5 Simple Steps to book bank+Generate visitors,leads and traffic from Adwords - Simple as it can be!!!!

Simple Steps to book bank and generate visitors, lead and traffic from Adwords- A definitive guide.


I know this post makes it really ridiculous for visitors like to you who are very eager to book bank visitors and traffic from Google Adwords.

Its quite simple, Google Adsense does not only gives a web master, business owner and a blogger a unique opportunity to book bank visitors and traffic for their site but also screen keywords to your website including eCommerce sites and blogs.

PPC is a broad terms to be explains in here, so I will cut short literally meaning I will coverup most of the Adwords stuffs you will want to  know.

PPC literally means Paid per Click, meaning You pay your buck($) when someone clicks on your advertisements, though Adwords is designed on prepaid model meaning, you pay for the service even before it starts.

Adsense on other side pays web masters and makes their living. 

The Only difference between Adwords and Adsense is that in Adwords You pay Google for betterment of your living and in Adsense Google pays you for your living.

There are several factors one had to keep in mind, before marching out in Adwords and spending your money. If not ascertained properly you will not be able to go anywhere... Just you will tear your pockets and wallet empty by making Google money.

So Now how to march towards the Adwords:

  1. Signup for Google Adwords Account
  2. Once signed up, you will need to wait literally for many days to come.
  3. Once Google Adwords team accepts your application, they will send an welcome mailer to your email.
  4. Check your Email
  5. You are done.
So its that simple to get into Google Adwords.

Now that you have signed up and got an account, next what o do?

  1. Usually Google Adwords team, sends out beautiful Credit promotions, like you may get $200 worth credit to use, if you are from India, usually you will get INR5000 in credits.
  2. Log in to Google Adwords Account.
  3. Go to Settings->Add the promotional code you have got (Navigation Skills required)
  4. Upon successful inhibition of the promotional code, you will see in your account the credit amount
  5. Now its the Time to Setup Campaign
Uh!!! Did I miss something here??

I almost forgot to inform you that we actually perform keywords research even before we setup our first campaign.

Keyword Research: (I will Have another Tutorial for Adwords Keyword Research)
  1. Go Keyword Planner (Navigate) section under Tools Section.
  2. You will see options ->Single Keyword, List of Keywords, Compare Multiple Keywords
  3. Take Single Word->Add Keyword of your site ->Nearby Sites (Options)->Search
  4. Once you get your keyword ->Suggest bid ->, Add the keyword
  5. Done!!!

Note that Board search, Exact search or other searched does not exist anymore, so what ever you see in other Search Engine Optimization (SEO) blogs or articles are out dated and does not exist in Google Adwords Keywords planner anymore.

So lets setup our First Adwords Campaign: (I will have another Tutorial for Adwords Campaign)
  1.  Go to Campaigns->Click Campaign (+)
  2. Select the type of Campaign->Fill in the details
  3. Setup up Bid Amount (Depending upon your Budget)
  4. Wait for Google Adsense team to approve the campaigns.
  5. Approved
  6. You are Done!!!

But wait!!!, Are your ads getting properly displayed?? Perform a Google Search to see whether your targeted keyword is getting displayed, this may eventually take around 3 hours to display. If not again delete the existing campaign and redo it.

Eh!!! I almost forgot to say that You can even Contact Google Adwords Customer Care

That's It!!! you are 98% done.

Now go take a jolly ride, Have nice brewed Milk, and see the money, traffic,visitors and leads getting generated.



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