Nintendo Direct Event Scheduled for Next Week

3DS special edition systems

Much like it did in October, Nintendo has announced a Nintendo Direct broadcast with only a few days' notice.

The official Nintendo Direct Ustream page has been updated with a date and time for its next broadcast. The event is set to take place in Japan on Tuesday and, like last time, it will be conducted in Japanese. For those in the United States who want to watch along, language barrier or not, the stream will start on Monday night at 10PM Eastern, 7PM Pacific.

October's event was focused entirely on 3DS. We learned some early details on the system update that was delivered earlier this month including the ability to record 3D movies and updates for some of the built-in StreetPass games. Nintendo also announced some special edition, Mario-themed 3DS systems (pictured above) available in select quantities to those in Japan, as well as plans to release a 3D Classics version of Kid Icarus.

Next week's event promises to feature more than just 3DS news, but you probably shouldn't count on seeing anything new on Wii U -- with the company's CES presence only featuring what was seen at E3, Nintendo appears to be content with waiting to show what Wii U stuff it has been working on.

Source: Nintendo Everything


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