Showing posts with label girl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label girl. Show all posts

Ten WTF Intersections of Video Games And Hollywood

Lynch or Fincher? Make a damn decision

Posted: 1 hour ago by  shady78

Getting sick of people, especially me, just throwing these names around. Oh, look, some girl got a tattoo by David Lynch, isn't that going to be a sight?

Kind of reminds me of Child of Eden, a game I have only coursed two levels on, mind you, but it is really not what I had expected from Q.

It is simply not as dynamic as I thought it would be (was playing on playstation, with dual-shock and 3-D). I mean, sure, it's a whale with barnacles, but how long can the whale whirl around?

Also the game does a poor/rushed job of Move support. I just threw the Move into the screen, then began using my joypad.

The worst thing about the game is that it doesn't even bother to start in 3D when you're viewing over a 3D television. You're like, sitting there, wondering why this cute girl is not in 3D, when you should be focusing on why the cute girl wants to be cute. You have to go into options and set the damn game to 3D.