devices and Circuits
  • Management Information Systems
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Information Security
  • Digital Instrumentation
  • Nanophotonics
  • Satellite Communications

KTU Syllabus for Applied Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering

I and II Semester

  • Engineering Mathematics – I
  • Physics
  • Basic Electrical Engineering
  • Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • Engineering Chemistry
  • Engineering Graphics
  • Basic Electronics Engineering
  • Engineering Mechanics
  • Basic Civil Engineering
  • Building Technology
  • Basic Mechanical Engineering
  • Basic Biochemical Engineering &
  • Biotechnology
  • Process Engineering Calculations
  • Engineering Thermodynamics
  • Semiconductor Devices
  • Foundations of Computing and Programming in C
  • Mechanical Engineering Workshop
  • Electrical & Electronics Engineering Workshop

III Semester

  • Engineering Mathematics-II
  • Signals & Systems
  • Network Analysis
  • Basic Instrumentation
  • Functional Electronics
  • Digital Circuit Design
  • Electronic Devices Lab
  • Electronics Circuits & Simulation Lab

IV Semester

  • Engineering Mathematics III
  • Probability & Random Processes
  • Humanities (ACHPT)
  • Computer Organisation & Architecture
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Control System Theory
  • Linear Integrated Circuits
  • Digital ICs & HDL Lab
  • Measurements & Instrumentation Lab

KTU Syllabus for S5

V Semester

  • Engineering Mathematics IV (Complex Analysis & Linear Algebra)
  • Engineering Management for Electronics Engineers
  • Microprocessors & Microcontrollers
  • Electrical Machines & Drives
  • Power Electronics
  • Elective I
  • Signal Processing Lab
  • Control System Lab

Elective for V Semester

  • Professional Communications
  • Fuzzy Systems & Applications
  • Artificial Neural Networks
  • Bioinformatics
  • Mechatronics
  • Analytical Instrumentation
  • Fluid Dynamics & Instrumentation

VI Semester

  • Image Processing
  • Programming in C++ and Data Structures
  • Process Dynamics & Control
  • Biomedical Instrumentation
  • Analog & Digital Communication
  • Elective II
  • Microcontroller & Embedded Systems Lab
  • Electronic Product Design & Mini Project

Electives for Semester VI

  • Speech Processing
  • Adaptive Signal Processing
  • DSP Systems & Architecture
  • Professional Ethics
  • Wavelets & Applications
  • Optimization Techniques
  • Electromagnetics

VII Semester

  • Nanoelectronics
  • CMOS Circuits Design
  • Discrete-Time Control Systems
  • Industrial Instrumentation
  • Elective III
  • Elective IV
  • Power Electronics & Drives Lab
  • Process Control Lab
  • Seminar
  • Project Design

Elective III and IV for VII Semester

  • Pattern Recognition
  • Automotive Electronics
  • Industrial Safety and Management
  • Power Plant Instrumentation
  • Biomedical Imaging Techniques
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • MEMS
  • Embedded Systems
  • Control of Power Converters
  • Instrumentation & Control in Petrochemical
  • Industries
  • Instrumentation System Design

VIII Semester

  • Robotics and Industrial Automation
  • Non Linear and Adaptive Control
  • Optical Instrumentation
  • Data Networks
  • Elective
  • Elective VI
  • Project and Viva – Voce

Elective V and Elective VI for VIII Semester

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Distributed Control System and Communication Protocols
  • Aviation Electronics
  • Wireless Sensors and Systems
  • Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility
  • VLSI Devices and Process Simulation

Information Technology

III Semester

  • Discrete Computational Structure
  • Data Structures
  • Data Structures Lab
  • Switching Theory and Logic Design
  • Data Communication
  • Digital Circuits Lab
  • Linear Algebra and Complex Analysis

IV Semester

  • Computer Organisation and Architecture
  • Principles of Database design
  • Algorithm Analysis and Design
  • Object-Oriented Techniques
  • Object-Oriented Programming Lab
  • Algorithm Design Lab

V Semester

  • Software Architecture and Design Patterns
  • Theory of Computation
  • Operating Systems
  • Computer Networks
  • Microcontroller Lab
  • Database Lab
  • Graph Theory (Elective)
  • Unix Shell Programming (Elective)
  • Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing (Elective)
  • Computer Graphics and Multimedia (Elective)

VI Semester

  • Software Architecture and Design Patterns
  • Theory of Computation
  • Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
  • Operating Systems
  • Computer Networks
  • Elective 1
  • Design Project
  • Microcontroller Lab
  • Database Lab

Elective for VI Semester

  • Graph Theory
  • UNIX Shell Programming
  • Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing
  • Computer Graphics and Multimedia
  • Random Process and Queuing Theory

Tripura University Result 2020 [Released] – Download All UG/PG Exam Results 2020 @

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:54 PM PDT

Tripura University Result 2020 Released: Dear Students !!! According to the most recent Tripura University notice, results for all UG, PG and other courses are declared on 16th March 2020. So, all the students can check and download the Tripura University Results 2020 from beneath the table. To check Tripura University Results 2020, you should simply tap on the connection accessible on this page. Check extra data with respect to the Tripura University UG, PG, Diploma and also different outcomes in the article underneath. So as to support the understudies, on our website page, we have given an immediate connection to get the most recent refreshed Tripura University Results 2020.

Tripura University Result 2020 [Released]   Download All UG/PG Exam Results 2020 @

Tripura University – Overview



Name of the University Tripura University
Courses Offered Science, Engineering, Technology & others
Established Year 1987
Category Sarkari Results
Location Suryamaninagar, Tripura, India
Mode Online
Official Site

Tripura University Results 2020 @

Here On this page, Students can discover the latest Tripura University Results for all Under Graduation, Post Graduation and also various Other Courses. For sake of the students, we committed colleagues of will keep you refreshed with every single pronounced outcome. When the results will be announced, it is accessible on our page. All understudies can check their outcomes by tapping the underneath interface. Notwithstanding the Tripura University Results 2020, we will likewise refresh you with the most recent news and updates all the time. Also, look down to know more subtleties, for example, the downloading procedure and the data with respect to Tripura University Results 2020.

Tripura University Result 2020 [Released]   Download All UG/PG Exam Results 2020 @ tripurauniv.inLatest Tripura University UG/PG Semester Results 2020:Click Here

Latest Updated Tripura University Results 2020

Name of the Exam

Release Date

Download Link

Tripura University Result 2020 [Released]   Download All UG/PG Exam Results 2020 @ tripurauniv.inProvisional result of B.A. (PASS and HONS) 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sem Exam 2019 16-03-2020 Download
Tripura University Result 2020 [Released]   Download All UG/PG Exam Results 2020 @ tripurauniv.inProvisional Result PG (CBCS) MA In English 3rd Sem-2019 11-03-2020 Download
Tripura University Result 2020 [Released]   Download All UG/PG Exam Results 2020 @ tripurauniv.inProvisional Result BBA 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sem-2019 11-03-2020 Download
Tripura University Result 2020 [Released]   Download All UG/PG Exam Results 2020 @ tripurauniv.inB.Pharma 3rd and 5th sem-2019 11-03-2020 Download
PROVISIONAL RESULT PG(CBCS) M.COM 3RD SEM-2019 06-03-2020 Download
Provisional Result of B.Sc. Nursing 3rd Year Supplementary Examinations – 2019 05-03-2020 Download
Provisional Result of B.Sc. Nursing 2nd Year Supplementary Examinations – 2019 05-03-2020 Download
Provisional Result of B.Sc. Nursing 1st Year Supplementary Examinations – 2019 05-03-2020 Download
Other Results Click Here

How to Download Tripura University Result 2020?

  1. Visit the official website of Tripura University i.e
  2. In the home page, you will find the Result tab and click on the results
  3. Click on the result link for which course you want to check
  4. In the result page, you have to enter the roll number
  5. Results will appear on the screen
  6. Take the printout of the result until the official marks card is released by the Tripura University Board.

Also, Check Tripura University Result 2020 [Released]   Download All UG/PG Exam Results 2020 @ tripurauniv.inJiwaji University Results 2020

About Tripura University

The University of Tripura’s originally exceptional training foundation, MBB College, began working after 1947 with the relationship of the University of Calcutta, the quantity of occupants in the State has enrolled strong improvement, similarly as the number of understudies looking for cutting edge instruction. The dispatch of MBB College was after a short time sought after by the creation in 1950 of Ramkrishna Mahavidyalaya in Kailasahar, the rhythmic movement seat of the Unokoti Tripura area. In 1964, Belonia College was opened in southern Tripura, sought after 3 years sometime later by the creation of Ram Thakur College in 1967 in Agartala. State understudies were weakened by a fundamental reality: all schools expected to ensure their association with the University of Calcutta.

Tripura University Supply/Revaluation Results

Those understudies who score great imprints will prompt one year from now. Be that as it may, on the off chance that they won’t get more checks they can apply for the Tripura University Revaluation Results. When they applied for the Examination, the more significant level Examiner will check the paper once more. They can get the revaluation results inside the time. Additionally, in the event that they despite everything get bomb marks, they can apply for the beneficial examination.  For each and every single semester, Students can apply for the revaluation after the declaration of the fundamental assessment results. Tripura University will take possibly seven days to process the test papers to report the Tripura University Revaluation Results. Keep in touch with this page to think about the Revaluation Results.

GPSC Exam Hall Ticket 2020 | Get Police Inspector & Other Exam Admit Card 2020 @

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 06:10 AM PDT

GPSC Admit Card 2020 is here to download for various posts. The officials of the Gujarat Public Service Commission have decided to release it’s GPSC Exam Hall Ticket 2020. A huge number of contenders had applied for the different posts when released by the officials. The GPSC Exam Admit Card 2020 contains important information like the examination date, timings and venue details which help applicants to reach the exam hall on time. However, the admit card will be here to acquire when released by the officials at The GPSC Hall Ticket 2020 can be downloaded only by those contenders who had applied for the post. For more details, applicants can visit the admit card page.

GPSC Admit Card 2020

Post/Exam Name Admit Card Date Admit Card Link
 Police Inspector 16th March 2020 GPSC Exam Hall Ticket 2020 | Get Police Inspector & Other Exam Admit Card 2020 @ Click Here
Professor & Associate Professor 06th February 2020 Click Here
Police Inspector 29th January 2020 Click Here
Lecturer, Law Officers & Other Posts 30th December 2019 Click Here
Horticulture Officer 17th December 2019 Click Here
Accounts Officer & Class II December 2019 Click Here

GPSC Police Inspector Call Letter 2020 OUT. The Commission has issued the hall ticket for the Police Inspector Prelims Exam. The exam will be held on 29th March 2020. Therefore, the GPSC Admit Card is now available to download at the below segment.

GPSC Prelims Admit Card 2020

Post Name  Police Inspector
No of Vacancies Various
Category Admit Card
 Exam Date 29th March 2020
Admit Card Date 16th March 2020
Official Website
GPSC Police Inspector Prelims Admit Card 2020 – Download GPSC Exam Hall Ticket 2020 | Get Police Inspector & Other Exam Admit Card 2020 @

GPSC Admit Card 2020 Released for Professor & Associate Professors on 06th January 2020. Therefore, the commission has decided to conduct the exam for the above-said posts. Hence, the exam details have been given at the below table. Candidates are suggested to download the admit card from the below-provided table.

GPSC Hall Ticket 2020

Post Name Professor & Associate Professor
No of Vacancies 231
Category Admit Card
 Exam Date – Professor 09th February 2020 to 15th March 2020
 Exam Date – Associate Professor 22nd March 2020 to 10th May 2020
Admit Card Date 06th February 2020
Official Website
GPSC Professor Exam Admit Card 2020 – Download 

GPSC Police Inspector Admit Card 2020 Declared for Mains Exam. Gujarat Public Service Commission is going to conduct the exam on 08th February & 09th February 2020. Thus, the GPSC Hall Ticket is available at the bottom of the table. Moreover, the GPSC Exam Admit Card has been released on 29th January 2020.

GPSC Police Inspector Hall Ticket 2020

Post Name Police Inspector
No of Vacancies Various
Category Admit Card
 Exam Date 08th February & 09th February 2020
Admit Card Date 29th January 2020
Official Website
GPSC Police Inspector Mains Admit Card 2020 – Download 

GPSC Admit Card 2020 Released for Lecturer, Law Officers & Other Posts on 27th December 2019. Thus, the direct link to download the admit card is now available at the below table. Provide the login details and download the GPSC Lecturer & Law Officers Hall Ticket within the last date. The exam is from 01st January to 07th January 2020.

GPSC Exam Admit Card 2020

Post Name Lecturer, Law Officers & Other Posts
No of Vacancies 1162
Category Admit Card
 Exam Date 01st January to 05th January 2020
Admit Card Date 30th December 2019
Official Website
GPSC Exam Admit Card 2020 – Download 

GPSC Accounts Officer Admit Card 2020 – The Gujarat PSC has announced the tentative exam date for the Accounts Officer and Class II Posts. So, Candidates who are eligible to take down the examination can download the admit card from the below section. Thus, the Exam date has been declared as 05th January 2020. So, the board will issue the hall ticket in the Last Week of December 2020.

GPSC Accounts Officer Admit Card 2020

Post Name Accounts Officer & Class II
No of Vacancies 40
Category Admit Card
 Exam Date 05th January 2020
Admit Card Date December 2019
Official Website
GPSC Accounts Officer Admit Card 2020 – Download 

GPSC Horticulture Officer Admit Card 2019 OUT – The Commission has issued the admit card on 17th December 2019. Thus, the exam will be held on 22nd December 2019. Therefore, Exam appearing candidates can download the admit card by providing valid credentials.

GPSC Horticulture Officer Hall Ticket 2019

Post Name Horticulture Officer
No of Vacancies 61
Category Admit Card
 Exam Date 22nd December 2019
Admit Card Date 17th December 2019
Official Website
GPSC Horticulture Officer Admit Card 2019 – Download 

Important Details on GPSC Admit Card 2020

Candidates must check with the below-given details in the admit card before downloading it. Make sure with the details in the GPSC Hall Ticket matches the particulars in the registration form.

  • Candidates Name
  • Name of the Candidate's Father
  • The venue of the Exam Centre
  • Date & Time of the Test
  • Reporting Time to the Exam Hall
  • Gender (Male/ Female)
  • Roll Number
  • Duration of the Online Test
  • Space for Invigilator's Signature
  • Registration Number
  • Name of the Test Centre
  • Category of the candidates
  • Space for Applicant's Signature
  • Name of the Exam Conducting Board
  • Photograph of the Candidate
  • Applicant's Date of Birth
  • Name of the Written Test
  • Important Guidelines for the Exam Takers
  • Full Name of the Applicant
  • Examination Centre Code
  • Signature of the Board Counselor

GPSC Admit Card Download Steps 2020-21

  1. Click on the "GPSC Admit Card" link.
  2. Enter the Login details to get the admit card page.
  3. Enter the valid DOB.
  4. Then proceed to the GPSC Exam Hall Ticket.
  5. Give all the required information on it.
  6. Then, Check to the entered details before downloading.
  7. Finally, Submit the admit card.
  8. Get to the download option.
  9. Download and Take a print out of the Hall Ticket.
  10. Carry for the GPSC Exam.

CG SET Results 2020 @ – CG State Eligibility Test Cut Off details here

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 06:07 AM PDT

CG SET Result 2020 @ Check Cutoff, Merit list here. Candidates can check and download results from this site. Candidates those who are appeared for the examination and waiting for results can go through this post. The CG officials have conducted the state eligibility test on 8th September 2019. The CG SET result is expected to be released in the month of March/ April 2020. So all the participants can check and download results from this page.

CG SET Results 2020 @   CG State Eligibility Test Cut Off details here

CG SET Result 2020- Download here

The Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CGPEB) will announce the CG state eligibility test results as soon as possible on their official website A huge number of candidates appeared for the written exam on 8th September 2019. All the aspirants are waiting for CG SET Results 2020. Here, we will update the latest result link, and the result link will be activated at the time of the official announcement. The Applicants can also check cut off and merit here. So, participants Vist our page frequently.

CG SET Result 2020- Overview

Organization Name Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CGPEB)
Exam Name  Chhattisgarh State Eligibility Test (CG SET)
Category Sarkari Results
Exam Date 8th September 2019
Result Release Date March/ April 2020 (Tentatively)
Selection Process Written Test
Location Chhattisgarh
Official Website

Candidates can have information about the results, cut off marks, and merit list here. To check results candidates should have their roll number and password along with them. In case of missing those login credentials, you can contact higher officials. Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CGPEB) will be releasing the CG Vyapam CG SET Result 2020 based on the performance of the candidates. As the higher authority commenced the exam on 8th September 2019, candidates can check their CG SET Exam Results 2020 from January 2020 (Tentatively). The selection process is based on the written examination. From the upcoming section, you can have cutoff marks and merit list details.

CG SET Cut off Marks 2020

All the aspirants can have detailed information about CG SET Cut Off Marks 2020. The Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CGPEB) has not yet released the exact cutoff marks. The cutoff marks will be released once the results are declared. The board of higher authority will be releasing the CG SET Cut Off Marks 2020 according to the categories of the aspirants SC, ST, BC, OC. The cutoff marks play an essential role in every participant life. The candidates should know the cutoff marks before appearing in the examination to score high marks. The board will soon announce the cutoff marks in their official web page. The authority decides to cut off according to the following factors given below.

  1. The number of vacancies available
  2. The hardness level of the paper
  3. Previous years cut off marks

CG SET Exam Merit List 2020

In this section, the applicants can know more clearly about the Chhattisgarh State Eligibility Test Merit List 2020. Generally, the Merit List will be released after the announcement of the results by the authority. The contenders who score maximum marks in all the sections will be listed on the merit list. After the completion of the examination, the results will be announced and then the merit list will be released on their official website. Here you can check and download your merit list from this page. We will update the latest information on our web page. By using your name and roll number you can access the CG SET Merit List 2020. In the upcoming section, we have given the stepwise procedure to check the CG SET Result.

How to check the CG SET Result 2020?

  1. Initially, applicants can visit the official website of the Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board,
  2. On the home page, click on the Result tab at top of the page.
  3. And then click on the Entrance tab in the Results.
  4. Then a new page will open and click on the Results of 2019.
  5. The results of the CG Vyapam SET Result 2020 will display on your screen.
  6. Check and download the CG SET Exam Result.

Direct links to download CG SET Result 2020

CG SET Result 2020 Click Here
Official Website  Click Here

You may check with this:

CG Vyapam Result 2020 – Click Here

NTSE Gujarat Result 2020 (Declared) | Check NTSE GOA Results here for 10th Class

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 06:06 AM PDT

NTSE Results 2020 @ Get NTSE Result 2020 Gujarat Std 10 Students here. The Provisional Result will be released in online mode along with the answer key. Students who appeared for the NTSE Gujarat can download their result from this page. The Final NTSE Gujarat Result 2020-21 will be published in the form of a pdf file. Students can check their MAT and SAT scores, Rank secured by them with their name and roll number from the official website.

NTSE Gujarat Result 2020 (Declared) | Check NTSE GOA Results here for 10th Class

NTSE Results 2020 – Download Here

Exam Name

Result Release Date

Result Links

NTSE Gujarat Result 2020 (Declared) | Check NTSE GOA Results here for 10th Class10th Class 16th March 2020 NTSE Goa Result
 TN NTSE 4th March 2020 TN NTSE Result
National Talent Search Examination March 2020 (Tentatively) NTSE Gujarat Result

National TSE Goa Result 2020 @ State Council of Educational Research & Training (SCERT), Goa has announced the NTSE Goa Exam Result 2020. Therefore, SCERT has conducted the National Talent Search Examination on 3rd November 2019. The candidates who had completed the exam can download their result from the below given direct link. The Department of SCERT, Goa will select the candidate purely based on the written test. Moreover, the Board of the SCERT, Goa has released the result on 16th March 2020.

NTSE Goa Result 2020NTSE Gujarat Result 2020 (Declared) | Check NTSE GOA Results here for 10th Class



Organization Name State Council of Educational Research & Training (SCERT), Goa
Class Name 10th Class
Exam Name National Talent Search Examination (NTSE)
Category Sarkari Results
 Exam Date 3rd November 2019
Result Release Date 16th March 2020
Selection Process Written Test
Location Goa
Official Website
NTSE Gujarat Result 2020 (Declared) | Check NTSE GOA Results here for 10th ClassList of Students Selected at State Level – Click Here
NTSE Gujarat Result 2020 (Declared) | Check NTSE GOA Results here for 10th ClassComplete Result of State Level – Click Here

TN NTSE Result 2020 Released: All the Students who are studying in the 10th class have applied for the National Talent Search Exam. The Board of Tamil Nadu Directorate of Government Examinations had conducted the Stage I exam on 3rd November 2019. After Completing the TN NTSE Stage I examination, Aspirants are looking forward to the status of the TN NTSE Result 2020. This is the right place to get your Results. Here, We will provide a direct link to download the TN NTSE Result. Additionally, Students can also check and download the Tamil Nadu NTSE Cut off Marks and Merit List from this page 

Tamil Nadu NTSE Result 2020



Organization Name Tamil Nadu Directorate of Government Examinations
Exam Name National Talent Search Exam (NTSE)
Category Sarkari Results
 Exam Date Stage 1: 3rd November 2019
Result Release Date 4th March 2020
Location Tamil Nadu
Official Website
TN NTSE Result 2020: Click Here

NTSE Gujarat Result 2020: The State Examination Board Gandhinagar Officials will announce the National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) Results on the official website @ Applicants who have appeared for the NTSE Exam can download the list of qualified candidates from this page. Here, we will update the latest NTSE Results 2020 link, and the link will activate at the time of the official announcement. All the candidates can get the NTSE Results 2020 with Marks by Name wise on this page. Applicants who have appeared for the Written Examination on 3rd November 2019 may be thinking about where to check NTSE Results. We are here to help you to find the NTSE Result. Candidates can have information about the results, cut off marks, and merit list here. State Examination Board Gandhinagar will be releasing the NTSE Gujarat Result 2020 based on the performance of the candidates.

NTSE Gujarat Result 2020



Organization Name State Examination Board Gandhinagar
Exam Name National Talent Search Examination
Class Name For Students Studying In Class X
Number Of Vacancies 8904
Category Sarkari Results
 Exam Date 03rd November 2019
NTSE Results Date 2019 March 2020 (Tentatively)
Selection Process Written Examination
Location Gujarat
Official Website
NTSE Gujarat Result 2020: Click Here

NTSE Cut off Marks 2020

The State Examination Board Gandhinagar has not yet released the exact cutoff marks. The cutoff marks will be released after the result declaration. The board of higher authority will be releasing the NTSE Cut Off Marks 2020 according to the categories of the aspirants SC, ST, BC, OC. The State Examination Board Gandhinagar Officials will announce the cut off marks in the official web page.

Details mentioned on the NTSE Gujarat Result 2020-21

The following information will mention on the Gujarat NTSE result:

  • Roll Number
  • Name
  • Category
  • Rank secured in stage 1 exam
  • Marks obtained in Scholastic Ability Test (SAT)
  • Aggregate marks scored in NTSE exam for stage 1
  • Marks obtained in Mental Ability Test (MAT)

NTSE Merit List 2020

In this section, the applicants can know more clearly about the NTSE Gujarat Merit List 2020. Merit List releases after the announcement of the results by the authority. The contenders who score maximum marks in all the sections will list on the merit list. Here you can check and download your merit list from this page. By using your name and roll number you can access the NTSE Merit List 2020. In the upcoming section, we have given the stepwise procedure to check the NTSE Result 2018-19 Gujarat.

How to Download the NTSE Results 2020 Gujarat?

  1. Visit the official website of the State Examination Board Gandhinagar @
  2. On the home page, click on the “NTSE Gujarat Result 2020 link”.
  3. The Gujarat NTSE Result will display on the screen.
  4. Download the NTSE Results 2020 Gujarat pdf.
  5. Take a printout of your NTSE Gujarat result and keep it safe for future use.

KPSC Drug Inspector Result 2020 [Declared] | Check Karnataka PSC Cut Off Marks, Merit List @

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:48 AM PDT

KPSC Results 2020 is here to download. A huge number of applicants had made use of this opportunity and had attended the examination. Hence for such contenders, we have provided direct links to help them check their KPSC Exam Results 2020. By checking results candidates can evaluate their performance in the examination. The results sheet is released by the officials and hence there would be no ambiguity. The Karnataka PSC Exam Results 2020 is available here as it was released by the officials @

KPSC Drug Inspector Result 2020 [Declared] | Check Karnataka PSC Cut Off Marks, Merit List @

KPSC Exam Results 2020

Post Name

Result Release Date

Result Link

KPSC Drug Inspector Result 2020 [Declared] | Check Karnataka PSC Cut Off Marks, Merit List @ kpsc.kar.nic.inDrug Inspector, Asst Engineer & Others Released KPSC Drug Inspector Result
KPSC Head Master March 2020 (Tentatively) KPSC Head Masters Result
Junior Training Officer (JTO) March/ April 2020 (Expected) KPSC JTO Result
First Division Assistant, Second Division Assistant 7th January 2020 KPSC FDA SDA Result

KPSC Drug Inspector Result 2020 Released: Dear Folks !!! Many candidates who have written the KPSC Drug Inspector Examination are waiting for their results. The Karnataka Public Service Commission officials have conducted the written examination for recruiting various posts successfully. A vast number of aspirants have appeared for this examination and now they are looking for the results. To help out the aspirants, we have provided a quick link to download the KSPSC Drug Inspector Result 2020. The officials have released the KPSC Drug Inspector Result 2020 on the official website @

KSPSC Drug Inspector Result 2020



Organization Name Karnataka Public Service Commission
Post Name Drug Inspector, District Minority Officer, Assistant Engineer (Civil), Assistant District Manager, District Manager, Taluk Development Officer Posts
Total Vacancies Various
Category Sarkari Result
Result Release Date Released
Selection Process Written Test, Interview
Job Location Karnataka
Official Website
KPSC Taluk Development Officer Final Selection List:Click HereKPSC Drug Inspector Result 2020 [Declared] | Check Karnataka PSC Cut Off Marks, Merit List @
Drug Inspector Result 2020:Click HereKPSC Drug Inspector Result 2020 [Declared] | Check Karnataka PSC Cut Off Marks, Merit List @
District Minority Officer 2020:Click HereKPSC Drug Inspector Result 2020 [Declared] | Check Karnataka PSC Cut Off Marks, Merit List @
Assistant Engineer (Civil) 2020:Click HereKPSC Drug Inspector Result 2020 [Declared] | Check Karnataka PSC Cut Off Marks, Merit List @
Assistant District Manager 2020:Click HereKPSC Drug Inspector Result 2020 [Declared] | Check Karnataka PSC Cut Off Marks, Merit List @
District Manager 2020:Click HereKPSC Drug Inspector Result 2020 [Declared] | Check Karnataka PSC Cut Off Marks, Merit List @
KPSC Taluk Development Officer 2020:Click HereKPSC Drug Inspector Result 2020 [Declared] | Check Karnataka PSC Cut Off Marks, Merit List @

KPSC Exam Result 2020: The Karnataka Public Service Commission board will release the HeadMaster and Teacher posts results in February 2020 (Tentatively). Therefore the KPSC Board has held the exam on 3rd,9th, & 10th February 2019 for the 700 various vacancies. The candidates who had completed the exam on the mentioned dates can download their results from the official website through the below link. Once the result is released officially the link will get activated.

KPSC Head Master Result 2020



Organization Name Karnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC)
Post Name Head Master, Teacher Posts for various Subjects
No Of Posts 700
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date 3rd,9th,10th February 2019
Result Date March 2020 (Tentatively)
Selection Process Written Test, Skill Test, Personal Interview
Job Location Karnataka
Official Website
KPSC Head Master Result 2020:Click Here

KPSC JTO Result 2020: Dear Candidates !!! Students who have appeared for the Karnataka PSC Junior Training Officer Examination can get their exam results from here. The Karnataka Public Service Commission Officials are planning to release the KPSC JTO Result in the month of March/ April 2020 (Expected). Here on this page, we have provided the direct link to download the KPSC Junior Training Officer Result 2020 and it will be activated when the result is announced officially. Keep in touch with our page to know the latest updates about the Karnataka PSC Junior Training Officer 2020.

KPSC JTO Result 2020



Organization Name Karnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC)
Post Name Junior Training Officer (JTO)
No of Vacancies 1520 Posts
Category Sarkari Result
Exam date 27th December 2018 to 4th January 2019
Result Date March/ April 2020 (Expected)
Official Website
KPSC Junior Training Officer Result 2020:Click Here

Check your Karnataka PSC Dept Examination Result 2019 1st Session here. The candidates can avail of their KPSC Result 2019 using the link given below. The result was declared on 05th November 2019.

Karnataka PSC Result 2019



Organization Name Karnataka Public Service Commission
Post Name Dept Exam 1st Session
No of Vacancies various
Category Sarkari Result
Result Date 5th November 2019
Official Website
KPSC Departmental Exam Result 2019:Click Here

KPSC SDA Result 2019 Announced: All the candidates who have written the KPSC exams for Second Division Assistant post can check the KPSC Exam Results here. The KPSC Results were released on 31st October 2019. The candidates can also check KPSC Second Division Assistant Result 2019 and also SDA Selection List 2019 on the official site @

KPSC Result 2019



Organization Name Karnataka Public Service Commission
Post Name Second Division Assistant
No of Vacancies various
Category Sarkari Result
KPSC Result Date 31st October 2019
Official Website
KPSC Second Division Assistant Result 2019:Click Here

KPSC Cut Off Marks 2020 @

The KPSC Cut Off Marks 2020 will be released once the results are declared. The Karnataka Public Service Commission will be releasing the KPSC Cut Off Marks 2020 according to the categories of the candidates SC, ST, BC, OC. The Cut Off Marks play a vital role in every participant's life. Aspirants should know the cut off marks before appearing for the examination to score the highest marks. The officials will soon announce the KPSC Cut Off Marks 2020 on the official website. After the result is announced on the official website, candidates can check the Karnataka PSC Cut Off Marks 2020 on this webpage.

  • Based on the candidate's category (General, OBC, SC, ST).
  • The number of candidates attended the written examination.
  • The number of vacancies available.
  • Previous year cut off marks.
  • Toughness level of the question paper.

Karnataka PSC Merit List 2020

In this section, candidates can get the complete details of the Karnataka Public Service Commission Merit List 2020. The Merit List contains the candidates who have scored the highest marks in the examination. After the announcement of the results, the merit list will be released on the official website. All the exam participants can download the KPSC Merit List 2020 from this page. Candidates who have shortlisted in the written examination can move for the next rounds of the selection process.

How to Download Karnataka PSC Result 2020?

  1. Initially, visit the official website of the Karnataka Public Service Commission @
  2. Now, the home page of the Karnataka PSC opens on the screen.
  3. Then, Search for the Latest Updates on the home page.
  4. After that, click on the Results tab.
  5. Search for the link related to the KPSC Result 2020 for the required posts.
  6. Then, click on the Result Link.
  7. Finally, download KPSC Result 2020 for further references.

BSMEB Result 2020 (Declared) | Bihar State Madrasa Education Board Fauquania (10th), Moulvi (12th) Results

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:39 AM PDT

BSMEB Result 2020 Declared @ Many students are looking for the BSMEB Fauquania & Moulvi Results 2020. We are here to help those students. Bihar State Madrasa Education Board (BSMEB) had declared the BSMEB Exam Result 2020 on 14th March 2020Therefore, the Board of BSMEB had commenced the BSMEB Results 2020 for Fauquania (10th), Moulvi (12th). All the students can check and download the Bihar State Madrasa Education Board Results 2020 on the official web portal.

BSMEB Result 2020 (Declared) | Bihar State Madrasa Education Board Fauquania (10th), Moulvi (12th) Results

BSMEB Result 2020 – Download Here

Bihar State Madrasa Education Board (BSMEB) has announced the BSMEB 10th & 12th Results 2020 @ Here, we will provide a direct link to download the BSMEB Fauquania/ Moulvi Results 2020. The direct link will be available at the end of the page. And the link will be activated at the time of the official site. Students can get the Bihar SMEB Result 2020 easily by just clicking on the quick link. Therefore, the higher officials of BSMEB has announced the BSMEB Exam Results through online mode.

BSMEB Fauquania, Moulvi Results 2020 – Overview

BSMEB Result 2020 | Bihar State Madrasa Education Board Results



Board Name Bihar State Madrasa Education Board (BSMEB)
Course Name Fauquania (10th), Moulvi (12th)
Name of Exam Fauquania & Moulvi Exam
Category Sarkari Result
Result Release Date 14th March 2020
Mode of Results Declaration Online
Location Bihar
Official Website

In the above table, we have given the information such as the Board name, Course name, name of the examination, category, Result Release date, mode of the Result declaration, the location and the official website. While checking the Results, students must have the login details such as the roll number, Date of birth and the password. By using these login credentials, students can easily get the Results.

Bihar State Madrasa Education Board 10th & 12th Results 2020

All Students can check the Bihar SMEB 10th & 12th Results 2020 through online mode. However, the Bihar State Madrasa Education Board (BSMEB) officials had released the BSMEB Fauquania/ Moulvi Results 2020. Further, the BSMEB Results 2020 contains

  • Name of the candidate
  • Board Name
  • Respective class names
  • Subject names
  • Marks gained in each subject
  • Overall Marks
  • Final Status

Fauquania, Moulvi Marks sheet @

Therefore, after the declaration of the Bihar State Madrasa Education Board Results 2020, the Board of BSMEB will announce the BSMEB Marks Sheet 2020. All the students can download the Marks Sheet from the official site or they can get Marks sheet from their respective school. Therefore, the Marks Sheet contains the details of the student along with the marks. Students can collect their Marks Sheet from Bihar State Madrasa Education Board (BSMEB). In the upcoming section, all the students can get the easy steps to download the Bihar SMEB 10th & 12th Results 2020.

Stepwise Procedure to Download BSMEB Fauquania, Moulvi Results 2020 Online

  1. Initially, students have to visit the official website of the Bihar State Madrasa Education Board (BSMEB) @
  2. The Homepage of BSMEB will appear on the screen.
  3. On the Mainpage, search for the link related to the BSMEB Fauquania & Moulvi Results 2020.
  4. Click on that link and it will take you to the other page.
  5. Enter the student’s login details.
  6. And hit on the Search button.
  7. Then the Bihar State Madrasa Education Board Results 2020 will appear on the screen.
  8. Finally, check and download the BSMEB 10th & 12th Exam Results 2020.

Direct Links to Download BSMEB Result 2020

BSMEB Fauquania Result 2020 Click Here
BSMEB Moulvi Result 2020 Click Here
Official Website Click Here

Thiruvalluvar University Results 2020 [Declared] – B.A, B.Sc, B.Com, BCA & Other UG/PG Semester Results Here

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:29 AM PDT

Dear Students !!! The Thiruvalluvar University Result 2020 Declared for UG/PG Programming Courses Semester shrewd. The Thiruvalluvar University has discharged the B.A, B.Com, B.Sc, MA, M.Com, MCA Result on the official site. Download the Thiruvalluvar University Results 2020 with the Mark Sheets from the beneath the area. Get immediate connects to download the Thiruvalluvar University Result Mark Sheet. Check Sem astute Under Graduate and Post Graduate Result utilizing the Result interface.

Thiruvalluvar University Results 2020 [Declared]   B.A, B.Sc, B.Com, BCA & Other UG/PG Semester Results Here

 Thiruvalluvar University – Overview



Name of the University Thiruvalluvar University
Courses Offered UG, PG, M.Phil. and Ph.D. programs
Established Year 2002
Category Sarkari Results
Location Vellore
Mode of Results Online
Official Site

Thiruvalluvar University Results 2020 @

Thiruvalluvar University conducts semester tests two times every year for the understudies. The Semester assessment would be directed in the long periods of November/December. All the exam participants can look at the assessment of the beneath segment to accumulate the UG Result 2020. Results 2020 for the tests directed in April/May 2019 semester will be discharged soon. To get the refreshed Thiruvalluvar University Results and other data in regards to the college remain in contact with our site page. Here on this page, We will refresh you on all the most recent refreshed data in regards to the Thiruvalluvar University Results 2020.

Thiruvalluvar University Results 2020 [Declared]   B.A, B.Sc, B.Com, BCA & Other UG/PG Semester Results HereLatest Update: Thiruvalluvar University UG, PG Result 2020 has released.
Latest Thiruvalluvar University UG/PG Results 2020:Click Here

Latest Updated Thiruvalluvar University Results 2020

Exam Month

Results Link

Thiruvalluvar University Results 2020 [Declared]   B.A, B.Sc, B.Com, BCA & Other UG/PG Semester Results HereM.Phil /Ph.D. Common Entrance Test (AUGUST 2019) Download

PG Programming Courses Results

April/ May 2017 Download
Nov/ Dec 2016 Download
April/ May 2016 Download
Nov/ Dec 2015 Results Download
 April/ May 2015 Results Download
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About Thiruvalluvar University

Thiruvalluvar University is an open State University in the city of Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. It was set up by the Government of Tamil Nadu, under the Thiruvalluvar University Act, 2002. The Thiruvalluvar University was named after the Tamil writer and scholar Thiruvalluvar is revered with the witticism. It started working as the ‘Post Graduate Extension Center of the University of Madras’, at the Fort Campus, Vellore. After bifurcation from the University of Madras, Thiruvalluvar University moved to another grounds at Serkadu, Vellore. The Thiruvalluvar University members Arts and Science schools under the territory involving the regions of Vellore, Tiruvannamalai, Viluppuram, and furthermore Cuddalore.

Thiruvalluvar University Result for Regular/Supplementary Exam

Thiruvalluvar University conducts ordinary just as an advantageous assessment for the individuals who are concentrating under the University. Those understudies who have flopped in the primary semester assessment has one progressively opportunity to score well. For each semester Students can apply for the revaluation after the declaration of the primary assessment results. The Thiruvalluvar University will take seven days to process the test papers to report the Thiruvalluvar University Revaluation Exam Results. The University has discharged the revaluation results for UG, PG with all-district Students. So Students can check the Revaluation Results from the Official Website just as on this site page. We have given a quick link to get the Supplementary/Revaluation Exam Results 2020


economic news of india - world economic news - economics news for students - indian economy news

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 08:52 PM PDT

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Samples tested for Covid nightmare, India keeps fingers crossed


NEW DELHI: India will know very soon if it is experiencing "community transmission" of Covid-19, as the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has intensified random sampling of people who display flu-like symptoms but don't have any history of travel to the affected countries. The preliminary result of the samples is likely to come on Wednesday, ICMR chief epidemiologist RR Gangakhedkar told ET.As reported by ET, each of the 51 ICMR laboratories has started testing random samples. The ICMR has picked up random samples of people with severe acute respiratory illness (SARI) from the intensive care units of various hospitals. "The data will become available in a couple of days. You will get some flavour … and we will have to speculate the situation based on the results of the samples," he said, adding: "We are already doing surveillance for SARI cases."Samples are being collected from people who are suffering from breathlessness and those admitted to ICUs where their cause of infection is unknown. "Our immediate worry is to find out an evidence if we have landed into community transmission," Gangakhedkar said.The ICMR has sent 20 samples each to its 51 laboratories. The exercise started on March 15.The ICMR director-general, Balram Bhargava, on Friday said India had a 30-day window to halt the beginning of community transmission. "If we manage 30 days, if community transmission doesn't happen in the next 30 days, we may be at a good wicket," he had told ET.Community transmission happens when a patient who is not exposed to anyone known to be infected and has not travelled to countries in which the virus is circulating tests positive for infection.Experts at the ICMR said there were four states of the disease. Stage-1 is getting imported cases, stage-2 is local transmission, stage-3 is community transmission and stage-4 is when it turns into an epidemic.While, India is at stage-2 now, experts said stern precautions were being taken so that going to stage-3 (community transmission) could be halted."It is still not an infection which has gone into community infection. There is still no evidence of a case that acquired an infection from domestic sources where there is no travel history," Gangakhedkar said.While Indian experts said they would revise the testing protocol depending on the situation, efforts are on to further intensify random sampling. Gangakhedkar on Monday said the ICMR had ordered 1 million reagents required for testing samples.

Virus has top bosses at Tata in tense huddle


Mumbai: Tata Group CEOs will review the 2021 business strategies of their companies with the Covid-19 pandemic having significantly impacted the group's key markets in Europe, the US, UK, China, Singapore, and United Arab Emirates, said people with knowledge of the matter. Tata Sons chairman N Chandrasekaran outlined plans to deal with the coronavirus-fuelled crisis at a conference call held recently with the CEOs of Tata Power, Tata Steel, Tata Motors, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Tata Global Beverages Ltd (TGBL), Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) and Tata Chemicals among others, said top executives. The group has also asked CEOs to form support groups within their companies to help face the challenge. Employee welfare and minimising business risks have been given top priority, they said.Some employees of JLR and Tata Steel are said to have been quarantined. CEOs have been given the freedom to take independent financial decisions to ensure employee safety.Tata International, TCS, Tata Steel, TGBL and JLR have employees in Europe, the US, UK and China, among the regions worst hit by the outbreak. Tata Motors, Tata Realty, Tata Communication and Indian Hotels Co. Ltd (IHCL) have adopted work-from-home policies. Others are expected to follow suit as the situation develops, officials said. Tata Sons did not comment on ET's queries.Chandrasekaran was cited as saying that business travel needs to be curbed as this posed the risk of the disease spreading. All leaders have been asked to avoid face-to-face meetings for some time. Chandrasekaran also asked CEOs to ensure that employees maintain social distancing at all times. All employees need to be provided the same level of care, regardless of their designation, he said. 74665241 Leaders should use this period to draw up plans to step up productivity, focus on resilience and getting work done in the best possible manner, the chairman was cited as saying.Tata Sons has infused Rs 20,000 crore of growth capital in group companies over the last three years even as legacy issues in sectors such as telecom and power with a highly challenging global business environment are keeping Chandrasekaran on his toes. He's been balancing capital allocation to chase growth against writeoffs in the three years since he took charge in February 2017. Consumer-focused group companies such as Titan, Trent, IHCL and TGBL grew faster than flagship companies such as Tata Steel, Tata Motors and Tata Power, which continue to battle an economic downturn. Total group debt has remained flat in the past three years at about Rs 3 lakh crore thanks to rising cash with the group's largest company TCS. Tata Sons will undertake some portfolio restructuring including tough decisions in terms of exiting businesses once immediate issues relating to Tata Steel Europe and Tata Power are resolved.

For India, Covid is an 800-pound gorilla


NEW DELHI: India's economic growth could take a hit of up to half a percentage point in FY21 because of the disruptions caused by the Covid-19 outbreak, early estimates by the government suggest. But independent economists see a deeper cut of up to one percentage point."There will be a hit of 0.3-0.5% on the GDP in the next fiscal year," said one of the officials aware of the estimate."Growth in the first two quarters of the next fiscal could be as low as 4-4.5%," another official added.The economy is forecast to grow 5% in current fiscal, the slowest in 11 years. The Economic Survey had forecast 6-6.5% rise in FY21, but Covid-19 has hurt recovery prospects.Prime Minister Narendra Modi has asked top verticals within the government, including the Niti Aayog, the Economic Advisory Council to the PM and finance ministry to assess the economic impact of the novel coronavirus."India is relatively insulated from the global value chain and to that extent impact on India will be less," Reserve Bank of India governor Shaktikanta Das said on Monday. "But India is integrated into the global economy, so there will be some impact." Independent experts have called for fiscal and monetary stimuli.FIRST HIT ON SERVICESSectors such as tourism, aviation, hospitality and trade will face the first brunt of the severe travel, assembly and activity curbs imposed by the governments across the world, followed by a wider impact on other sectors as economic activity stalls.Moody's has downgraded India's growth to 5.3% in 2020 due to downside risks of Covid-19. "By first quarter in the next fiscal, we can definitely see a shaving off of at least half a per cent of GDP, which could go up to 1% depending on how much it permeates through the economy," said Madan Sabnavis, chief economist at CARE Ratings, pencilling in 5.5% growth for FY21.DK Srivastava, chief policy adviser at EY, said the impact would be limited to a 0.5 percentage point downward revision in the current and next quarter if the situation was contained within a month. However, if it dragged on till May, then GDP growth in FY21 could dip to 4%, he said.The "supply side contagion effect" will impact manufacturing, agriculture and the pharmaceutical industry, said Bornali Bhandari, an economist at the National Council of Applied Economic Research.Sectors such as consumer durables, automobiles and pharmaceuticals will feel the brunt of supply constraints."On top of the likely consumption slowdown, production is also going to be hit," said DK Pant, chief economist at India Ratings and Research. In the current situation, "no one is going to pile up inventories".According to Sabnavis, banks will also have to be wary of a rise in non-performing assets (NPAs). If the shutdown on travel and malls continues for a month or more, a zero-revenue situation will definitely impact the ability to service loans, he said. 74665168 SOME PROTECTIONChina, where the coronavirus began, is likely to see a contraction in GDP in the first quarter of 2020 — the first contraction since 1998. The US and Europe are expected to slip into recession by July, dragging down overall growth.India may not suffer as much, given that it has a smaller exposure to the global economy — exports of services and goods are only a fifth of the total economy. Lower oil prices will provide a cushion, boosting government revenue and creating room in household budgets."The correction in the CPI inflation in January 2020 has anyway opened the door for a rate cut in the next policy meeting," said Aditi Nayar, principal economist at ICRA, adding that modest transmission could weaken its impact.Monetary and fiscal policy will both be unable to arrest the slowdown but could reduce its intensity, said Sabnavis, citing the muted impact the Federal Reserve's rate cut had on the US and global markets.Srivastava suggested a 25-basis-point reduction in the repo rate. "The government should relax the fiscal deficit by another 25 basis points of GDP and direct the funds towards the health sector, since it is beneficial in the long run," he added.

IT staff working onsite worry as Covid-19 cases rise


BENGALURU: Indian IT professionals working on client projects onsite are a worried lot. The reason: their employers are finding it tough to send replacements due to global travel restrictions following the Covid-19 outbreak.Two employees working onsite, including at client locations, in two different European countries told ET that they were "scared" to travel to work locations due to the virus and they cannot opt to work from home because the nature of their jobs requires commuting to work.Indian firms such as Infosys, TCS, Wipro, HCL Technologies and Mindtree have encouraged their onsite staff to work from home, but some critical projects need employees at client offices. "I am stuck in uncertainty as we do not see our replacement coming anytime soon. Also, we have to go to work since everyone is not allowed to work from home," an employee at one of the top five Indian tech services companies based in a European country told ET, requesting anonymity. "What worries me is the increasing number of Covid-19 cases in a small country (such as this)," he said. Another Indian IT employee in another European country which is seeing an increased number of infected people said he was supposed to come back to India after having completed his project but is "at the mercy of" the virus now. Managers at technology services companies are dealing with not only employees' concerns, but also over how to bill clients based on the work delivered.74665384 "For some critical projects, they (employees) have to deliver and cannot work from home because the infrastructure is not yet ready," said Kamal Karanth, cofounder of Xpheno, a Bengaluru-headquartered staffing agency.Some tech services companies say only about one-fourth of their employees are in a position to work from home, he added."...over the past several weeks we have taken a series of preventive measures to protect our employees from the coronavirus outbreak," a Wipro spokesperson told ET."Given the evolving situation, beginning Monday, March 16, we have advised our employees across the globe to work from home wherever feasible and if their role allows them to do so. We had already enabled work for home in several infected regions," the spokesperson added. HCL Tech said it was ensuring social distancing practices for employees across geographies, wherever it is essential for them to work from an office or client site."Most of the Mindtree Minds are working from home already... Further, we are working with our customers to enable alternate work options," said a company spokesperson.

Banks urged govt to save Voda Idea from going bust


New Delhi: The government's application to the Supreme Court over adjusted gross revenue (AGR) dues on Monday has cited calls it received from banks to save Vodafone Idea from bankruptcy, as they feared their capital position would otherwise come under immense strain."As on 31.12.2019, SBI had NPAs of around ₹12,165 crore in the telecom space and many other banks are saddled with telecom NPAs. Any further provisions for bad debts arising out of this sector will put a huge strain on the capital position of banks having substantial exposure to major telecom companies," the Indian Banks' Association (IBA) wrote in a letter to the secretary of the Department of Telecommunications.The letter from the IBA and another from State Bank of India chairman Rajnish Kumar were part of the government's application in court.The IBA's letter was sent a day after the SC, on February 14, lashed out at telecom companies for not paying up their AGR dues on time while hearing their plea to be allowed to negotiate with the telecom department on longer timelines for payment. The court had at the time ordered the telcos to pay their dues by the next date of hearing, or March 17.State Bank of India chairman Rajnish Kumar, in his letter to the Department of Financial Services, said the bank had an exposure of ₹17,650 crore to Vodafone Idea. The telco owes another ₹6,965 crore to other public sector banks and ₹21,788 crore to private sector banks.While urging the government to step in and save the telco to avoid the ripple effects, especially on the banking sector, the IBA made a string of suggestions to put the battered telecom sector back on track.These included removal, or at least reduction, of the spectrum usage charge as telcos are already buying airwaves through auctions, and ensuring minimum tariffs that are above the cost of the most competitive operator. It also suggested reducing the contribution of telecom companies to the universal services obligation fund, until the current corpus of ₹50,000 crore is fully utilised.The association further proposed requesting the Reserve Bank of India to treat spectrum as a tangible asset and classify it as a "property" under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code. Classifying spectrum as a tangible asset, the IBA said, would go a long way in providing relief to banks in terms of provisioning, considering the stress on the profitability of banks.Urging the government to address the concerns of the banking sector, the SBI chairman, in his letter, said if Vodafone Idea field for bankruptcy, it would strain the banking sector.

Fundraising Plans of REITs May Take a Hit


MUMBAI | BENGALURU: The impact of the Covid-19 virus outbreak globally may prove to be a key challenge for planned and proposed fundraising exercises through Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and are expected to be either delayed or put on hold until the situation improves.The upcoming and planned REITs proposed by K Raheja Corp, Blackstone Group, Prestige Estates and Brookfield Asset Management were already expected to face difficulties in attracting global investors owing to the proposed tax framework in the Budget.The government has proposed to tax dividends in the hands of unit holders or investors of infrastructure and real estate investment trusts, which were otherwise not taxable.Key meetings related to crucial decision making and road shows are expected to be postponed due to the current global travel restrictions. In addition, institutional investors would like to assess the impact of Covid-19 on the global economy and commercial real estate before finalizing any major investment calls. All these factors are expected to push the timelines of these issues further."The external environment is increasingly getting difficult. One cannot expect a series of major decisions with regard to the entire fundraising exercise to be finalized over a video conference. As of now, everyone is adopting a wait-and-watch approach and this would lead to delays for sure," said a top executive of a company planning to list its REIT.The worldwide spread of the virus is expected to delay commercial real estate deals across India due to travel restrictions and lack of clarity on its impact on global economic growth.After hitting a record high of over 60 million sq ft in 2019, demand was expected to be robust this year too. However, deals could be pushed back by three to six months as key decision makers may not visit India in the backdrop of travel restrictions.A final assessment of the impact of the pandemic on the global economy may lead to changes in expansion plans and therefore space requirements. This will eventually impact the likely valuation of these proposed REITs.K Raheja Corp, Prestige Estates and Brookfield Asset Management did not respond to ET's emails till press time on Monday. Blackstone Group declined to comment.With regard to taxation, a consortium of leaders from international institutional funds and industry associations have already made their representation across multiple levels, including the Finance Ministry, revenue secretary and top officials of the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) in two successive meetings."The increasing fear and impact of Coronavirus is making things difficult. The government needs to take a relook at the tax structure as no foreign investors would pay high taxes. We will rather offload stake privately to a foreign fund than opting for a REIT," said a real estate developer.Over the last several Union Budgets, the government has been incentivising Infrastructure Investments Trusts (InvITs) and REITs, while acknowledging the need to rationalise the tax regime for it and developing a new investment asset class.The Finance Bill proposes to levy tax on the dividend distributed by InvITs and REITs in the hands of the unitholders, which was exempt from tax.The earlier tax structure supported the listing of two public InvITs in 2017, two privately placed - listed InvITs and India's first REIT in April 2019, attracting investments from both domestic investors as well as large global institutional investors. The commercial real estate market in the country is likely to provide 294 million sq ft of space that can be listed under REITs, valued at $35 billion, from the existing office stock, according to a recent JLL India report.It took more than a decade, after the capital markets regulator Securities & Exchange Board of India initiated REIT regulations in 2008, for the first REIT to list in the country.

HUL, Godrej, DMart to gain as virus spreads


ET Intelligence Group: Amid the clampdown on public gathering by shutting off malls, cinema halls, and pubs to curtail the spread of Covid-19, investors bullish on India's consumption story are shifting away from companies dependent on discretionary spending such as dining out, watches, jewellery and fast food to those whose mainstay are daily essentials.The stocks of Hindustan Unilever, Dabur India, Godrej Consumer Products, Marico and Avenue Supermarts are likely to continue their better performance compared with Jubilant Foodworks, Titan, Page Industries and Westlife Development.The benchmark indices S&P BSE Sensex and the NSE Nifty 50 have fallen more than the stocks in the consumption basket since January 20, the day the virus outbreak was reported in China. This has increased the premium of the consumption index to 75% over the benchmarks compared with 69% before the outbreak.The outperformance was more due to relative resilience of the stocks in the daily essentials category, which on average fell by 9.4% since January 20. The non-essential category stocks dropped more sharply by 20.7%.The consumer stocks have a weight of 11.8% in the BSE 200 index. Domestic mutual funds retained a lower weight of these stocks in their portfolios at around 8% at the end of 2019 given their high valuations. This has increased to 8.4% since then. 74665841 The lockdown of public places is likely to have lesser impact on the earnings of companies focussed on the grocery and related retail operations. In addition, the tendency of customers to maintain a higher than usual stock of such products in the wake of possibility of a longer lockdown period may support the revenue growth of these companies.The extended lockdown of malls in metros augurs well for Avenue Supermarts since its outlets are not present in malls unlike some of its peers including Future Retail which runs Big Bazaar.Food sales accounted for 51% of Avenue Supermarts' revenue in the first nine months of FY20. A reduction in discount on hygiene products given rising demand may help the company's profitability in the coming quarters.

Trade setup: Nifty oversold, but sustainable pullback unlikely


In yet another disappointing session on Dalal Street, Indian equity market succumbed to the global rout on Monday. NSE Nifty opened with a deep cut and continued trading in a sideways trajectory, while showing no signs of recovery from the lower levels. The index finally settled with a deep cut of 757.80 points or 7.61 per cent at 9,197.40. After market hours, the Reserve Bank of India's Governor Shaktikanta Das announced a couple of liquidity measures. The expectation was that of a rate cut, which was in line with global central banks. The market is likely to react to this on Tuesday. In Monday's session, volatility index or India Vix surged 14.38 per cent to 58.88. Dalal Street will continue to see volatility remaining ingrained in trade even if the market attempts a feeble pullback. Tuesday's session is likely to see 9,255 and 9,390 levels act as resistance. Support may come in at 9,100 and 9,015. The trading range is expected to stay wider-than-normal over the next couple of sessions.74660603 The Relative Strength Index (RSI) on the daily chart was at 18.87 and stayed in the oversold territory. The indicator also showed a mild bullish divergence, as it did not make a fresh 14-period low, while Nifty did so. The daily MACD remained bearish and traded below its signal line. As per pattern analysis, Nifty is showing a dismal picture, as the pullback, which was witnessed on Friday, halted exactly near the gap that the index has formed. Besides this, despite trading oversold on the short-term charts, the index is showing signs of vulnerability at current levels, even if it attempts a technical pullback. The market will continue to remain dominated by global developments going ahead. At 9.45 pm IST, Dow Jones was trading 1,660.43 points or 7.16 per cent lower at 21,525.19. If we analyse Indian market in isolation, it is due for some technical pullback. However, a rebound will not happen if global markets continue to remain weak. No doubt, there will be some tempting levels that would trigger an urge to make bargain purchases. Even though the traders may consider making small purchases at lower levels, any aggressive purchases should be avoided entirely unless the market consolidates and shows a few signs of a potential bottom formation. (Milan Vaishnav, CMT, MSTA, is a Consulting Technical Analyst and founder of Gemstone Equity Research & Advisory Services, Vadodara. He can be reached at

IT staff working onsite caught between coronavirus and a hard place


BENGALURU: Indian IT professionals working on client projects onsite are a worried lot. The reason: their employers are finding it tough to send replacements due to global travel restrictions following the Covid-19 outbreak.Two employees working onsite, including at client locations, in two different European countries told ET that they were "scared" to travel to work locations due to the virus and they cannot opt to work from home because the nature of their jobs requires commuting to work.Indian firms such as Infosys, TCS, Wipro, HCL Technologies and Mindtree have encouraged their onsite staff to work from home, but some critical projects need employees at client offices. "I am stuck in uncertainty as we do not see our replacement coming anytime soon. Also, we have to go to work since everyone is not allowed to work from home," an employee at one of the top five Indian tech services companies based in a European country told ET, requesting anonymity. "What worries me is the increasing number of Covid-19 cases in a small country (such as this)," he said. Another Indian IT employee in another European country which is seeing an increased number of infected people said he was supposed to come back to India after having completed his project but is "at the mercy of" the virus now. Managers at technology services companies are dealing with not only employees' concerns, but also over how to bill clients based on the work delivered.74665384 "For some critical projects, they (employees) have to deliver and cannot work from home because the infrastructure is not yet ready," said Kamal Karanth, cofounder of Xpheno, a Bengaluru-headquartered staffing agency.Some tech services companies say only about one-fourth of their employees are in a position to work from home, he added."...over the past several weeks we have taken a series of preventive measures to protect our employees from the coronavirus outbreak," a Wipro spokesperson told ET."Given the evolving situation, beginning Monday, March 16, we have advised our employees across the globe to work from home wherever feasible and if their role allows them to do so. We had already enabled work for home in several infected regions," the spokesperson added. HCL Tech said it was ensuring social distancing practices for employees across geographies, wherever it is essential for them to work from an office or client site."Most of the Mindtree Minds are working from home already... Further, we are working with our customers to enable alternate work options," said a company spokesperson.

Marginal decline in number of jobseekers between 2015 and 2017


The number of job seekers in the country marginally declined between 2015 and 2017 from 4.35 crore in 2015 to 4.24 crore in 2017, labour minister Santosh Kumar Gangwar informed Parliament on Monday."As per the information received from the states/UTs, the number of job seekers, all of whom may not necessarily be unemployed, registered on live register of employment exchanges in the country to the extent available were 4.35 crore, 4.34 crore and 4.24 crore during 2015, 2016 and 2017 respectively," the minister said in reply to a question in Lok Sabha on Monday."There has been a total positive change in employment from April 2016 to October, 2017 to the tune of 6.16 lakh workers in the selected eight sectors of the economy," he said.According to the minister, labour bureau has initiated revamped quarterly employment survey (QES) in April, 2016 by extending scope and coverage with the objective to measure relative change in employment situation over successive quarters in sizeable segment of non-farm industrial economy covering eight major sectors viz. manufacturing, construction, trade, transport, education, health, accommodation & restaurants and IT/BPO having 10 or more workers.

Latest coronavirus update: Handstamp for those in 'Home Quarantine'

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 06:27 PM PDT

Source: FPJ

Former CJ Ranjan Gogoi must be pleased with himself, nominated to Rajya Sabha by President Kovind

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 06:27 PM PDT

Source: FPJ

Gear up for the Covid-19 fight: India must limit Stage III spread of Coronavirus – here’s how it can do it

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 06:19 PM PDT

Gear up for the Covid-19 fight: India must limit Stage III spread of Coronavirus – here's how it can do it
Successful intervention will also mean that the overall infections get spread over a longer period of time, lowering the peak, than happening over a short period, with a much higher peak, and overwhelming the health infrastructure.

Source: TFE

In corona fight, mind the debt

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:49 PM PDT

In corona fight, mind the debt
Fiscal risks intensifying from build-up of liabilities. It would be prudent to fund targeted hand-outs to corona-affected segments by redirecting subsidy spends

Source: TFE

Big brother is watching: Surge in DoT asking for telco CDR records is worrying

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:49 PM PDT

Big brother is watching: Surge in DoT asking for telco CDR records is worrying
Home minister Amit Shah shocked most when, last week, he spoke of how the Delhi police had used driving licences, voter IDs and other official data to identify rioters via facial recognition technology.

Source: TFE

All houses will have electricity, potable water by 2022: Pramod Sawant

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:36 PM PDT

All houses will have electricity, potable water by 2022: Pramod Sawant
The Chief Minister was campaigning for the March 22 elections to zilla parishads

Source: TH

Speaker rejects Gujarat Congress’s demand to put off budget session

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:36 PM PDT

Speaker rejects Gujarat Congress's demand to put off budget session
The ruling BJP had opposed the demand claiming the Congress was running scared due to five of its MLAs quitting ahead of the March 26 Rajya Sabha polls

Source: TH

Gram sabhas in 15 Odisha districts pass resolutions against NPR, NRC, CAA

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:36 PM PDT

Gram sabhas in 15 Odisha districts pass resolutions against NPR, NRC, CAA
A memorandum has been sent to the Odisha CM and respective District Collectors of 15 districts

Source: TH

An inclusive goal for Manipur’s transgender football

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:36 PM PDT

An inclusive goal for Manipur's transgender football
The northeastern State is now host to the country's first team of transmen

Source: TH

Arunachal school shut down indefinitely after boy’s death

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:36 PM PDT

Arunachal school shut down indefinitely after boy's death
The school in Arunachal Pradesh's Papum Pare district where a Class VI student died of unnatural causes has been shut down indefinitely. A local court

Source: TH

Coronavirus | Two persons escape from Odisha hospitals, return

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:36 PM PDT

Coronavirus | Two persons escape from Odisha hospitals, return
Both are yet to be confirmed for infection, say medical sources

Source: TH

Coronavirus | Siddhivinayak temple, Ajanta-Ellora caves to be closed

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:36 PM PDT

Coronavirus | Siddhivinayak temple, Ajanta-Ellora caves to be closed
The Tuljabhawani temple in Osmanabad district also to remain closed

Source: TH

Special court sends Rana Kapoor to ED’s custody till March 20

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:36 PM PDT

Special court sends Rana Kapoor to ED's custody till March 20
Yes Bank Chief, family members got a kickback of ₹600 crore from DHFL promoter, says ED

Source: TH

Bengal invokes Epidemic law, sets aside Rs 200 cr for fighting viral outbreak

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:32 PM PDT

Bengal invokes Epidemic law, sets aside Rs 200 cr for fighting viral outbreak

Source: TIE

At Delhi’s IGI airport, long wait before quarantine

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:32 PM PDT

At Delhi's IGI airport, long wait before quarantine

Source: TIE

Chandigarh: Cancelled leave and long duties – Health care department with all hands on deck

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:32 PM PDT

Chandigarh: Cancelled leave and long duties – Health care department with all hands on deck

Source: TIE

Panjab University closes guest rooms, gyms, nearby shops; students advised to vacate hostels

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:32 PM PDT

Panjab University closes guest rooms, gyms, nearby shops; students advised to vacate hostels

Source: TIE

No langar at Mansa Devi, but devotees queue up

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:32 PM PDT

No langar at Mansa Devi, but devotees queue up

Source: TIE

Coronavirus outbreak: Maharashtra govt starts stamping left hand of those in home quarantine

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:32 PM PDT

Coronavirus outbreak: Maharashtra govt starts stamping left hand of those in home quarantine

Source: TIE

Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, March 17, 2020 for all Zodiac signs by astrologer Nilikash P Pradhan

Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:27 PM PDT

Source: FPJ


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