Showing posts with label MMORPG Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MMORPG Reviews. Show all posts

World of Warcraft Evaluation - WoW Review

 World of Warcraft MMORPG Review

The actual fifth development in the World of Warcraft team is usually a genuinely exciting knowledge so far. There have been numerous pros and cons within the string, and the fans since generally are generally split. There are some that feel that that online game seems more like “Vanilla” (the first online game prior to expansions. ). There are some which say the game is getting much easier just as before, and “made regarding casuals. ” In the end, the game is done most notably for that fans. All people should be able to receive anything out of Warlords of Draenor, much like the rest of the expansions prior to the item. At present, WoD is at closed beta. Exactly what We knowledgeable with this assemble has been an earlier part of the game, giving content material by way of Frostfire Ridge for that Horde and Shadowmoon Vly for that Connections, in addition to the dungeon within the two areas and specific zones.

Alien Swarm Online Review

Alien Swarm is a 3D, Sci-Fi MMO shooter with a top-down view.  Up to four players work together to complete objectives while shooting AI controlled, insect-like aliens.  The game supports forty weapons and items, has multiple character and class options, and allows creative players to create their own content!



Publisher: Valve Corporation

Playerbase: Medium

Graphics: Medium Quality

Type: MMO

EXP Rate: High

PvP: N/A

Filesize: ~2060 MB

Pros: +8 characters, 4 classes. +Achievements to earn. +Offline practice mode. +Supports custom add-ons & maps.

Cons: -Only one campaign, very few maps. -Limited character customization. -No competitive game modes.


Alien Swarm was developed by the same team behind a similarly titled Unreal Tournament 2004 mod.  The game is a top-down shoot em’ up with the camera angle set at 60 degrees.  Alien Swarm is a purely cooperative game where a team of four players must clear stages by completing various objectives.  Players do gain levels, unlock achievements, new equipment, and other features as they progress.  Unlike most free to play games, Alien Swarm is freeware which means there’s no cash shop or item mall to worry about.  Alien Swarm stays true to its mod heritage and allows players free access to its source code.  This means creative fans will be able to create additional content to supplement the official maps.  There are currently four classes and eight playable characters to choose from at the start of each mission.


Officer - Provides a passive damage and resistance buff to nearby allies.  Officers have access to a powerful shotgun called the ‘Vindicator’.

Special Weapons - Heavy damage dealers.  Can access the ‘autogun’ class of weapons, which includes the swarm-busting minigun and more precise autogun.

Medic - Capable of using healing beacons that temporarily restore the health of nearby allies.  Gains access to the healing gun in later levels.

Tech - The only class that can unlock special door panels via hacking.  Techs carry a motion sensor and are armed with an auto aiming assault rifle.  Several missions require a tech to be present.



 Alien Swarm Online System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz
HDD: 2.5 GB Free
Graphics Card: GeForce 6600 / ATI X800

Recommended Specifications:
OS: Windows Vista / 7
CPU: Intel core 2 duo 2.4GHz or better
RAM: 2 GB or more
HDD: 3 GB Free or more
Graphics Card: NVidia 7600 / ATI X1600 or better

Alganon Online Review

Alganon is a 3D Fantasy MMORPG with a unique skill progression system that works whether players are online or offline. With an interface and graphic style very similar to WoW’s, Alganon offers a familiar gaming experience with several new features.


Publisher: Quest Online
Playerbase: Medium
Graphics: High Quality
EXP Rate: Low
PvP: RvR / Duels
Filesize: ~ 1640 MB



Pros: +Unique studies system allows progress to continue even while offline. +Plenty of quests to provide direction. +Great interface. +Fluid gameplay.

Cons: -Graphic style is similar to but inferior to WoW. -Only 4 classes available. – Only 1 race per faction. -Must pay to progress past level 30.


Alganon is a new fantasy MMORPG with a striking resemblance to WoW. It looks and plays a lot like Runes of Magic, Gates of Andaron and other WoW clones. The game brings with it several new features, including a comprehensive library which acts as an in-game database. The most prominent new feature in Alganon is the study system which allows players to learn or improve their skills passively, even while logged off. This allows steady character development and keeps casual and power players on a more equal footing.

Factions - Asharr (Human), Kujix (Talrok)


Soldier - The most important class in Alganon. Soldiers are at the front lines of combat and specialize in strength & endurance. A party always consists of one or more soldiers.

Ranger - Masters of ranged combat. Rangers are adept at field control and rely on animal companions to fight alongside them. They can also lay traps, track pray, and possess speed enhancing abilities.

Magus - Wielders of elemental forces. Magus must specialize in either the schools of Flame, Frost, or Storm. They can deal heavy damage but have low endurance and are protected by light armor.

Healer - The supportive class of Alganon. Healers specialize in healing and buffing themselves and their allies. Healers can smite their foes with divine power and even turn themselves into the living dead.


Alganon Online System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz
RAM: 2.0 GB
HDD: 4.0 GB
Graphics Card: nVidia 6000 series, ATI 9800

Recommended Specifications:
OS: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
CPU: Intel Pentium IV 1.5 GHz or better
RAM: 4.0 GB
HDD: 6 GB or more free
Graphics Card: nVidia 7000 series or better

Aika Online Review

Aika, also called Aika Online, is a 3D Fantasy MMORPG with gorgeous high end graphics and a strong emphasis on Realm vs Realm PvP combat. The game is immensely popular in Korea and is has some addictive fast paced gameplay. Fight for your nation in the game’s epic Realm vs Realm system with up to 1000 vs 1000 battles.


Publisher: Gpotato
Playerbase: High
Graphics: High Quality
EXP Rate: Medium
PvP: Realm vs Realm / Arena Battles / Guild Battles
Filesize: ~1050 MB Installed


Pros: +Good Interface. +Impressive PvP System (1000 Vs. 1000 RvR). +Nice variety of quests. +Great skill animations and effects.+Interesting ‘Pran’ pet system. +Excellent voice overs. +Well written quest dialogue.

Cons: -Gender locked classes. -Limited character customization options. -Little direction early on.


Aika is a PvP heavy free fantasy MMORPG that closely resembles the PvP elements in pay to play MMORPGs like Dark Age of Camelot and Warhammer Online. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the game’s Realm vs Realm battles is that the game can handle up to 1000 vs. 1000 battles, which is quite a feat as the game has beautiful graphics and effects. Aika is actually one of the first free to play MMORPGs with a  large scale Realm vs Realm system and the first to actually have solid, genuinely fun gameplay. With many playable classes, a unique ‘Pran’ pet system and many more interesting features, Aika is certainly well worth checking out. The game’s six playable classes are:

Fighter (M) - Like in most other MMORPGs, the fighter in Aika is a powerful melee oriented class. They have high hitpoints and defense and make great tanks. They wear metal armor.

Dual Gunner (F) - Dual Gunners specialize in mid-range DPS and Damage over Time skills. They wear leather armor.

Warlock (M) - Warlocks are the primary offensive spellcasters in Aika. They can deal quite a bit of damage with their spells, but have low hitpoints and defense. They wear cloth armor.

Paladin (F) - Paladins are a mix between warriors and clerics. They are capable fighters as well as a good supporting class. They wear metal.

Rifleman (M) - They specialize in dealing damage from a long distance, making them the ideal long-range DPS class. They wear leather armor

Cleric (F) - They are the primary supportive class in Aika. They are incredibly helpful to any party as they have both healing and supportive skills. They wear cloth armor.

Aika System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows  XP / Vista
CPU: 1.5 GHz Pentium 4 or better.
RAM: 512 MB
HDD: 2 GB Free
Graphics Card: Nvidia FX 5200 or better

Recommended Specifications:
OS: Windows XP / Vista
CPU: 2 GHz Pentium 4
RAM: 1024 MB (1GB)
HDD: 2 GB Free
Graphics Card: Nvidia 6600



Age of Armor Online Review

Age of Armor is one of the few surviving Sci-Fi MMORPGs available on the market today, mainly due to it’s unique character options whereby players are able to choose both a Pilot, and a Mech. Throughout the game players must fight enemies, and each other, to earn credits that can be spent on new upgrades and parts to customize their Mech.



Publisher: Snail Games
Playerbase: Low
Graphics: High-Quality
Type: Sci-Fi MMORPG
EXP Rate: High
PvP: Yes
Filesize: 1.3GB


Pros: +Unique Sci-Fi locations. +Plenty of skills with unique skill progression. +Faction based PvP aspects.  +Heaps of missions available.

Cons: -Severe lack of direction. -Slow paced combat.  -Limited pilot customization. -Very poor translation.  -Dated graphics engine.


Age of Armor provides players with an incredibly complicated and robust design system, but does little in the way of explaining how to properly navigate it. Players can customize almost every part of their Mech and participate in both PvE and PvP combat once they are happy with their design. Unfortunately, the slower-paced combat and hard to digest translations may deter many players from truly experiencing all that Age of Armor has to offer.

Playable Races:

Neo Humans – Long-range Focused

Natural Humans - Healing Focused

Enhanced Humans - Melee Focused

Mechs: Can be built from the ground up to player specifications.


Age of Armor System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
CPU:  Pentium III 500
RAM: 128MB
HDD: 600MB
Graphics Card: GeForce2 MX400

Recommended Specification:
CPU: Pentium IV 2GHz
RAM: 256MB
HDD: 600MB
Graphics Card: GeForce4 Ti4200

Ace Online Review

Ace Online

Ace Online is an innovative 3D Sci Fi Shooter MMO where players control starfighter planes called ‘gears’ and fight it out in large scale battles. The game has over 100 quests, or missions, so the game’s grind is minimal. The game’s fast paced gameplay coupled with the sleek sci-fi graphics makes Ace Online well worth the download.



Publisher: Suba Games
Playerbase: Medium
Graphics: High Quality
Type: MMO
EXP Rate: Medium
PvP: Realm Vs Realm / Duels / Group Vs Group
Filesize: ~ 1374 MB


Pros: +Unique gameplay. +Great graphics. +Good tutorial. +Hundreds of missions. +Plenty of customizable components. -Massive PvP battles (Up to 100 vs 100!).

Cons: -Early missions are way too easy. -Poorly translation mission text / cut scenes.


Ace Online is an incredibly unique PvP oriented sci-fi MMO shooter. The best way to describe the game would be a fast paced PvP oriented StarFox. Sounds awesome, right? Well it is, so check it out. The game was originally released as ‘Space Cowboys’ in the United States and was published by Gpotato, but due to some licensing issues, Gpotato had to shut down their service for the game. The game has just recently be re-licensed to Subagames, so make sure you don’t play the game ‘Ace Online’ rather than ‘Air Rivals’ as Ace Online is the American version while ‘Air Rivals’ is the European version. Hop onto your gear and blast away your enemies in this fun fast paced sci fi MMO.



Ace Online System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows XP / Vista / ME / 98
CPU: 1 GhZ Pentium 3 or Equivalent
RAM: 256 MB
HDD: 2.0 GB Free Space
Graphics Card: Any 32MB VGA Card

Recommended Specification:
OS: Windows XP / Vista / ME / 98
CPU: 1.5 GhZ Pentium 4 or Better
RAM:  256 MB RAM
HDD: 2.0 GB Free Space
Graphics Card: Any 128MB VGA Card


A3 Online Review

A3 Online (A3 for “Art, Alive and Attraction”) is a massively multiplayer online video game using a Unreal Engine, made by Korean company AniPark and published by ActozSoft. Currently available in India and Japan servers.

Choose from 4 character classes:
She is a pure arcane user who inflicts long range and area damage with nature’s 3 basic magical elements - fire, ice and lightning.

Holy Knight
Balanced between close quarter defense melee combat and magic skills, he uses one handed weapons paired with a shield.

Armed with a bow and arrow, she is able to assault her enemies from a distance using fire, ice or lightning elemental magic damage.

He is the master of melee combat. He is perfectly adept at wielding two handed swords, spears or axes. His aggression is matched by his belief that shields are for the weak. At that he never uses shields for protection.

Kill monsters…
To help you increase your character level, get weapons and armours. These monsters also give money…. yes in game money that can be used to do lots of things.

Town Merchants…
Just like in the real cities and towns, A3 towns have Merchants that would assist you with verious activites.

Meet other people, Make new friends, Chat…
With loads of players just like you playing from all over the country, even your own city, you can just walk up to them and say Hi.
Add them as friends, set status, exchange items, etc…

Town Merchants…
Just like in the real cities and towns, A3 towns have Merchants that would assist you with verious activites.

Knighthoods / Clans / Guilds
If you wish to be a part of a gang or even form you own, use the in-game Knighthood option. Give your gang an exclusive name and even a symbol.

Own shops
Try your hand as an owner of a shop. Reap the benefits like tax collection from other players, etc…

Ruler of the Nation
Every town / nation needs someone to lead them. Form the strongest clan and take advantage of this status.

In-game Guides / Helpers
At every town meet the in-game guides to give you aid with any of the games features.


Website: This game has been Shutdown and is no more available to play.