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Latest World News, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 04:00 AM PDT

Latest World News, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs

New Military Regime In Sudan Promises A Return To Civilian Government After Two Years

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 08:09 PM PDT

Reuters: New military council leader promises civilian government for Sudan

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - The new head of Sudan's military council said on Saturday a civilian government would be formed after consultations with the opposition and promised the transition period would last for a maximum of two years.

Protesters, however, kept up the pressure for rapid change following the overthrow of long-ruling autocrat President Omar al-Bashir on Thursday.

In his first televised address, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan Abdelrahman canceled a night curfew and ordered the release of all prisoners jailed under emergency laws put in place by Bashir before his downfall.

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WNU Editor: Sudan now has its third ruler in three days .... Sudan coup leader Awad Ibn Auf steps down (BBC).

More News On The Crisis In Sudan

Sudanese Military Holds First Meeting With Protesters Since Ousting President al-Bashir --Time/AP
Sudan's interim leader promises return to civilian rule -- DW
Sudan's military holds talks with protesters as curfew lifted -- Al Jazeera
Sudan's coup-leading defense minister, intelligence chief resign after al-Bashir's ouster -- Daily Sabbah
Head of Sudan's military council steps down a day after coup -- NBC News/Reuters
Sudan's intelligence chief Salah Gosh resigns: Military council -- Middle East Eye

Afghan Taliban Announce A 'Ban' On The Red Cross And WHO In Afghanistan

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 07:16 PM PDT

A child receives polio vaccination drops during an anti-polio campaign in Kabul, Afghanistan.

RFE: Taliban Announces 'Ban' On WHO, Red Cross Amid Vaccination Drive

The Taliban has announced a "ban" on the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) in areas the extremist group controls in Afghanistan.

A spokesman for the militants on April 11 cited what the group called "suspicious" actions by the international organizations during a vaccination drive.

"They have not stuck to the commitments they had…and they are acting suspiciously during vaccination campaigns," Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said without providing details.

He added that other aid groups were free to continue operations.

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Update #1: Afghanistan's Taliban Bans ICRC, WHO Relief Work -- VOA
Update #2: Taliban announce 'ban' on Red Cross, WHO in Afghanistan -- AFP

WNU Editor: One more reason why the Taliban should never rule Afghanistan.

CIA Director In Afghanistan To Discuss Expanding The Agency's Intelligence Presence

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 06:51 PM PDT

Photo: CIA Director Gina Haspel

CNN: CIA director visits Afghanistan to discuss expanding US intelligence presence

CIA Director Gina Haspel visited Afghanistan this week to discuss a number of issues including maintaining and possibly expanding the US intelligence presence in the country, according to sources familiar with the visit.

Haspel's visit comes as the Trump administration remains actively engaged in peace talks with the Taliban and just days after three US service members were killed by an improvised explosive device near Bagram Air Base. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. Seven US service members have been killed in Afghanistan this year.

Haspel met with Afghan government officials including President Ashraf Ghani and the country's intelligence chief, Masoom Stanekzai, according to sources familiar with the visit.

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Update #1: CIA director visits Afghanistan to discuss wider US intelligence presence: report (The Hill)
Update #2: CIA Director Reportedly Meets Afghan Officials In Kabul (TOLO News)

WNU Editor: The peace talks are in trouble. The CIA Director's presence in Afghanistan is a signal to me that there are now expectations among U.S. intelligence that the talks are going to fail, and the war is going to escalate.

Taliban Spring Offensive Underway In Afghanistan

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 06:33 PM PDT

Reuters: Fighting across Afghanistan as Taliban opens offensive before talks

KABUL (Reuters) - Taliban forces attacked the northern Afghan city of Kunduz on Saturday, a day after the launch of their annual spring offensive, as fighting intensified across the country ahead of the next round of peace talks with U.S. representatives.

Heavy fighting has been going on for weeks but the announcement of the spring offensive while peace talks were due was a blow to any hopes of a quick agreement and was criticized as "reckless" by U.S. special peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said in a statement the movement was committed to the peace process but accused Afghan and international forces of stepping up their own operations.

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More News On The Afghan Taliban Launching Their Spring Offensive

New attacks as spring offensive begins in Afghanistan -- France 24
Taliban Fighters Attack Kunduz Outskirts, Violence in Kabul, Day After Spring Offensive Announced -- RFE
Taliban launches deadly attack in Afghanistan's Kunduz -- Al Jazeera
14 Taliban militants killed, wounded in Afghan, coalition airstrikes in Kandahar -- Khaama Press
Despite peace talks, Taliban declare start of spring offensive in Afghanistan -- USA Today
Taliban announces beginning of spring offensive amid US peace talks -- The Hill
Taliban announce spring offensive as Afghanistan peace talks continue -- DW
Taliban announces 'Al-Fath Jihadi Operations' for 2019 -- Long War Journal
Taliban plans spring offensive to 'eradicate' Afghan occupation -- UPI
Afghan President Slams Taliban's Announcement of Spring Offensive -- Sputnik
Taliban Spring Offensive Draws U.S. Ire Amid Peace Efforts -- Bloomberg

International Criminal Court Will Not Probe U.S. Actions In Afghanistan

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 05:53 PM PDT

NPR: World Criminal Court Rejects Probe Into U.S. Actions In Afghanistan

A panel of judges at the International Criminal Court has rejected a request to proceed with investigating possible war crimes and crimes against humanity in Afghanistan, including those allegedly involving U.S. armed forces and the CIA.

This is in response to a request from ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda in 2017, a prospect that U.S. officials have strongly criticized.

In their unanimous decision released Friday, the judges said that the prosecutor's request is within the court's jurisdiction and the crimes are of sufficient gravity for it to consider the case. But it said that it was ultimately rejecting the request because "the current circumstances of the situation in Afghanistan are such as to make the prospects for a successful investigation and prosecution extremely limited."

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WNU Editor: This is a big win for the White House .... In Win for Bolton, International Criminal Court Will Not Prosecute US Troops (Defense One). More here .... White House cheers decision by international court to reject Afghanistan war crimes investigation (ABC News).

More News On the International Criminal Court Refusing To Probe U.S. Actions In Afghanistan

Judges reject Afghanistan probe; cite lack of cooperation -- AP
Facing hurdles from U.S., war crimes judges reject Afghan probe -- Reuters
ICC judges reject request for Afghanistan war crimes probe -- France 24
International Criminal Court rejects call to investigate war crimes in Afghanistan -- CNN
International court rejects request to probe alleged war crimes in Afghanistan -- The Hill
ICC rejects Afghanistan war crimes probe -- DW

Report: U.S. Military Mission In Somalia Is Likely To Not Be Completed Until 2026

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 05:24 PM PDT

Somali national army soldiers stand in formation during a logistics course graduation ceremony. Soldiers from Somali's advanced infantry DANAB battalion spent 14 weeks training with the U.S. 10th Mountain division on the importance of logistical operation as well as the operation and maintenance of heavy equipment. (Photo by MC2 (SW/AW) Evan Parker. Released)

CNN: US military mission in Somalia could take seven years to complete

(CNN) This week President Donald Trump signed an executive order extending a presidential declaration of a national emergency concerning Somalia for another year, calling the Islamist insurgency plaguing that country an "unusual and extraordinary threat" to the US.

But even if that is the last extension of the declaration, US defense officials say the mission in the country is likely to take years to complete.

The fight there hinges on US Special Operations Forces being able to train an elite Somali army unit capable of defeating al Qaeda-linked militants on the ground. The commitment to the East African nation comes after the President has signaled a desire to reduce US troop levels across the globe and as the administration is in the process of withdrawing forces from Syria.

While officials say the effort is making progress, they tell CNN that the US training mission is likely to not be completed until 2026.

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WNU Editor: Seven more years?!?!?!

The Search For Japan's Crashed F-35 Continues

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 04:48 PM PDT

© REUTERS / Mandatory credit Kyodo

Warzone/The Drive: Here's Everything We Know About The Ongoing Search For Japan's Crashed F-35 (Updated)

The search and rescue effort continues for the F-35 and its pilot with a U-2 spy plane and submarine rescue vessel joining the effort.

It has been four days since the crash of a Japan Air Self Defense Force F-35A. Here's what we have to report, but before you start reading the update, make sure you read our original post linked here to get caught up.

Details regarding the crash remain scarce. Keep in mind that data surrounding tracking F-35s and the information its data-links send and receive are sensitive in nature, especially the data captured by its proprietary low-probability of intercept (LPI) Multi-functional Advanced Data Link (MADL) system whichconnects F-35s together within line-of-sight. The jet also has satellite and Link 16 connectivity, but they are not stealthy like MADL.

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Previous Post: Massive Search Underway For A Missing Japanese F-35 Fighter Jet (April 11, 2019).

WNU Editor: It is not easy to keep F-35 secrets "secret" .... US scrambles to keep F-35's secrets safe from Russia and China (Nikkei Asian Review).

U.S. President Trump And North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un Are Both Open To Having A Thrid Summit

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 04:16 PM PDT

ABC News: President Trump and North Korea's Kim Jong Un willing to meet for third summit

Kim announced Saturday he would be open to meeting with President Trump again.

President Donald Trump tweeted on Saturday that he is open to a third summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, citing their "excellent" personal relationship and understanding of "where we each stand."

"I agree with Kim Jong Un of North Korea that our personal relationship remains very good, perhaps the term excellent would be even more accurate, and that a third Summit would be good in that we fully understand where we each stand," Trump tweeted before heading to Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia, for the day.

"North Korea has tremendous potential for… extraordinary growth, economic success and riches under the leadership of Chairman Kim," Trump added. "I look forward to the day, which could be soon, when Nuclear Weapons and Sanctions can be removed, and then watching North Korea become one of the most successful nations of the World!"

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WNU Editor: No one said this was going to be easy. On a positive note. Both leaders remain optimistic, and they are still continuing to look for common ground. My prediction is that another summit will happen, and it will be in the fall.

More News On The Possibility Of Another Trump - Kim Summit

Trump, North Korea's Kim Jong Un open to another nuclear summit -- NBC/AP
President Trump Suggests Third Summit With Kim Jong Un Saying Relations Remain 'Very Good' -- Times/Bloomberg
Trump says he and Kim Jong Un agree that third summit would be "good" -- NK News
Kim Jong Un says he's willing to have third summit with Trump -- Global News/AP
North Korea willing to take part in talks if US has 'right attitude' -- BBC
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un open to fresh talks with Donald Trump if US has 'right attitude' -- ABC News Online
Kim Jong-un sets conditions after Trump suggests third summit -- Guardian/Reuters
Kim says US must stop 'current way of calculation' to continue nuke talks -- CNN

North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un Shakes Up The Leadership In His Government

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 03:23 PM PDT

General view of the 14th Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea held at the Mansudae Assembly Hall in Pyongyang April 11, 2019 photo released on April 12, 2019 by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). KCNA via REUTERS

Reuters: Kim Jong Un consolidates power as North Korea shuffles leadership

SEOUL (Reuters) - In one of the biggest leadership shake-ups in years, North Korea named a new nominal head of state and a new premier, and gave leader Kim Jong Un a new title, state media reported on Friday, moves analysts said solidify Kim's grip on power.

In an expected move, Kim Jong Un was re-elected as chairman of the State Affairs Commission at a session of North Korea's rubber-stamp legislature that took place on Thursday, Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said.

For the first time, however, state media referred to Kim as "supreme representative of all the Korean people." That title was approved by special decree in February, according to the Associated Press, but has not been used publicly until Friday.

It's unclear whether the changes will be codified in the constitution, but analysts said the shake-up shows Kim has fully come into his own, eight years after he inherited rule from his father, Kim Jong Il.

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WNU Editor: Reuters is claiming that these moves by North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un were unexpected. But for regular readers of WNU, this was predicted weeks ago .... Has North Korean Kim Jong-Un Fired His Top Nuclear Negotiator? (April 4, 2019). The only North Korean official who is safe in her position is Kin Jong-Un's sister. Everyone else is not.

Will President Trump Transfer Detained Migrants To Sanctuary Cities?

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 03:04 PM PDT

WNU Editor: A part of me is saying that this is another Trump multi-stage trolling effort, and that he is not going to transfer hundreds of thousands of detained migrants to sanctuary cities.. Another part of me is saying that President Trump is serious about transferring detained migrants to sanctuary cities who have openly supported the plight of these people. So which side is right?

As to the media and political reaction to President Trump's  .... which is overwhelmingly negative .... I say why? We've been told for years by these people that illegal immigrants are a net positive. That they commit less crime, do the jobs Americans won't do, and provide a valued cultural diversity. So why the overwhelmingly negative reaction from the media and Democrats?

World News Updates, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs, World News Updates

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 02:34 AM PDT

World News Updates, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs, World News Updates

Nepal plane crash: Horror after plane collides with helicopter near Everest - 3 dead

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 01:35 AM PDT

A PLANE collided with a helicopter near Mount Everest, leaving three people dead, Nepal police said.

South China Sea WARNING: Philippines order Beijing to STOP endangering fishermen

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 08:37 PM PDT

THE Philippines government have ordered China to halt any acts which could endanger the lives of their fishermen.

Melania Trump HITS BACK at Anna Wintour after Vogue snub - ‘Insecure and small minded’

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 08:20 PM PDT

MELANIA TRUMP has hit back at Anna Wintour, via a spokeswomen, after the Vogue editor suggested the first lady might not appear on the front cover of the magazine again due to it's "point of view".

Ivanka Trump SNUB: Chrissy Teigen criticises First Daughter’s ‘complete lack of empathy’

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 07:49 PM PDT

IVANKA TRUMP has been deeply criticised by Chrissy Teigen for showing a "complete lack of empathy" to issues surrounding the US-Mexico border.

Melbourne mass shooting: Panic after four shot outside Prahran nightclub - One dead

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 08:04 PM PDT

ONE person has died following a mass shooting outside a nightclub in Prahran, according to reports.

Shark attack: SEVEN huge predators turned deep sea RED during CANNIBAL onslaught

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 01:50 AM PDT

SEVEN sharks turned the deep sea into a bloodbath during a shocking cannibal onslaught to settle a dispute over food and territory, it was revealed during a documentary.

Fisher-Price recalls MILLIONS of Rock 'n' Play sleepers after '30 baby deaths'

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 12:48 PM PDT

FISHER-PRICE toymaker has recalled nearly 5 million of its Rock 'n' Play sleepers after reports 30 babies had died in ten years after using them.

Finland election 2019: When do polls close? What time will we have a result?

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 08:20 AM PDT

FINLAND'S general election kicks off on Sunday, with climate change being one of the major issues voters will be concerned about. But when do the polls close and what time will we have a result?

YELLOW VEST CHAOS: Macron protestors confronted by riot police in the 22nd week of riots

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 06:13 AM PDT

HUNDREDS of yellow vest protesters have taken to the streets of several French cities for the 22nd consecutive Saturday, with some setting fire to vehicles and confronting riot police.

Finland election 2019: What does this election mean for the EU? Who is in the lead?

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 06:18 AM PDT

FINLAND will head to the polls on Sunday to fill the country's 200-seat Eduskunta parliament. So who is in the lead, and what does this election mean for Europe?

World News, World News Updates, World News Headlines, Latest World News, Current Affairs

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 02:15 AM PDT

World News, World News Updates, World News Headlines, Latest World News, Current Affairs

France’s ‘Yellow Vest’ Protesters Take to the Streets for the 22nd Straight Weekend

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 01:11 PM PDT

(Bloomberg) — France’s Yellow Vest protesters took to the streets for a 22nd straight Saturday, leading to clashes with police in the southwestern city of Toulouse, while the capital remained calm.

Police used tear gas and water cannon in Toulouse to keep demonstrators out of the center of the city, French television showed. Parts of Paris and some regional cities were declared off limits to protesters following an eruption of violence last month, when anarchists sacked and burned stores and restaurants on the Champs-Elysees.

Around 31,000 Yellow Vests turned out across France, including about 5,000 in Paris, according to Interior Ministry figures cited by AFP, up from about 22,300 last Saturday.

The Yellow Vests have protested every Saturday since Nov. 17, with demands ranging from lower taxes and improved spending power to better public services, although numbers have declined since the movement began.

French President Emmanuel Macron responded in part by holding a 10-week debate with citizens across the country on how to tackle France’s problems. In the coming days he’s due to set out his conclusions, designed to take the heat out of the protests.

Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said on Monday, after he was presented with a study outlining the findings of the debate, that the “clear message is that taxes must fall and fall fast.”

For Laurence Boone, chief economist of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the key is for the government to spend more effectively and to prioritize equal opportunities in society.

“Maybe public spending can decrease a bit, but most of all it’s not necessarily well targeted,” she told Le Monde newspaper in an interview published on Saturday. She added that while the middle classes felt they paid a lot of tax, their spending power had barely increased in the last decade.

An Ifop-Fiducial survey released three weeks ago found that 46 percent of those polled support or have sympathy for the Yellow Vest movement, down from 50 percent in mid-February.

Global Finance Officials Pledge to Lift World Economy Out of Slowdown

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 11:42 AM PDT

(WASHINGTON) — Global finance officials are pledging closer cooperation in efforts to lift the world economy out its current slowdown, but tensions persist on a number of fronts between the United States and other nations over trade and other issues.

Officials wrapped up the spring meetings of the 189-nation International Monetary Fund and the World Bank on Saturday, expressing hope the slowdown that began last year will be followed by stronger growth in the second half of this year and into 2020.

The IMF’s steering committee said all members, in order to protect the current economic expansion, would “act promptly to shore up growth for the benefit of all.”

At a closing news conference, the committee chairman, Lesetja Kganyuago, head of the central bank of South Africa, said every country needs to be ready to address issues involving financial stability “with all available tools.”

Many nations were jolted last year when stock markets went into a nosedive, reversed only when major central banks, including the Federal Reserve, halted efforts to tighten credit policies.

Separately, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the Trump administration, which has pushed for various reforms at the lending institutions, believes the World Bank needs to make more progress in shifting its loans too poorer countries and away from fast-growing economies such as China.

Mnuchin said the U.S. was encouraged that the bank’s private sector lending operation wanted to step up support for nations “affected by fragility, conflict and violence.” But he said World Bank officials must ensure such support is aimed at boosting effective private investments in poor countries.

David Malpass, a longtime World Bank critic, took over as president of the bank on Tuesday with the backing of the administration. President Donald Trump said in a newly published interview that he had considered his daughter Ivanka, a White House adviser, for the job.

“She would have been great at that because she’s very good with numbers. She’s got a great calmness. … I’ve seen her under tremendous stress and pressure,” he was quoted as telling The Atlantic.

When Jim Yong Kim resigned suddenly as bank president earlier this year, reports said that Ivanka Trump along with Malpass were being considered for the job, which has always gone to an American.

Before the meetings of the policy-setting panels of the IMF and World Bank, finance ministers and central bank presidents of the Group of 20 major economies held discussions Thursday and Friday.

G-20 officials agreed with a downgraded IMF forecast released this week. It predicted global growth would be 3.3 percent this year, the slowest since the Great Recession ended in 2009, but would regain momentum and advance to growth of 3.6 percent in 2020.

Officials cautioned that a trade standoff between the United States and China threatens to dim the economic outlook.

The U.S. and China, the world’s two biggest economies, have imposed tariffs on $350 billion worth of each other’s goods. They are battling over U.S. allegations that China deploys predatory tactics — including cybertheft and forcing foreign firms to hand over trade secrets — in a sharp-elbowed effort to challenge American technological dominance.

Financial markets have rallied this year on hopes that the two countries will reach a settlement.

Sudanese Military Holds First Meeting With Protesters Since Ousting President al-Bashir

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 11:41 AM PDT

(CAIRO) — Sudanese political parties and movements behind nearly four months of anti-government protests met with the country’s military on Saturday, activists and the military said, holding the first talks since the army forced President Omar al-Bashir from power two days ago.

The meeting came after the protest movement scored two big victories this week, first ending al-Bashir’s almost 30-year rule on Thursday and then forcing the interim military leader, Gen. Awad ibn Ouf, from his post a day later. Protesters viewed ibn Ouf as too close to the ousted leader.

The movement said it has formed a 10-member delegation to introduce “the people’s demands” to the military council, reiterating its rejection of military rule.

Ali al-Sanhouri, the secretary general of the Arab Socialist Baath Party in Sudan, told a news conference in Khartoum that they are calling for the creation of a “civilian sovereignty council, cabinet and a national legislative association” to rule the county during the transition.

The protesters have said they will remain in the streets until a civilian transitional council is formed. They fear the military, which is dominated by al-Bashir loyalists, will rule indefinitely or hand power to one of its own.

Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan, who was sworn in Friday to replace ibn Ouf as head of a transitional council formed by the military, said they have invited “all spectrums of Sudanese people for dialogue.”

In remarks broadcast on state TV, he said the military council will rule the country for up to two years until elections.

Burhan said he was lifting the curfew imposed Thursday, which was to last for a month from 10 p.m.-4 a.m., and declared the immediate release of all those detained and tried during the current wave of unrest, which began in December.

Al-Bashir imposed a state of emergency in February, banning unauthorized public gatherings and granting sweeping powers to the police in efforts to quash the unrest. Hundreds of people were tried before emergency courts.

Burhan, who previously served as the general inspector of the armed forces, had met with the protesters in the streets after al-Bashir’s ouster and listened to their demands.

Activists, however, said Saturday that 16 people, including a soldier, have been killed in the two days since al-Bashir’s ouster.

The Sudan Doctors Committee, an affiliate of the Sudanese Professionals Association, which has been spearheading the protests, said 13 people were shot dead on Thursday and three others, including the soldier, were killed Friday.

It said they died “at the hands of regime forces and its shadow militias.”

Sudanese police said late Friday that the 16 were killed by “stray bullets,” and that at least 20 people were wounded at rallies and sit-ins across the country.

The protests were sparked late last year by price hikes and shortages but quickly escalated into an Arab Spring-inspired uprising against al-Bashir, who seized power in a 1989 Islamist-backed military coup. Earlier this month, tens of thousands of protesters joined a sit-in outside the military headquarters in Khartoum, vowing to remain there until their demands were met.

“We will never leave the place. We will shout together. We will shout to our freedom, to our liberty,” protester Rami Mustafa said Saturday, speaking in English.

Security forces loyal to al-Bashir had responded to the protests with a violent crackdown, killing dozens. They attacked the sit-in on several occasions, up until al-Bashir’s resignation, and clashed with soldiers who intervened to protect the protesters.

The Sudan Doctors Committee says at least 38 people, including at least six soldiers, have been killed since the sit-in began on April 6.

Al-Bashir is currently wanted by the International Criminal Court on charges of genocide linked to the war in Sudan’s Darfur region in the 2000s. The military has said it won’t hand him over to the court.

The face of the coup, ibn Ouf was himself head of military intelligence during the brutal campaign to suppress the Darfur insurgency. The United States has imposed sanctions on him since 2007, saying he armed and directed pro-government militias known as the Janjaweed, accused of widespread atrocities during the conflict.

On Saturday, state-run media reported that Lt. Gen. Salah Abdallah Gosh, the head of the National Intelligence and Security Services, had resigned the day before. It did not provide further details.

Once a member of the president’s inner circle, Gosh was sacked as an adviser in April 2011 for criticizing the government. He was arrested the following year on suspicion of involvement in a coup attempt, but was later pardoned by al-Bashir, who appointed him intelligence chief in February 2018.

London Police Fire on Car Ramming Into Vehicles Outside Ukrainian Embassy

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:27 AM PDT

(LONDON) — British police fired shots Saturday at a car outside the Ukrainian Embassy in London after it rammed other cars parked in front of the embassy.London’s Metropolitan Police said firearms and stun guns were used to stop and detain a suspect who drove a vehicle at a police car when police arrived on the scene.

The Ukraine Embassy said its ambassador’s official car, which was parked, was rammed twice before police arrived at 9:50 a.m. The embassy said none of its staff was injured.

Police said the suspect is a man in his 40s who did not appear to be injured but was taken to a central London hospital for a precautionary check. The suspect has not been identified or charged.

Police said the incident is not being treated as related to terrorism.

Chief Superintendent Andy Walker said, under standard procedure, the use of a police firearm in Britain is now being formally investigated. The Director of Professional Standards has been notified of the incident. He praised police for responding quickly.

The embassy is located in Holland Park, west London.

16 People Killed Since Sudan’s Military Ousted President Omar al-Bashir, Activists Say

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 07:05 AM PDT

(CAIRO) — Sudanese activists said Saturday that 16 people, including a soldier, have been killed in the two days since the military forced President Omar al-Bashir from power amid months of anti-government protests.

The Sudan Doctors Committee, an affiliate of the Sudanese Professionals Association, which has been spearheading the protests, said 13 people were shot dead on Thursday and three others, including the soldier, were killed Friday.

It said they died “at the hands of regime forces and its shadow militias.”

Sudanese police said late Friday that the 16 were killed by “stray bullets,” and that at least 20 people were wounded at rallies and sit-ins across the country.

The military overthrew al-Bashir on Thursday after nearly four months of protests calling for an end to his nearly 30-year rule. Military officials say he is under house arrest in the capital, Khartoum, and will be tried for unspecified crimes by Sudanese courts.

Al-Bashir is wanted by the International Criminal Court on charges of genocide linked to the war in Sudan’s Darfur region in the 2000s.

The protesters have said they will remain in the streets until a civilian transitional council is formed. They fear the military, which is dominated by al-Bashir loyalists, will rule indefinitely or hand power to one of its own.

Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan was sworn in Friday as head of a transitional council formed by the military, which says it will rule the country for up to two years until elections. Burhan, who previously served as the general inspector of the armed forces, had met with the protesters in the streets after al-Bashir’s ouster and listened to their demands.

He replaces Gen. Awad ibn Ouf, the defense minister who had announced al-Bashir’s ouster. Ibn Ouf stepped down as transitional leader amid a public outcry, with the protesters saying he was too close to the ousted leader.

Ibn Ouf was head of military intelligence during the brutal campaign to suppress the Darfur insurgency. The United States has imposed sanctions on him since 2007, saying he armed and directed pro-government militias known as the Janjaweed, accused of widespread atrocities during the conflict.

On Saturday, state-run media reported that Lt. Gen. Salah Abdallah Gosh, the head of the National Intelligence and Security Services, resigned the day before. It did not provide further details.

Once a member of the president’s inner circle, Gosh was sacked as an adviser in April 2011 for criticizing the government. He was arrested the following year on suspicion of involvement in a coup attempt, but was later pardoned by al-Bashir, who appointed him intelligence chief in February 2018.

Political parties and movements behind the protests said they were meeting Saturday with the military to discuss the transition, saying they’ve formed a 10-member delegation to introduce the people’s demands to the military council. They reiterated their rejection of military rule.

Ali al-Sanhouri, the secretary general of the Arab Socialist Baath Party in Sudan, said they’re calling for the creation of a “civilian sovereignty council, cabinet and a national legislative association” to rule the county during the transition.

Sudan’s protests began in December, sparked by price hikes and shortages, but quickly escalated into an Arab Spring-inspired uprising against al-Bashir, who seized power in a 1989 Islamist-backed military coup. Earlier this month, tens of thousands of protesters joined a sit-in outside the military headquarters in Khartoum, vowing to remain there until their demands were met.

“We will never leave the place. We will shout together. We will shout to our freedom, to our liberty,” protester Rami Mustafa said Saturday, speaking in English.

Security forces loyal to al-Bashir responded to the protests with a violent crackdown, killing dozens of protesters. They attacked the sit-in on several occasions, up until al-Bashir’s resignation, and clashed with soldiers who intervened to protect the protesters.

The Sudan Doctors Committee says at least 38 people, including at least six soldiers, have been killed since the sit-in began on April 6.

President Trump Suggests Third Summit With Kim Jong Un Saying Relations Remain ‘Very Good’

Posted: 13 Apr 2019 06:49 AM PDT

(Bloomberg) — U.S. President Donald Trump said relations with Kim Jong Un remain “very good” and he opened the door Saturday for a third summit, hours after the North Korean leader said he’s willing to meet as long as the U.S. offers acceptable terms for a deal by year end.

“I agree with Kim Jong Un of North Korea that our personal relationship remains very good, perhaps the term excellent would be even more accurate,” Trump said Saturday in a tweet. “A third Summit would be good in that we fully understand where we each stand.”

Trump said he looked forward to a day, “which could be soon, when Nuclear Weapons and Sanctions can be removed, and then watching North Korea become one of the most successful nations of the World!”

In remarks carried earlier Saturday by the official Korean Central News Agency, Kim said he wouldn’t welcome a repeat of the Hanoi summit in February, when Trump walked out without securing a nuclear disarmament deal. While Kim hailed his relationship with Trump, he also said the U.S. has been making unilateral demands and should abandon that approach.

“In any case we will wait with patience for the U.S. courageous decision by the end of this year but it will clearly be tough to get such a good opportunity like the last time,” Kim said in a speech at North Korea’s rubber-stamp legislature, according to the KCNA report.

Kim’s remarks suggest an attempt to breathe new life into the stalled negotiations. While Trump said on Thursday that the door for dialog remains open and a summit “could happen,” he also rejected calls to revive economic projects between North and South Korea. In a leadership shuffle announced Friday, Kim consolidated his power and granted new legitimacy to officials involved in the talks.

“They want to see the U.S. make the next move — that the steps that they took, such as returning war remains and shutting down missile sites, are even more grounds to demand the U.S. to relieve sanctions,” said Kim Hyun-wook, a professor at the Korean National Diplomatic Academy. “However, the U.S. has taken a more hard-line stance since the Hanoi summit.”

Trump offered a positive outlook in his Saturday tweet: “North Korea has tremendous potential for extraordinary growth, economic success and riches under the leadership of Chairman Kim.”

‘Dark’ Outlook

Kim said he doesn’t have to be fixated on a summit to obtain sanctions relief, and he wouldn’t hesitate to reach an agreement if the U.S. brings up an idea that is acceptable to both sides, KCNA reported. “What is clear is that if the U.S. clings to the current political reckoning, the outlook for resolving problems will be dark and very risky,” Kim said.

During a meeting at the White House with South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Thursday, Trump said now isn’t the right time for inter-Korean projects including reopening a joint industrial park kept shuttered by sanctions.

Responding to Kim’s speech, South Korea repeated its stance of promoting the talks. “Our government will do what we can in order to maintain the current momentum for dialog and help negotiations between the U.S. and North Korea resume at an early date,” Moon’s office said in a text message.

Kim’s year-end deadline probably reflects his desire to gain an edge in negotiations before Trump turns his focus toward next year’s presidential election, according to Shin Beomchul, director at the Seoul-based Asan Institute for Policy Studies’ Center for Security and Unification.

“The confrontation is likely to continue as there’s a low chance that the U.S. will change its position,” Shin said. “The possibility for a North-South summit is decreasing and there will be limited outcomes, if any.”

Kim Appointments

In a signal that North Korea hasn’t given up on negotiating, Kim Yong Chol was reappointed a member of the State Affairs Commission. He is one of the best-known personalities involved in the nuclear talks, having met with U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo in Pyongyang and traveling to Washington earlier this year to visit Trump.

Choe Son Hui, another official who has played a highly visible role in the U.S. talks, was promoted to the job of first vice foreign minister, a move that could give her even more sway if discussions resume. There’s been no indication that the U.S. envoy for the talks, Stephen Biegun, has had any substantive meetings with North Korean leaders since the Hanoi summit.

“Choe Son Hui as first vice foreign minister puts her in position to be Biegun’s counterpart if this goes back to the foreign ministry to negotiate,” said Victor Cha, a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

Kim appointed Choe Ryong Hae as the nominal head of state with the formal title of president of the assembly’s presidium. Choe replaces Kim Yong Nam, 91, who had served North Korea’s two previous rulers: Kim Jong Un’s father and grandfather. The move was seen as an indication that the younger Kim has fended off any potential threats and completed the transfer of power that began after his father Kim Jong Il died in 2011.

“He has established a supreme leadership role where he is — as President George W. Bush once said — the decider,” said Michael Madden, a nonresident fellow at the Stimson Center in Washington. “What they’re trying to communicate is that they have their house in order.”

Investors Clinic sells properties worth Rs 500 cr in March festival

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:04 AM PDT

Property brokerage firm Investors Clinic on Saturday said it sold 1,200 housing and commercial units worth Rs 500 crore in Delhi-NCR during its sale
Source: BHT

Repeating mice experiments not enough to confirm research findings: Experts

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:04 AM PDT

Trying to confirm research findings by repeating experiments in mice may be as ineffective as a coin toss, say scientists who claim to have exposed a
Source: BHT

Adani Transport Ltd incorporates Suryapet Khammam Road Private Ltd

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:04 AM PDT

Adani Transport Ltd (ATL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Adani Enterprises Ltd (AEL), has incorporated Suryapet Khammam Road Private Ltd (SKRPL).SKRPL
Source: BHT

Klopp vows Liverpool won’t be haunted by Chelsea ghosts

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:04 AM PDT

Jurgen Klopp says Liverpool will not be haunted by their Premier League title collapse five years ago when they face Chelsea in another seismic showd
Source: BHT

Anti-malaria campaign

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:04 AM PDT

Do it like BeckhamIn a new short film that harnesses Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, David Beckham launches the world's first voice petition
Source: BHT

RCom denies favouritism in Reliance Flag issue

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:04 AM PDT

Reliance FLAG Atlantic France SAS is a subsidiary of RCom
Source: BHT

PV Sindhu surrenders to Okuhara in Singapore Open semifinals

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:04 AM PDT

Sindhu had won the last two times they played each other and overall enjoyed a slight 7-6 advantage in the head-to-head record with Okuhara.
Source: BHT

Tata Housing’s Sanjay Dutt appointed chairman of RICS South Asia board

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:04 AM PDT

He is a post-graduate in marketing and HR from the International Management Institute
Source: BHT

Elon Musk makes big claims about Tesla Model 3 on Twitter

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:03 AM PDT

San Francisco: The body and drive unit of Electric Vehicle (EV)-maker Tesla's Model 3 Sedan can last upto 1 million miles while the battery can last up to 500,000 miles, said company Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk. "Model 3 drive unit and body is designed like a commercial truck for a million mile life. Current battery modules should last 300k to 500k miles (1,500 cycles). Replacing modules (not pack) will only cost $5k to $7k," Musk wrote on Twitter on Saturday.

The billionaire made this claim to his 25.7 million followers in context Model 3's value being used in an autonomous ride-hailing fleet. "What he meant is that the vehicles would become revenue-generating assets as they integrate this autonomous ride-hailing fleet, which has been dubbed the 'Tesla Network'," Electrek reported. The value of the Model 3 on the Tesla Network would depend on how many miles it can put in it, which according to Musk is up to 1 million miles within two or three battery module replacements.

Even though Tesla would not replace a whole battery pack, the company is willing to offer battery module replacements for between $5,000 and $7,000. "Assuming that $5,000 to $7,000 for the battery modules means the cost for the Standard Range Plus and Long Range battery modules, it would mean a cost of roughly $100 per kWh at the battery module level, which makes sense," the report added. "At a value of $1 per mile, we are talking about a potential of at least $300,000 in revenue before having to possibly replace the battery modules."

The EV-maker recently announced big price cuts for its high-end Model S after shifting to online-only sales.  The long-range Model S is now priced $83,000 down from $96,000 before savings. The huge price cut by the EV maker comes less than two months after it decided to stop manufacturing Model S with a 75kWh battery pack, opting instead to only sell versions with a 100kWh pack.

Source: FPJ

AB de Villiers opens up on retirement from international cricket

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:03 AM PDT

Mohali: AB de Villiers, the former South African skipper and current Royal Challengers Bangalore player opened up about his decision to retire from international cricket. His comments came soon after he played a knock of 59 not out to take his team over the line by eight wickets in their match against Kings XI Punjab at PCA Stadium in Mohali on Saturday.

"That is (being sharp) exactly the reason why I decided not to play international cricket, it's to be as sharp as I can in other forms of the game around the world. I cannot keep playing 10-11 months a year and keep being sharp after 15 years of international cricket. This kind of tournament, I am playing every now and then, every 2-3 months," de Villiers said at the post-match ceremony "It really keeps me energetic. I get to work with university guys back home. With some of the local guys and local youngsters, which really gives me the energy and really motivates me to be better for some of the youngsters back home and be an example for them," he added.

De Villiers announced his retirement from the international format on May 23, 2018. The 35-year-old has shown good form in this year's edition of the IPL, but the player was not able to convert his starts to huge scores in the opening few matches. He believes that he respects the game too much to be worried about him getting out. "I have got too much respect for the game to be upset about that, obviously I want to be there at the end every time, winning games for the team. I have hit the ball well, I have got in many times, and I just haven't gotten far on a few occasions," de Villiers said.

"But as I said, I have got too much respect for the game of cricket to get ahead of myself and get too hard on myself. You're always just one knock away of from being in that confidence zone and hopefully I'll maintain this kind of form throughout the tournament now," he added. With this win, RCB opened their points tally and now they will have the services of Dale Steyn, South African fast-bowler to bolster their bowling as they acquired him as a replacement for injured Nathan Coulter-Nile, the Australian pacer. de Villiers believes that it would be fantastic to have Steyn back into the lineup.

"I think it was a fantastic move to get Dale involved, We all know what he's capable of. One thing is for sure, you'll get 200 per cent from him. He'll give his absolute best every single time he bowls for the team and it's just going to be great to have a guy of that calibre and another great human being in our team," de Villiers said. RCB are currently languishing at the bottom of the table with just 2 points from 7 matches. The Virat Kohli-led side will next face Mumbai Indians at Wankhede Stadium on April 15.

Source: FPJ

Arvind Kejriwal hits out at PM Narendra Modi for inviting Pakistan officials to probe 2016 Pathankot attack

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:03 AM PDT

Margao: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday attacked the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government for inviting a Pakistani team to probe the 2016 Pathankot attack. "They call themselves strong leaders and strong government. There have been many weak governments in the last 70 years but no government has done what Modi ji has done. Pakistani terrorists blew the Pathankot Air Force base. He wrote to Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and called for an investigation," Kejriwal said at a public rally here.

A five-member team of Pakistani investigators, including officers from the Pakistan military and ISI, had visited Pathankot airbase after the attack in which seven security personnel had died. "Can Pakistan get a better Prime Minister of India than Narendra Modi," the Aam Aadmi Party chief asked the gathering. Kejriwal questioned Pakistan PM Imran Khan's recent statement in which he pitched for a second term for PM Modi.

He said, "There was a warlike situation between India and Pakistan post-Pathankot attack just two weeks ago. Now, Imran Khan says Modi ji should once again become PM. What is the matter? What is going on between Modi ji and Imran?" Imran Khan had said that there may be a better chance of peace talks with India if Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party wins the 2019 general election. "Perhaps if the BJP – a right-wing party – wins, some kind of settlement in Kashmir could be reached," Khan had said in an interview.

The Delhi CM also quoted BJP president Amit Shah and MP Sakshi Maharaj to assert that there would be no elections in the country if the BJP comes back to power after the ensuing Lok Sabha election. Kejriwal quoted Shah as saying that "If BJP wins the 2019 polls, no one can remove the party from power till 2050." Sakshi Maharaj had said last month: "I am an ascetic and I speak whatever comes to my mind, and I am feeling that after these elections there will be no elections in 2024. There is only this election now and it is being fought in the name of the country." Elections in the country are taking place in seven phases from April 11 to May 19. Counting of results will be held on May 23.

Source: FPJ

Jet Airways stops forward booking for east-bound international sector

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:03 AM PDT

Mumbai: Crisis-ridden Jet Airways has stopped forward bookings for some of its international sectors, including those for east Asia, sources said on Sunday. Currently, the airline has suspended international operations till Monday afternoon.

Accordingly, the company has informed the country's aviation regulator that it has stopped taking forward bookings for its flights to SAARC and ASEAN destinations including Colombo, Kathmandu, Singapore, and Hong Kong till further notice.  However, sources said, the airline is hopeful of re-starting its London-bound services after April 15, as the flight sees healthy load factor. Other European routes like Amsterdam and Paris are also expected to be restarted.

"They have informed that DGCA about suspension of forward-bookings for SAARC and ASEAN routes. For now, there is no certainty about when the forward bookings for these sectors will be re-started, since everything is dependent on capital infusion, which is stuck with the consortium of lenders," an airline insider told IANS in Mumbai. "The high summer season demand for sectors in Europe especially for London is a major factor that is expected to push the airline to restart the London route from April 15."

At present, the airline is operating only 7 aircraft for domestic operations due to grounding of over 80 per cent of its fleet by lessors, which has resulted in the cancellation of several hundred daily flights, inconveniencing scores of passengers at various airports. Even the airline's unpaid employees are upset, they have taken out a silent marches in New Delhi and Mumbai. Other employees, like National Aviators Guild (NAG) Vice-President Captain Asim Valiani told IANS in Mumbai: "The airline is running out of time, with no funds and a truncated schedule, Jet is losing its true financial value."

"We want the banks to stick to their promise and infuse funds immediately. Only with fresh funds will you get any interest from new buyers." On Friday, the cash-strapped airline suspended its international operations till the weekend after further reduction in its fleet size. The airline has also cancelled domestic flights, leaving passengers stranded at various airports. This led the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) to assess Jet Airways' financial situation. Jet Airways is expected to approach lenders on Monday for interim funding.

Till recently, the airline operated 26 aircraft, including Airbus A330s, Boeing 777s, 737-800 and ATRs, to various destinations like London, Toronto, Singapore, Amsterdam, Paris, Bangkok and domestic sectors like Mumbai-Delhi, among others. Jet owns 16 out of these 26 aircraft. The airline is in the midst of a severe liquidity crisis that has affected its operations. Currently, the airline owes over Rs 8,000 crore to a consortium of lenders led by the SBI. The only hope for the airline now lies with an immediate dose of funding and the completion of a stake sale process initiated by the lenders. Speculations is rife that Jet's ex-Chairman Naresh Goyal, and six other parties have expressed their interest in the process.

Source: FPJ

Lena Waithe to join cast of ‘Westworld’ season 3

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:03 AM PDT

Los Angeles: Actor-writer Lena Waithe has signed on for a role in the upcoming third season of HBO drama series "Westworld". The details of Waithe's role are being kept under wraps, reported Entertainment Weekly. She joins Aaron Paul as a newcomer to the show for season three. "Westworld", created by Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy, is currently filming and does not have a release date.  The series, based on the Michael Crichton film of the same name, is also executive produced by Nolan and Joy.

Filmmaker J J Abrams and Ben Stephenson of Bad Robot Productions are attached as executive producers along with Richard J Lewis and Athena Wickham.  Nolan and Joy's Kilter Films and Bad Robot produce in association with Warner Bros Television (WBTV). The creators have recently ended their overall deal with WBTV for a deal at Amazon.They, however, will remain as writers and executive producers on "Westworld".

Source: FPJ

Bohag Bihu 2019: Wishes, messages, images to share on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and SMS

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:03 AM PDT

Bohag Bihu, also known as Rangali Bihu or Haat Bihu, is the chief festival celebrated in Assam and North-Eastern states of India that marks the Assamese New Year. Bihu refers to a set of three festivals and each coincides with a distinctive phase in the farming calendar – Magh Bihu/Bhogali observed in January, Bohag Bihu/Rongali Bihu observed in April and Kaati Bihu/Kongali observed in October. The Rongali Bihu is the most celebrated among the three and marks the beginning of the agricultural season. It is the festival of merriment and feasting and is celebrated for seven days. The word 'Bihu' is believed to be originated from the word 'Bishu' meaning 'to ask for peace'. The word transformed into 'Bihu' as per the local linguistic preferences. In 2019, the seven-day festival commences on April 15 and ends on April 21.

On the occasion of Bohag Bihu, we bring to you a list of messages, wishes, and images to share with your loved ones.

  • May this Bohag Bihu bring peace and prosperity in the lives of all.
    Happy Bihu!

  • May the festival of Bihu fill your life with lots of energy and enthusiasm,
    May you be blessed with all the happiness and prosperity.
    Happy Bihu!

  • May the festival brings with it the joy and love for you and fills your life with excitement and energy.
    Happy Bihu!

  • I wish you grow with each of your aspiration that comes into your heart with the sunshine that comes with the festival.
    Happy Bihu!

  • Let Bihu be your strength for whatever you have to face this year.
    Let it be a day to celebrate all the successes and health.
    Happy Bihu!

  • May the festival of Bihu bring with it great hope, eagerness, and anticipation. Wishing you a year of joy, satisfaction, peace, and prosperity.
    Happy Bihu!

Bohag Bihu 2019 Wishes, messages, images to share on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and SMS

Source: FPJ

Bhopal: ‘Country to have new PM every day, if Grand Alliance comes to power’

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:03 AM PDT

Ex-Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said that if Grand Alliance comes to power, country will have a new Prime Minister every day. He was addressing party leaders at demonstration at Board Office Square on Saturday. Taking a dig at the alliance, Chouhan said, "Parties having difference of ideologies and opinion are striking coalition or pre-poll pact.

Babua (Akhilesh) and Bua (Maya) have shook hands while Mamta Benerjee and Chandra Babu Naidu have come close. But who will become PM after Lok Sabha polls? Grand alliance is headless company (bina dulhe ki barat). If it happens, country will have a new PM every day."

Click here for latest updates on Lok Sabha Elections 2019

"We have pact with Shiv Sena so now people should vote PM Narenda Modi for new India," Chauhan added. Chauhan said, "Corruption is culture of Congress. PM Narendra Modi life is completely transparent and he is dedicated for nation. On the other hand, development work comes to a standstill with the formation of government in Madhya Pradesh."

Raising Article 370 of Kashmir, Chauhan said, "BJP wants equality not appeasement. BJP does not tolerate any disturbance with dignity and integrity of the country. We will not offer Biryani if terrorists open bullet fire. It is new India emerged under leadership of PM Narendra Modi. After Uri attack, we launch surgical strike. After Pulwama attack, we attacked at Balakot. Our wing commander Abhinandan even entered in Pakistan chasing Pakistan fighter plane." Chauhan said, "BJP government's development work is unmatched. BJP has promised that by 2022, pucca houses would be provided to poor people."

Transfer Industry
Terming the transfers of officials as transfer industry, Chauhan said, "Only transfer industry is flourishing. Otherwise, all development work has been blocked. Similarly, law and order means bring money and take the order of transfers. Corruption is at its peak. Income Tax raids have unearthed Rs281 crore. Congress is using public money to contest elections."

Source: FPJ

Indore: Politicos draw on Ambedkar’s legacy, students falter

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:03 AM PDT

Born on April 14, 1891, in Mhow, Dr BR Ambedkar spent his life fighting for welfare of underprivileged. He campaigned against social discrimination of Dalits while supporting rights of women and labourers. Recognised as 'Father of Indian Constitution', his birth anniversary has acquired political overtones specially during election. In the last couple of years, many politicians including Congress president Rahul Gandhi and Prime Minister Narendra Modi not only visited Mhow but also made attempts to impress Dalits with their policies.

Click here for latest updates on Lok Sabha Elections 2019

A major protest that made news in 2018 was on Ambedkar Jayanti when Dalit leaders objected to painting the upper part of an under-construction Ambedkar memorial in saffron in Gorakhpur (UP). Last year, President Ram Nath Kovind visiting Mhow to pay tributes to Ambedkar on his birthanniversary and spoke on latter's ideals. His visit came close on heels of massive violence that erupted on April 2 during Bharat bandh in several states including Madhya Pradesh where more than half a dozen people lost lives.

The protests were part of pan-India demonstrations against alleged efforts to weaken SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. As political parties draw mileage from Ambedkar's legacy, many students can't recall his birthplace. On eve of Ambedkar Jayanti, Free Press talked to some students about him. Some funny answers from students included, "Was he not a politician?" "Isn't he someone who worked with Gandhi in non-cooperation movement?" "Oh, he wrote the Constitution, the writer."

However, few primary class students appeared impressed by his work. Some of class IV, V students said he took almost three years to work on Indian constitution. They added, "He studied and worked hard to fight what he believed in." "He did not want people to be treated differently, but till now, people treat each other differently based on so many factors."

Source: FPJ

Indore: Ram Navami celebrated with gaiety

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:03 AM PDT

The nine-day festival of Chaitra Navratri concluded with Ram Navami, which was celebrated with fervour on Saturday. From 'kanya pujan' to 'havan', people celebrated the birth of Lord Rama. Thousands of devotees thronged temples of Lord Rama in the city to mark the occasion. Major celebrations took place in Lord Ram's temple in Vaishali Nagar, Geeta Bhawan, ISKCON temple, Khajrana, Chaupan Dham temple in Vijanagar, Hari Ram temple in Rajmohalla, Ranjeet Hanuman temple and many others.

Beginning the day by decorating their houses with flowers and traditional 'mandana', women and men worked together for preparations. However, children specially girls enjoyed the sumptuous traditional platter of 'puri', 'sabzi', 'halwa' and 'kheer'. Sharing her experience and representing a group of girls, Sannya Chhabra said, "It is nice to be invited as I love the traditional food but it is too much when we are forced to eat all of it everywhere on the same day."

"Every little girl, especially a daughter has a way to charm the house with her positive energy and charismatic smile," newlywed Neha Adwani said. She prayed to have a daughter. Talking about festival, homemaker Richa Tiwari said, "We always have grand celebrations as most of us fast in the house." She explained that fasting is a traditional way to prepare bodies for the changing season. "This year, since I have a newborn, I did not fast but every celebration is more special as I have my little angel (daughter) Adheera with me this year," Richa said.

Source: FPJ

Bhopal: Congress fields Ashok Singh from Gwalior

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:03 AM PDT

The Congress candidate Ashok Singh will going to contest the Lok Sabha election against the Vivek Shejwalkar from Gwalior seat. The party have declared three seats on Saturday. From Bhind Dewasish Jararia, from Gwalior Ashok Singh and from Dhar Dinesh Girwal be the party's candidates for the Lok Sabha elections.

Ashok Singh is one of the prominent Congress leader of the area, had contested the Lok Sabha three times in a row. The by-election of 2007 was contested between the Yashodhra Raje Scindia and Ashok Singh, Singh lost the election. Similarly the election 2009 was again contested between Scindia and Singh and again Singh lost the election. In the election of 2014 Singh lost the election with Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar.

Click here for latest updates on Lok Sabha Elections 2019

A computer science engineer who was preparing for UPSC, Dewashish Jaraira is going to contest the election from Bhind LS constituency. Earlier he worked for the social media team of the BSP but after being expelled by the party's national president, he then joined Congress. Now he is one of the new generation faces of the party. From Dhar constituency the party have given the ticket to Dinesh Girwal, his wife is the district panchayat member and he is known near and dear of MLA Rajvardhan Singh Dattigaon. The BJP is yet to decide its candidates for the LS elections.

Source: FPJ

Decision to give Tumakuru to JDS will not reduce Cong’s hold in seat: Karnataka Deputy CM

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:02 AM PDT

Decision to give Tumakuru to JDS will not reduce Cong's hold in seat: Karnataka Deputy CM

Source: TIE

Jobs and education: What political parties are promising in their 2019 manifesto

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:02 AM PDT

Jobs and education: What political parties are promising in their 2019 manifesto

Source: TIE

Kind scholarship for female students applications open: check how to apply, documents needed

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:02 AM PDT

Kind scholarship for female students applications open: check how to apply, documents needed

Source: TIE

Happy Vishu 2019: History, Importance & Significance of Vishu Festival in India

Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:02 AM PDT

Happy Vishu 2019: History, Importance & Significance of Vishu Festival in India

Source: TIE


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