Showing posts with label End. Show all posts
Showing posts with label End. Show all posts

Win a place in the End Of Nations beta

The festive edition of the End Of Nations ‘Warfront’ video series is offering up a place on the beta for anyone who can string together a half decent poem. You’ve got until 1st January 2012 to submit your entry, and the winner will get straight on the forthcoming beta, as well as have their labour of love feature on the next Warfront video.

Elsehwere in this edition of Warfront the ‘Company’ gameplay mechanic is introduced. As Cole Marshall explains, the various ‘companies’ in the game allow you to customise your forces to suit your needs.

“Pick your class, units and abilities to fit your style of gameplay,” explains a santa-hatted Cole Marshall. “You can use your companies to co-ordinate strategies and tactics with other players to create the perect armoury.”

Using the latest cuts of in-game footage Marshall goes on to demonstrate two first tier companies. The first provides enough firepower to take on most armies, but lacking anti-aircraft units and the second, designed for support, is particularly effective against aircraft, buildings and the ability to detect stealth units.

We’re expecting great things from End Of Nations – check out the video and see what you think…